The lord is red again

Chapter 185: Too considerate, no one buys it

In order to get enough items from the prize pool, Linde made multiple preparations.

The first one must be the items that can be drawn from the prize pool, with a variety of types and a large number.

Such as the various traps made by the dragon skin armorer Bard, the spices of Miss Brittany, the various recovery potions made by Miss Miko, the secret pattern weapons made by the secret pattern messenger Milanm, and the magic fireworks of Domei.

In addition, there are various decorations.

If there were only these things, Linde could foresee that there would be a large group of people on the forum who would curse and kill him for the equipment.

The former title of "De Ge'er" is gone, and now only "Lin Dog" is left.

This is the second hand preparation, that is, a batch of decorations and weapons that cannot be obtained by other means except lottery, and they must be guaranteed to be very rare.

Especially weapons, Linde has the "Twin Emblem", and the secret pattern weapons he made cannot be reproduced and are extremely rare!

One weapon or equipment, bound to two skills.

This will also become the largest reward in the prize pool.

"Why?" Miram held the bow in his hand, expressing his confusion.

This bow was well-made, and it seemed to have used the skeleton of some mutant beasts. In addition, when manufacturing it, Linde deliberately asked blacksmiths such as Bard to retain some rough and primitive styles, making the bow look more bloody.

In terms of weapon style, Miram had nothing to say, but she really didn't understand why the barrier pattern on [Molina's Staff] was injected into this bow.

When fighting, you pulled the bow and opened a barrier?

Why not inject it directly into the staff, or simply inject it into the shield.

"Isn't this also available?" Linde pointed to a pile of weapons and equipment in front of Miram, which included not only hats, but also shields, boots, cloaks and greatswords.

They will all be used to inject the barrier pattern.

The premise of using the barrier pattern is to hold the weapon in your hand and inject power, so the most suitable one must be a shield.

"But why?" Miram still didn't understand.

"Don't understand?" Lind picked up a shield and checked it. It was a shield made of earth dragon skin. The tanned dragon skin was wrapped on a medium-sized shield. Bard must have spent a lot of time making this shield. The lion in the center of the shield was the family emblem of the Alman family.

The angry lion roared.

This shield has the strong fire resistance of the earth dragon, the gold and gorgeousness unique to the Rand nobles, and it also has the barrier secret pattern. Not to mention that it is very attractive to the undead, even Lind himself does not have such a good shield.

Of course, his fighting style is not suitable for using a shield.

It's right to ignite and rush forward. Instead of worrying about the defense of the shield, it's better to ignite the fire and let the body heal quickly.

Miram nodded. She really didn't understand what Lind was thinking. Lind seemed to want to hand over the weapon to the undead on the one hand, but didn't want to on the other hand.

Tried to understand, but couldn't understand.

"We can't let them get what they want right away, we have to let them brush it," Lind said, "If it's too considerate, no one will buy it."

"Huh?" Miram was puzzled, she didn't understand at all.

Only when they can't draw what they want, the undead will keep drawing. Lind couldn't control the official website and couldn't really open the krypton gold, so he had to hook the undead and make them want to spend all the time.

It must be hard to make secret pattern weapons, but when he thought about an undead who would get the boots with barrier secret pattern and the frustrated expression when he had to hold the boots in his hands every time he fought, he felt that it was all worth it.

When all the upper positions were mobilized to make the props needed for the lottery pool, Lind was also making them. The twin emblems were used for two purposes, not only did he make them faster, but the superposition of the two secret patterns made the weapon effect a little beyond his own expectations.

The simplest way to use it is to directly inject the secret pattern of the scavenging princess into the same weapon one after another, and two small scavenging princesses will pop out with a wave of the hand.

Or a double barrier.

He even tried to make a secret pattern with the gold seal. Although it only emitted green light, the secret pattern of the gold seal was the most complicated among all weapons.

And the effect of the production was not very good, which was considered a failed work.

But after trying several times, Lind found that the speed of injecting the secret pattern of the gold seal with distraction suddenly increased. It seemed that the "twin seal" made him suddenly lucky once in the production of the secret pattern of the gold seal, and he had a very high understanding of this secret pattern.

His understanding was to delete!

Keep deleting, and delete again, delete all the parts that can input various data for integration and calculation, and delete the input function.

Lind picked up a flying knife casually, and injected the secret pattern of the gold seal that he made after extreme simplification into the flying knife. In the blink of an eye, the injection was completed.

Although it seems useless, the fast production speed should be one of the few advantages.

He held the flying knife in his right hand, pressed the tip of the flying knife with his left index finger and gently applied force, and the flying knife began to bend until it "clicked" and broke.

Sure enough, weapons injected with secret patterns and real blessed weapons are two different things, and the degree of durability is also far behind.

Lind picked up another flying knife and tried to inject the secret pattern of the golden seal again.

It cannot be input, but there are pre-stored texts in it, which are divided into two main parts.

The text in the first part includes directional words such as front, back, left, right, up, down, etc.

The second part includes various actions and nouns, such as: jump, cave, dog, scavenger, two-headed man, fierce battle, magnificent view, etc.

It was Linde's sudden idea to make this knife with the secret pattern of the golden seal.

It is fast to make, low cost, disposable, and the undead will not be angry after getting it.

And it is very similar to electronic bullet screen. It is very interesting to leave information for later generations, and of course, you can also leave wrong information.

The name of the prop is: Advice Knife.


Recently, a large number of undead have gathered in the square.

A small number of undead stay away from the Banshee Fantasy, and a small number of undead have to accept various tasks because of lack of points. Most of the rest are immersed in the Banshee Fantasy, standing in front of the pool one by one, standing in three layers inside and outside.

Linde did not do well in user experience. For this reason, he is preparing to let Duomei develop a mobile mechanical battery extraction magic circle, so that the undead can sell physical strength while playing in the Banshee Fantasy, killing two birds with one stone, and it will not be wasted even if they die.


The Moon-Slashing Blade opened its eyes.

"Didn't explode?" The undead passing by saw that the Moon-Slashing Blade actually woke up and couldn't help shouting.

I saw too many people lining up to come over. The ones in front turned to ashes, and the ones behind continued to move forward.

I only saw people going in, but never saw them coming out.

The Moon Blade, who was walking out against the crowd, attracted the attention of others in an instant.

Facing the curious eyes of the crowd, the Moon Blade said calmly and calmly: "I cleared the game!"

"Cleared the game?!"


"Is it true!"

"Brother, what's on the top of the mountain!"

"Are there any rewards?"

There were all kinds of questions. Although the Banshee Dream has not been open for a long time, as long as the Star Dragon City is online, no one will miss it to try it once.

Most people commented that it is fun. The joy of picking up equipment crazily and the pain of having to throw away equipment will make people addicted. It is exciting to build a series of fancy operations by self-assembling. Stacking the values ​​and shaking the magic wand to smash out a terrifying fireball, the overwhelming meteor shower also makes people's adrenaline soar.

You can experience the gameplay of the later stage of the game in the early stage, it's worth it!

But no matter who it was, no one could climb up the mountain, let alone kill it.

"A corpse dragon" said to the Moon Blade: "It gave me two choices, a decisive battle and then kill it, or leave."

"Which one did you choose?"

"Is there any need to ask? It must be slipping away."

The crowd was agitated, and then they all looked at the Moon Blade, eagerly waiting for his answer.

"I killed it!" The smile on the Moon Blade's face became brighter and brighter: "I got a very powerful weapon, a bit super model, I can stack up the number of layers by attacking and killing the enemy continuously, and finally I stacked more than 18,000 layers."

He gestured excitedly, and the surroundings were immediately cleared.

"Then, use a few slashes to kill the corpse dragon in seconds."

"How many slashes?"

"Killed it in seconds!?"

"Super model" Zan Yue Dao nodded: "And there is no limit on weapons. I found that the weapons in Banshee's Dream are very strong and there are no restrictions. If they are put in the game, it will be a bit unbalanced, but it seems very cool in the pigeon dungeon."

"Brother, what is the name of the weapon you are talking about?" Someone has already decided to brush this weapon himself, not for anything else, just for fun.

"It seems to be called [Magic Ring Molten Straight Sword]"

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