The lord is red again

Chapter 162 [Star Dragon City]

Mining is like a storm that suddenly swept through Linde's territory. The undead people rode their disaster horses to the Xingzi Mine with a disregard for death. They used their own money to find stores to buy various potions and mining tools. They swallowed all the hard work and devoted themselves to only one thing. For the development of the territory.

Several times, even Miss Brittany felt that Lind was going too far, so when many undead people quietly scolded "Lin dog", she pretended not to hear, and just raised the corners of her mouth slightly under the veil. .

It’s really a bitch!

Because of Linde's oppression, not only the undead had to work overtime, but he himself was also frantically making various spices. It seems that because Brittany successfully stopped the plague with spices last time, Lind saw the possibility in her.

The experience that day became the source of regret for Brittany on countless nights since then.

If I hadn't forced myself to stand up, maybe I could still be a carefree perfumer, making half a bottle of spices every day, and spending every day leisurely.

Instead of like now, there was an hourglass next to it, and the flowing sand was like ants eating at her heart. The sense of urgency urged Brittany to speed up the process of making medicine.

If the spices are not made within the stipulated time, Brittany will be cut off from the supply of potion materials and the food supply will also be suspended.

Her hometown is in the Kingdom of the Moon, which is rich in spices, but the food Brittany eats hasn't changed much. It's not that the taste is bad, but the cuisine in her hometown is very good at cooking delicate ingredients into a uniform paste.

Her recipes didn't change much after coming to the Rand Kingdom, until Lind brought Old Pete over, and until Old Pete showed off the tavern delicacies one by one.

It's so mushy that I really don't want to eat it.

Miss Brittany, who has always had no desires and desires, never thought that she would be caught in a weak point by Linde. Fortunately, she thought Miko looked pitiful before.

Now I am even more pitiful than Mi Ke. At least Linde treats Mi Ke as a treasure. What about me? Just a tool man.

Forest dog! Ahhhhh!

Let’s yell together.

While scolding, Miss Brittany really couldn't understand the inner thoughts of the undead.

The construction of the main city is the Lord's own business. It would be fine if you are just as loyal soldiers as Lance and Old Pete, but you are scolding me in different ways every day.

She had never seen anyone working so hard, not even a slave being whipped with a whip.

Finally, Brittany, who finished making the spices within the stipulated time, breathed a sigh of relief. Lind had given her plenty of time, but she was used to procrastinating.

When Miss Brittany dragged her tired body to Linde's dining table and looked at the exquisite delicacies on the table, her fatigue was instantly swept away.

Eat eat eat!

After eating, Brittany leaned on the chair and lazed. Snakes are such creatures. They stay motionless after eating.

"Start the construction of Star Dragon City immediately. While everyone is here, let me talk about the plan." Lind glanced at Brittany, who was dozing off with squinted eyes. The spices she made were very useful, but her personality was too lazy.

Linde was not an overly powerful lord. He did not want his oppressive subordinates to feel uncomfortable and cause them to leave. In addition, it was also related to the fact that he was not an indigenous person. The concept of superiority and inferiority rooted in the nobility's heart was purely for display here.

So he never asked Brittany for the Perfumer Path potion formula.

If we can train a group of perfumers and speed up the industrial process, we can definitely solve the current problem of scarcity of spices.

Let Brittany be the poster girl? The waiter's job was even more tiring, so it definitely wouldn't work. After much thought, I finally had no choice but to put aside the arrangements for Brittany.

If one day there is no food as a temptation, Brittany will definitely return to her previous state.

There was not only Lind at the dinner table, but also his nine soldiers, Miko, Brittany, Lance and others.

He took out a stack of papers.

Yes, a thick stack.

Expand it, each one is painted in great detail. The first one is a bird's-eye view of the new main city.

The second picture is a structural diagram.

The third picture is regional division.

The fourth picture is road planning.

The fifth, sixth, seventh...

Looking at the drawings that Linde took out, everyone present fell into a daze.

This doesn't include Brittany, who has been in a daze since she was full.

Purely hand-drawn PPT, from the Immortal.

There are many talented people who play games.

"The painting is really good." Lance couldn't help but sigh. The antlers on his head rose and fell as he nodded up and down, making old Pete sitting opposite feel full of pressure, fearing that he would be tipped.

"But sir, are you sure you really want to build it according to the drawings?" Lance picked up a drawing.


Linde has Eluna Momo under his command. As the earliest NPC who followed him, Eluna Momo has always had a very dedicated work attitude. Even if the undead people lift her skirt, she has not ruined her character. Therefore, Linde’s new master There must be a place for Eluna in the construction of the city.

He didn't have time to look at each PPT carefully. He was too busy arranging the construction of the main city.

A qualified main city can help him establish his status among the undead and ensure his status as an "official NPC".

At the same time, the existence of the main city also means that he completely controls the area north of the Snake Catcher Fortress, which is comparable to a powerful baron.

After taking the blueprint handed over by Lance, Lind tried to keep his face straight, but it was a little bit difficult to keep it straight.

Isn't this Notre Dame de Paris!

After a round of intensive screening, the construction of the new main city was finally put on the agenda.

And the undead who had just finished mining were also surprised to find that... As expected, the ore had nothing to do with the new main city.

The task of building the main city was waiting for them.

Build a house from scratch.

If it weren't for Lind's generous gift of enough points this time, the undead would definitely rather die than surrender, and would never work as cyber workers again.

Some undead speculated: "Could it be that Lin Gou is going to have a new skin again?"

Throughout the game, many undead who did not belong to the Rand Kingdom have also entered the main city. Their experience was not thrilling, nor was it that troublesome, and could even be called smooth sailing.

But from the time the game was launched to now, except for Lind's forces, all other forces have not released new skins or made any linkage.

"Stop talking, I'll buy it~"

What else can I do? Who can refuse skins and costumes that are linked to other magic works in the magic world? I have already pinched Harry Potter's face. If you don't let me wear a robe, I will be really uncomfortable.

They can only curse Lind for not being a human while working hard to earn points, just to get more new clothes.

The new main city, which is almost completely overthrown and rebuilt based on Leon City, is changing rapidly under the concerted efforts of more than 200 undead people.

Cement is poured to fill the city walls, and houses are rising from the ground every day.

The new main city is simply divided into five areas.

The inner city lord's living area, Lind's private residential area, and the hall renovated based on the old lord's hall in Leon City are absolutely unquestionable in terms of defense.

Even if the undead want to invade, they must push open the heavy door and come in from the front.

The military garrison area, where the army is stationed, more and more NPCs will be selected and trained and sent here. It is very important to cultivate your own army.

Undead people are still difficult to rely on.

The commercial area, including the blacksmith shop, potion shop, mission hall, tavern, tailor shop and other places, separates various functions through shops.

The production line is still laid in Prey Town to ensure a stable supply chain.

The granary is also slowly moving, but it is basically certain that it will not completely leave the west of the foothills of the Red Dragon.

The residential area is not the residence of NPCs. There are not many NPCs in the main city at present. It belongs to the undead area.

You can buy land by spending points, and then you can build houses with limited floor height after applying.

Lind is only responsible for providing convenience. After all, the residential area is still a bit too spacious. As long as the undead people's construction style is not too outrageous, he will not interfere.

After the construction was in full swing, Leon County was gone forever.

A brand new main city appeared in the area near the foothills of the Red Dragon.

[Star Dragon City Update Announcement]

[Update 1: From today, Star Dragon Outpost is officially upgraded to Star Dragon Territory, and the main city is located in Star Dragon City]

[Update 2: Star Dragon City is open to all undead, undead can freely trade and hand over tasks, but please abide by the rules and order of Star Dragon City]

[Update 3: Faction badges will be updated soon, undead can go to Star Dragon City to change, and receive points as compensation]

[Update 4: Tailor shop has new clothing]

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