The lord is red again

Chapter 17 This Novice Village is Different

Eluna's reaction was not like the first time she saw someone succeed. She was very familiar with the whole process and steps.

The old nun "Brother Blackfire" still had bulging eyes, trying to stare: "When others went crazy one by one, they successfully confused their brains and listened to the whispers. They stole the unclean holy grail of Black Flame. They are betrayers and sinners!"

Linde took the information into his mind, but didn't say anything. After all, he was just a general believer. If other sects gave eggs, he would definitely change his faith immediately.

What made him more concerned was that there was already a great knight half a year ago, and this was just a corner of the world. Maybe the broken magic ring was not as bad as imagined, and some people still controlled the power.

If they also discovered the abnormality of the players, they would definitely be interested in the power of the players.

You only need to kill to become stronger, and you won't die. It's simply the best tool man.

I have a competitor!

It's not good news.

Linde put away the book "Praise the Sun". Maybe this book is the biggest gain besides the potion for promotion to the Great Knight.

"We should leave Prey Town today. There is a group of devout knights waiting for your guidance."

"Of course!" Eluna Momo stuffed the rat back into her pocket, her face full of seriousness.


This time, Linde bought a lot of things, so he specially found a two-wheeled flatbed truck when he left.

The aging Eluna Momo naturally sat on the flatbed truck, pulled by two soldiers.

The price of a livestock is dozens of times more expensive than before the end of the broken ring. It is no longer affordable for small forces. Human power is the cheapest.

"Sir, we have to be careful, otherwise we may be targeted."


Linde nodded. Along the way, his left hand was always on the hilt of the sword, and his attention was also raised to the highest level.

Four people, an old nun, and a cart of supplies are simply telling others loudly that there are fat sheep here, come and rob them.

Linde, who has successfully been promoted to a great knight, is not afraid of the refugees. Those who are not afraid of death can come.

What he was worried about were those inhuman things. Although the possibility of encountering them during the day was not high, it did not mean that there were no such things.

Those who covet the moon and fear the sun are ultimately low-level disasters. No one can guarantee that there will be no higher-level monsters.

After walking for a long time, the expected attack did not appear.

"There are messy footprints here," Lind looked at the fresh footprints on the ground: "They should have been planning to ambush here or have other plans, but it seems that something happened that made them choose to escape. The scene is very chaotic."

He couldn't help but think of the huge horseshoe prints like elephant hooves. The lower body was a horse, and the upper body might not be something that would be distorted by truth or faith. Tentacles covered with suction cups? Tentacles covered with eyeballs? Or eyeballs covered with tentacles?

But no horseshoe prints have been found so far, only messy human footprints.

In short, no matter what happened, we can't take it lightly.

"My lord?" The four soldiers and Eluna Momo have seen different meanings in his solemn expression.

"Speed ​​up and hurry up!"

No matter what it is, we should leave as soon as possible.

After a day of non-stop travel, I finally saw the outline of the Star Dragon Outpost, like a beetle crawling on the horizon.

I'm finally home!

During this period, my favorite Baisi only released a video of building a house, and Linde only knew that everything was fine at the outpost.

"It's the adults who are back!" As soon as he approached the outpost, the soldiers on guard on the city wall shouted loudly.

The gate of the outpost was heavy and opened.

The soldiers came out spontaneously to help carry supplies, and they were full of energy and hope for future life.

These things are necessities of life!

Linde asked routinely: "Have those undead people caused any trouble recently?"

"No, they just built a house." The soldier shook his head.

Linde took a special look and found that a small shabby house mixed with wood and stone had been built within the scope of his planning. Although it was not beautiful, it was enough to shelter from the wind and rain.

According to the player's thinking, it is now the early stage of land reclamation, and it is impossible to have the leisure to stay here to build a house.

After the novelty wore off, players wanted to go out and explore, and do quests.

"Lord!" Favorite Baisi was the first to see Linde, and rushed over excitedly: "Are there any quests?"

After he howled, the other three players also came over.

"Yes, Lord, are there any quests? Any quest will do!"

"Are there any dragons or something!"

"Giants, undead, it's all fine!"

You are really "not picky".

Linde tried hard to maintain his expression. He suspected that if he continued to live like this, he might become a world-class actor before becoming a hegemon.

He changed into the solemn tone that NPCs must have when issuing quests: "Alas!"

There's a chance!

Seeing him sigh suddenly, the four players immediately became energetic.

Sure enough, Star Dragon Outpost was not an ordinary novice village, and the quests issued by this lord were also different.

During the two days and one night in the game, the four people did not really stay in the game without going out. They would quit the game to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. At that time, they would also communicate with other players. The game forum had already been filled with posts from players. Many players would browse the forum after quitting the game. After all, it is the only official chat area. It is not only convenient to watch, but also can add friends with one click, exchange data, etc. The videos made can also make money and cooperate with other video websites, so players really can't find a reason to give up the forum.

It's really easy to use.

It's just that the official seems to have disappeared completely. Except for an internal test announcement, there is nothing.

The 3,000 players of the internal test version 1.01 are not scattered. Especially after the first video of the favorite white silk exploded, many people began to form player groups.

Like the major mainstream player groups, the four people basically joined, just to get first-hand data and information.

About 1,300 people successfully found the novice village to get shelter.

Some of the remaining 1,700 people were transferred to the monster refresh point as soon as they were born, and they were directly "broken" and could not move.

Some were captured as prisoners and had no freedom.

Others appear in uninhabited areas, and don't know where to go, and get lost directly, without any game experience.

If it weren't for the ability to kill monsters and level up, and the freedom to exit, this world wouldn't really be like a game, as if it didn't care how hard it was for the players.

Besides, those players who successfully entered the Novice Village, unlike the four people who loved Baisi the most, the currency they came into contact with was not gold coins, and it could even be said that there were all kinds of different ones.

The inconsistency of currency made players complain, and the sunk cost was too high, so it would not be easy to change forces in the future.

Secondly, other Novice Villages generally have important roles such as "Board", "Blacksmith", "Pharmacist", and "Merchant".

Players can receive fixed daily tasks through the board role, buy and repair weapons and equipment through the blacksmith, buy red and blue medicine through the pharmacist, and finally buy or sell various materials through the merchant.

Looking at the Star Dragon Outpost again, the city wall is many times higher than the Novice Village. It is simply a fortress. There is no defense mission for those Novice Villages at all. What kind of enemies such as wanderers and mountain people can break the solid walls of the Star Dragon Outpost?

Although there is no poster girl here, there is a lord. However, the lord does not stay in one place for a long time like the poster girl. Recently, Linde's direct disappearance made them depressed for a while.

There is no blacksmith in the outpost, but there is a weapon store. When other novice villages are still selling cloth and fur clothes, this one is already selling heavy plate armor, and even a set of equipment. When the four people put out the things that can be bought, the other players in the group drooled, and they all shouted that they wanted to come to Star Dragon Outpost, but unfortunately they couldn't find the way and could only be jealous.

The remaining pity is probably that there are no pharmacists and merchants, and the functions always give people a sense of imperfection.

But in general, the four are very satisfied with Star Dragon Outpost as a novice village.

Some people have even analyzed that Star Dragon Outpost is not a regular novice village, but a hidden force, and it must have its own special plot.

This is also the reason why the four people are patient enough to stay here.

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