The lord is red again

Chapter 191 Archbishop Kazhan's Choir (1W)

The surviving undead looked at the figure walking towards them in the heavy rain with heavy steps. His body was burning with dazzling flames, and the black clouds torn by forked lightning above his head were pouring out heavy rain crazily, making his figure looming.

The body was completely "offline". The undead in Kazhan Town had no idea what happened. It was just that Linde's sudden appearance in front of them made their already disadvantageous situation even uglier.

Compared with these, the most attractive thing was probably the red name.

[Star Dragon City Lord·Old Noble·Linde·Arman, Level 22]

The title has changed significantly, but the level has not increased.

After Linde's first red name, the undead in Holy Water Town immediately uploaded Linde's related video materials to the Internet, and many people tried to analyze Linde's combat effectiveness.

According to their research, every time Lind appears on the stage, his strength will be upgraded. He had to do his best to deal with the scavenger princess and the two-headed man at the beginning, and then he had to do his best to fight against Lord Serin on horseback, and then he had to do his best to fight against Leon.

He has been doing his best and has been able to keep up with the pace every time, so he is also called the official son.

How could there be a novice village chief who would not be eliminated? Just look at other novice village chiefs. When they first met, they were full of oppression, but only a month or two had passed, and many undead people could kill the village chiefs by themselves.

And this time, Lind's level did not increase. It seems that he has not increased his level for a long time, but... he seems to have increased again.

Two health bars!

[Life: 5500/5500]

[Life: 100/100]

The second health bar is a bit like a joke, with only a pitiful 100 health points. Not to mention the main city lord, it is also much worse than the general disaster.

But when Lind launched his charge, the ground was shaking violently, and his heavy but unignorable running made every undead present feel nervous.


Getting closer!

With the corpses completely out of control, the undead in Kazhan Town, who could only become necromancers, seemed to have no other means except to actively fight back with their bodies.

The first undead met Lind.

The greatsword that was still burning in the rain swept across, and the body of the first undead was instantly cut apart by the compressed high-temperature sword blade.

Bang, the corpse turned into ashes, but this time it didn't have time to bloom, and was broken up by the rain, turned into mud and was trampled underfoot.

Lind was still the terrifying combat unit that the undead could not resist the second move.

The smart undead necromancer had already begun to choose to escape.

And those completely uncontrollable corpses took the initiative to move forward, dragging their dilapidated bodies. Some corpses stood up too hastily, and there were too many shriveled and rotten corpses around, which made them a little anxious when assembling their bodies.

Both arms are right hands, which is nothing. Some corpses have two legs replaced by two arms and can only crawl on the ground.

"Go!" The necromancer shouted. Although he didn't know what bug was wrong, it was a good thing as long as the corpses could attack automatically.

With the sea of ​​corpses tactics, Linde could definitely be forced to death.

But Linde didn't pay any attention to it. Whether it was the undead who turned around and fled or the dead bodies who came to him on their own initiative, he pulled the broken sword with a burning flaming flag in his hand and crushed all the enemies blocking in front of him with the weapon.

The rumbling thunder covered the sound of the weapon smashing the head and bones. Linde completely turned into a sharp spear that no one could resist. As the corpses in the front row collapsed after the collision, the formation that failed to deploy quickly entered a state of collapse.

Three or five shields were placed in front of Linde. The lines on the metal could no longer see where they came from or which force they belonged to.

When Lind's flames chased the broken sword and fell, the flames and the broken corpses exploded together. Those antiques from unknown eras were completely turned into broken shield fragments, thrown into the air, and then fell with the heavy rain.

Lind's offensive pace gradually slowed down. These corpses were just an astonishing number and were not afraid of death and pain.

But without the control of the undead, the corpses moved sluggishly and could no longer perform the tricks that shocked Lind. He chose to face them head-on without much pressure.

But it was not only the corpse tide in front of him that entangled his steps and made it difficult to move forward.

The curse from the back of the battlefield was the key to suppressing Lind's strength. His body was like carrying a huge and heavy stone, and his steps became staggering.

His strength was being drained by the curse, and his speed was also dragged down by the corpse tide that surrounded him tightly in front of him.

The rain slammed on the corpse, soaking the tattered clothes and armor on the corpse, sticking to the surface of the corpse, and then drilling into the brain through the rotten eye sockets and accumulating in the empty chest cavity.

Hundreds of weapons of different lengths were raised high under the lightning, reflecting the dazzling white light, as if they had caught the thunder in the sky and were preparing to judge Lind.

Lind just waved his sword forward, the battle was still going on, and he kept moving forward at a steady speed. Every step he took was accompanied by the broken corpse lying down.

The undead looked at the figure whose flames were gradually extinguished in the blurry rain, whether they were enemies or friends, they all stood still.

The figure moving forward steadily and stubbornly, facing the storm and the tide of corpses, his sword and armor also began to entangle broken limbs from the initial golden light, and he was trapped in the fatigue of the hard battle.

"Kill!" There was a roar.

"For the lord!"

Lance and others could not watch the lord go forward alone after all. As soldiers, they knew that protecting the lord they were loyal to should be the first priority.

Even if the city was breached, the lord could not be in trouble.

So, the undead people in Kazhan Town, who had been killed and lost their armor, looked at the red names that lit up one after another and swallowed their saliva.

If it weren't for you, buddies, if you had said you were so awesome earlier, we wouldn't have come.

"Isn't that Lord Serin?" Someone noticed Lord Serin, whose complexion had recovered, but unlike when he was riding a ground dragon, Lord Serin was wearing a hat at this time, as if he wanted to stick the hat completely to his head, which was very inconsistent with his overall dressing style.

But the appearance doesn't lie, the name doesn't lie, and the fighting style of swinging the iron chain doesn't lie.

Sure enough, the lord took the former BOSS again.

The undead who had fought with Lord Serin before knew very well what level of BOSS Lord Serin was. In short, one person could fight dozens of level 11 undead.

In addition, Domei and Lance were both player killers who had appeared in the game!

It's really embarrassing to join this team without dozens of undead lives in hand.

The movement of them forcing into the battlefield attracted Linde's attention, and it did help Linde attract firepower to a certain extent, but compared with these, what he cared about most was Star Dragon City.

Star Dragon City must not be breached, and his family assets are all in it.

The black iron hook brushed Linde's face, and the curved hook blade wrapped in corpse poison broke through the epidermis of his cheek and implanted the toxin. Linde could see that the corpse that attacked was completely different from the other swaying ones. It was wrapped in black armor and heavy armor, and was an absolute elite among the corpses.

Lind raised his sword, and the palm-wide blade in his hand was as light as a rapier piercing with a gust of wind. He always had the strange power to repel the enemy with one blow, so this time was no exception. The seemingly difficult black-armored corpse was swept by the sword, and the heads of more than a dozen corpses beside it were cut off by the sword.

The broken end of the flying shriveled head was only carbonized and charred, and then the pungent stench of heated rotten meat burst out when the rain poured on it.

No matter how agile you are, you can't avoid all attacks when you are besieged. Lind's back and shoulders were hit hard one after another. The madly twisted and whipped blade tried to break the protection of the golden plate armor, but it was in vain again and again.

Occasionally, after being damaged and hurting Lind's body, you will find that white water vapor evaporates from Lind's exposed skin, and the wound heals quickly.

Lind successfully killed through the corpse tide.

The corpses around him were still rushing towards him, but Lind's attention was not on them at all. He looked around quickly.

The rain curtain tried to help cover the other party's whereabouts. The raindrops that fell continuously like broken beads were too dense, and some of them tried to cover his eyes.

Lind's eyes gradually turned red, and his pupils were hot. Only if he could absolutely control his own power could he use this method to enhance his tiny vision.

The other party was also good at some magic that could hide his body, or had some strange weapons and props.

The curse imposed on him became heavier and heavier, and he felt that his sanity was being deprived, which was more terrifying than the power being taken away.

It was common sense that the old nobles would go crazy. Lind could accept his defeat, but he must not go crazy.

Once he lost his identity as the "last rational noble", he would be just a boss that could be pushed at any time to the undead, and even to the NPCs in Star Dragon City and Prey Town, he could betray him without any reason.

The crazy old nobles should bear all the betrayals, just like the unspoken rules of this world.

Even Lance, who always wanted to return to Goliath, always thought so.

The forked lightning flashed again and passed by Lind's scalp, dyeing his golden plate armor into a dazzling silver, and at the same time allowing Lind to successfully see the outline of the erratic figure hidden in the rain in the distance.

Got you!

Lind grabbed the [Banshee Horn] at his waist, fixed his eyes on the outline, and blew the horn.

"Woo woo hum--!"

The sound was not clear. The rain and storm buried a lot of sounds, and the small part left was transmitted to the ears of the undead, but they were not the target, so there was no reaction.

And with the entry of Lance and others, a new round of massacre has begun. They may not be as good as Lind in combat power, but they have sufficient experience in cleaning up the undead with varying strengths.

Linde's sight was still fixed on the blurred outline in the rain. As the horn was blown, the figure suddenly staggered and fell into the rain.

It was a man with a vicissitudes of life, with dense ravines occupying his entire face. The loose skin was like a human face candle that was about to melt.

He was wearing a religious bishop's floor-length robe. In accordance with the noble status of the bishop as the spokesperson of the gods, the robe was luxurious.

The dress reminded Linde of the archbishop he had seen in Goliath, but the difference between the two was very large, probably because there was no winged Song White Knight of the Everfrost Land by his side.

Clinging on the other party's gorgeous and exquisite robes are twisted human bone decorations like vines. The bones that have not been shaved clean are attached to the robes and are trying to wriggle.

The other party obviously didn't expect Lind to be able to catch him. There was a look of surprise on his face, and his eyes looking at Lind were full of disgust.

The eyes looking at the [Banshee Horn] in Lind's hand were full of fear.

Curse, Lind was not sure about the specific function of the horn before, but now he can be sure of the function of the [Banshee Horn], which can cut the enemy's strength in half.

If the man in front of him is really Archbishop Milburn of Kazhan, if he is really a hero above level 31, then he is really weak now.

At the moment when Lind successfully caught and cursed the other party, the curses imposed on Lind were also taken away by half.

He quickly walked towards Archbishop Kazhan.

The first time the other party's figure appeared, Lind already knew why the current situation would eventually occur.

Archbishop Kazhan is also using the undead!

Lind may be the first to know how to use the undead, but he will definitely not be the last. Just like Leon, as the lord of the main city, used the undead to cultivate the undead, and later Dome and Morena simply used the undead as batteries. They are all developing and utilizing this kind of chaotic and difficult to control but useful guinea pig.

Especially Archbishop Kazhan, he didn't know what method he used to make the undead choose to conceal their whereabouts and actively attack Star Dragon City, but it is certain that the undead didn't know about this, otherwise they wouldn't be surprised after the corpse went out of control, and they wouldn't shout about bugs.

Maybe it won't take too long for more NPCs or BOSSes to realize how useful the undead are.

There are many competitors.

Tick, blood overflowed from the nose.

Lind heard his heartbeat speeding up, the four emblems on his chest became restless, and his internal organs seemed to be twisted by something.

He increased his speed, and the flames sprayed from behind pushed Lind to hit Archbishop Kazhan.

Close, then pierce the opponent's chest with a sword, then Lind poured his power into the broken sword, and the scavenging princess, who was about to burst, tore the opponent's body.

Its body was as big as an elephant, bent over, but with the rain, the body that was forcibly expanded by the power was leaking quickly.

The scavenging princess carefully pinched Archbishop Kazhan's head with her thick claws, so that he could look at Lind before he died.

The "Praise" head opened its mouth and then did not move.

Something was wrong.

Lind pulled the broken sword and retreated quickly. He suddenly found that there were blurred figures in the rain around him. They were just like Archbishop Kazhan who was killed by Lind just now.

Maybe the opponent was not Archbishop Kazhan at all, but just... a member of the choir?

He remembered that Duomei once said that the most difficult and terrifying thing about Archbishop Kazhan was the choir of 133 people.

The difficulty was so great that even the epic-level Leon chose to ignore it.

When the blurred figure gradually became clear, Lind found that he was surrounded by more than a hundred figures dressed in the same way as the "Archbishop" who was killed before.

There were men, women, old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, and the same thing was staring at Lind with disgust.

"I thought I caught you, but it turned out that you caught me."

Lind couldn't help grinning, and the distortion in his body just now recovered again. It seemed that it was not because he killed Archbishop Kazhan in exchange for the disappearance of the curse, but the other party deliberately used bait to lure him into the trap.

Now Lind was surrounded by a whole choir and cursed, and he was dead.

The curse broke out, and his ears burst into buzzing, and blood overflowed.

Domei and others in the distance also noticed this scene.

"Milben is here!" Domei cried in his heart. He absolutely didn't want to have anything to do with that madman, but he couldn't ignore it, because he knew very well that Milben didn't need living people as companions at all. That madman only needed corpses!

Serin and Milan obviously recognized Archbishop Kazhan's choir, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Only Lance rushed over there without hesitation after discovering that Lind was in trouble.

"We are not in a strong position in numbers either." Domei found that Serin and the other two seemed to be a little tempted and tried to dissuade them.

If he rushed forward and fought desperately, he would have to face Milburn, but if he didn't fight desperately... Milburn would not let him go.

But this is not a dead end. As long as he turned around and ran away now, Milburn would probably not catch up with him.

"Alas!" Domei stamped his feet.

Now there is a Star Dragon City to support his research, and there are undead people to help with various tasks, and all his research needs can be met.

Star Dragon City is the place he has always dreamed of.

It would be a pity to run away like this.

And... when he saw those undead people also screaming and rushing forward, and even looking at him, Domei suddenly had a very strange feeling.

Maybe this time he could try not to be a fence-sitter so quickly?

Domei bent down and picked up a two-handed sword.

"Oh!" The undeads who were resurrected one after another saw this scene, and for some reason they followed Domei and cheered.

They should have cheered for the lord, Lance, or even Serin who had chosen to attack, but they had to cheer for themselves?

Just because they picked up the two-handed sword?

"A bunch of lunatics!" Domei grinned, and this feeling didn't seem bad.

The tide of corpses was finally cleared with the resurrection of the undead blockbusters.

The road ahead is strewn with corpses.

But the thunder has disappeared, the rain has become lighter, and it is so dark that it is difficult to see anything.

"Illumination!" Domei raised his two-handed sword high.

The sudden bloom of light made Domei seem to have truly transformed into a white-robed swordsman at this moment, leading the undead people towards the choir.

Then the curse of the choir swept over.

Domei's heart trembled.

No, it's better to surrender. He is a dignified "book thief" and has no concept of being embarrassed. Everything is focused on saving his own life.

If he didn't fight hard at the critical moment, would the Lord blame himself if he really survived?

With various thoughts, Domei unknowingly ran in front of Lance, Seren and others, raised his sword in both hands in their stunned eyes, and struck a person in the choir with a heavy sword.

"Domei?" Serin's disbelieving voice came.

No, aren't you a wizard? Why did you go up there carrying a two-handed sword?

We knights are all thinking about how to rescue the lord. Isn't it a bit too casual for you to go straight up like this?

You want to save people, not die!

Domei was also confused. She just wanted to follow the team and yell, slash a sword or two and make gestures. The important thing was to participate. Why did it suddenly become her main attack?

The two-handed sword failed to cause any damage, and even for a high-ranking wizard, Domei's strength was not necessarily great.

But Domei, who used the lighting technique, was like a human-shaped lighthouse. He successfully helped everyone present to illuminate the choir, allowing everyone to see the strange people in singing robes surrounding the Lord.

Lind's body was twitching, and the curse was quickly clearing his life. If any undead from hostile forces looked at Lind, they would definitely find that Lind's health bar was being cleared quickly, but the flames were quickly burning in his body, mixed with The blood penetrated into his heart and quickly restored his blood flow.

It was painful, but it barely slowed down the speed of the curse.

Maybe he can last another ten seconds before being cursed to death?

Linde could no longer hear sounds in his ears. He was probably deafened by the curse when he was killed just now.

The lighting technique that suddenly bloomed in front of him made Linde a little stunned, and it was Domei who rushed over, which made him even more surprised.

However, it was of no use.

Even if Domei throws a fireball, the effect will be better than what it is now.

Lind's eyes quickly searched among the choir members. The twins allowed him to distract him, and now he was indeed controlling the power to flow through his body and burn himself to heal, while searching with all his concentration.

Black robe, black robe, still black robe, there is no difference except appearance.

Unable to hear his own heartbeat, Lind had completely fallen into a silent world. He raised the [Banshee Horn] and suddenly looked at a middle-aged man singing in the choir.

The moment the curse was blown, most of the body's strength was drained from the body of the target targeted by Linde. Its state changed visibly to the naked eye, and its aura became very weak.

Linde also noticed that the curse on himself had slowed down slightly. Without absolute control, Linde would not have been able to see this impact and change.

Which one is Milburn?

He only has about twenty chances, but the opponent has more than a hundred people. No matter how he guesses, he is destined to fail.

He turned his head and found that Lance and the others were shouting something to him. Even Domei, who was holding a two-handed sword, opened his mouth and shouted.

"Here we come!"

Maybe this is what it means?

Ah, yes, I have more than twenty chances.

There are dozens of great knights belonging to Star Dragon City, and hundreds of undead people who have been resurrected and rushed out.

There are more people on my side now.

Linde felt the blood in his body surge. He had always regarded the people in the territory as tools and private property.

In his eyes, Mi Ke and other saleswomen can make all kinds of magic potions and are not suitable for fighting.

Duomei, a good scientific researcher, is not suitable for fighting.

Serin, the only high-ranking lost-soul knight besides Linde, can tame a large number of disasters and can help manage the mount system created by Star Dragon City, but is not suitable for combat.

Milam is also the only high-level secret pattern user besides Linde. He can rub all kinds of equipment with his hands, but he is also not suitable for fighting.

Lance, as a marksman, most of the time Lind hoped that he could protect the city wall and preserve his private property in Star Dragon City, so he handed over the rear area to him and did not want him to fight.

Not to mention the fourth-hand Bard who was far behind the main line, Linde never thought of letting him participate in the battle.

Under this situation, Lind subconsciously participated in almost every battle because he regarded every population and every NPC as his own private property.

If it is accidentally damaged in battle, it will be a huge loss.

But at this moment, Linde suddenly felt relieved.

You can't survive to the end just by yourself.

He shouted words he couldn't hear: "Fight for me!"

The [Banshee Horn] was blown quickly, and each choir member was cursed. Comparing the two curses, it was obvious that the Banshee Horn was more powerful.

Forcibly cursing, forcibly suppressing the target's strength, one by one the targets who were cursed lost their abilities, and the curse on Linde was also rapidly slowing down.

All opportunities have been exhausted, but Archbishop Kachan has still not been found.

The curse on Linde still exists.

But he doesn't seem to be in such a hurry to participate in the next battle of losing and dying?

Lance, Domei, Celine and others rushed towards the choir.

The undead had experienced a death and had no potion to help them advance. The strength they could exert in this battle was limited, but the effect of sharing the curse with their bodies was still there.

The choir was getting more and more chaotic, and they were the ones who were really surrounded.

Linde also regrouped and rushed towards the target closest to him. He slammed the opponent to the ground with a sword, then stepped forward and twisted his body, swinging the broken sword horizontally to force back the slowly gathering behind him.

"Domei, fire!"

"Ah?" Domei was stunned, but he reacted quickly.

Linde's ability is not a secret in Star Dragon City, especially that he can absorb power in the flames and heal himself through the flames.

Every wizard who masters the power of fire will know this. When Linde and the undead fought Leon in the city lord's hall, they used the absorption of flames to force a battle with him.

That battle became a classic battle story in the mouth of the dwarf Ludo.

Unfortunately, this place is too far from the battery magic circle of Star Dragon City, otherwise, they might be able to gain a greater advantage by sacrificing some lifespan.

The flame condensed in Duomei's palm. This was the first time that a high-level wizard released a fireball, which was larger and more powerful.

The flame that exploded on Lind provided him with some strength.

The Furnace Badge absorbed the flame frantically and sucked it all into Lind's body.

"Serving the Furnace" is one of the abilities of the Fire Knight. It replaces one's heartbeat with flame. From now on, as long as one stands on the flame, one can absorb strength. Similarly, after losing the flame, one will die.

After Lind took the Furnace Domination Pathway potion for the first time, he had synchronized his heartbeat with the flame, and he has been serving the furnace.

Because of the existence of the Great Knight Flame of the Sun's Proof, Lind does not need to worry about his flame going out. As long as the heart is still beating, there will always be flames if he squeezes them.

In addition, the talent brought by the furnace emblem made him completely immune to the damage caused by fire. For example, the fire knights under Serin before could draw strength from the same heartbeat as the flame, but they could not resist the damage caused by the flame, so they often carried a furnace and moved around, and their skin was burned red by the furnace.

Linde did not have this problem at all. Under multiple superpositions, the flame could not only strengthen his strength, but also heal him. When his strength was exhausted, he could also use external flames to strengthen himself.

The only problem was probably pain.

Flames burn flesh and blood. Even if there is absolute power control and flame immunity to ensure that he will not be injured, the pain will not be reduced if there is flame flowing in the fragile blood vessels.

Domei's chanting speed is very fast. Fireballs are his forte. Even when he used the undead battery to forcibly increase his strength to the epic level, he still used fireballs.

The flames that continuously bombarded Linde's back shook his body.

Linde, who had extinguished the flame for a long time, was finally ignited again.

It was like a torch in the dark night, swaying for a while before bursting out again.

Lind had gotten used to the pain.

What he didn't expect was that Domei's flame was so hot, much hotter than his own Sun's Proof flame, more painful, but more effective.

The recovery and enhancement of strength were somewhat beyond expectations.

"I must find something that can light a fire to carry with me in the future." Lind found that he was extremely calm at the moment. Compared with the life-and-death struggle, he actually had the mind to focus his thoughts on the ruins and waters west of the ancient battlefield.

The melee in front was getting more and more chaotic, and almost every choir member was entangled by one or more people.

Like undead people, they were too weak, like porcelain dolls, they were broken at the touch of a cursed gaze, but they also provided great help, using their lives to help Lind eliminate the target.

After the fierce battle, a figure was finally exposed.

There was nothing strange about his appearance, but when the attention of all the choir members around him was drawn away, only he was still looking at Lind, and the curse effect on Lind had not disappeared, he could be sure that the other party was Archbishop Kazhan, the necromancer Milburn.

Lind did not have enough strength to rush up and fight again.

The undead were not even cannon fodder, and Lance and Dome and others were probably not enough.

However, he still had a trick to die together.

Suddenly the flame disappeared, and Lind's whole body went from constantly bursting with high temperature to ice cold.

"Worship the Furnace", one of the abilities of the Fire Knight, uses extinguishing his own flame as a trigger to send the anger of the furnace to the enemy and ignite the enemy.

His blood volume suddenly shrank to only [1/5500], and his first heartbeat was almost inaudible.

The flame condensed by sacrificing everything turned into a tiny spark as Lind raised his hand and pointed at Milburn.

The spark exploded in Archbishop Kazhan's heart.

The pillar of fire almost connected the black clouds above and the sea of ​​corpses on the ground, and the high temperature drove everyone away.

In the field of vision, there was nothing else except the pillar of fire that was thick enough for two people to hug.

It seems that the health bar of Archbishop Kazhan is not more than 4999.

Wizards are really fragile.

Lind sat on the ground without caring about his image and breathed heavily.

Behind him were his seriously injured subordinates, some of whom fell completely and some were disabled.

This is the first time Linde has suffered such huge damage since he became the lord of the Novice Village.

But he noticed that the eyes of everyone present were twinkling.

It turns out that the sense of glory and joy of victory in a deadly battle is far more important than waiting quietly in the city wall for the war to end.

There are no undead this time, because the undead have been easily wiped out in previous battles, and their strength is too weak to survive this war.

Linde took a deep breath. He was already deaf. Of course, this was not a big problem. A specially made potion would be able to solve it when he returned.

It's just that I can't hear him clearly when he speaks now.

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Next time, you rush in front of me!"

Lance and others grinned: "Yes, sir!"

Only Duomei was holding the sword with both hands and panting heavily, thinking to herself: "Still rushing ahead?"

"Lord Domei, you are so brave this time!" A soldier has already found Domei: "But as a wizard, can you give us the chance to charge into battle next time?"

Although they achieved victory this time, the biggest credit for charging forward was taken away by a wizard carrying a two-handed sword. Speaking of which, it really made all the knights present feel aggrieved.

Doesn’t this show that we are incompetent?

Domei smiled sarcastically: "Ahem, sure, next time!"

You can ignore it when you don't have honor, but just because you have never been respected by others, now you suddenly gain the respect of knights and undead people, Domei feels a little bit excited.

No wonder heroes always appear in historical records, and there are always people who would rather die than become heroes. Although Domei cannot understand the idiotic thoughts of those heroes, he at least understands the feeling of heroes being respected.

It's a little cool.

But Domei quickly realized that she, a capricious book thief, had become a hero. If there was a war next, would she rush forward with a two-handed sword, or should she hide behind and pretend not to know.

What can we do?

"Of course we want a big reward!" Linde shouted loudly: "We also want a lot of publicity!"

Mi Ke, who was checking Lind's ears and preparing to prepare medicine for him, couldn't help but shrink to the side: "Keep your voice down!"

As soon as she got close to Linde, she was startled by his roar.

"Hehe!" Linde smiled and closed his mouth. He didn't hear it, but judging from Miko's reaction, he knew she was startled.

My ears are still deaf, so I must listen to the pharmacist.

Mi Ke prepared the potion very quickly. When a small bottle of potion was poured into Lind's mouth, his ears slowly itched. He could feel a force pouring into his ears and quickly repaired a certain part. .

Linde subconsciously remembered that feeling. With his body under absolute control, if he becomes deaf again next time, Linde has strong confidence that he can directly use the power of his body to repair himself in the shortest possible time.

At first I was a little uncomfortable hearing the sound.

The surrounding business was very clear, especially the sound of my own heartbeat and swallowing, which became very harsh and my ears became very vivid. Fortunately, this state did not last long.

"Puff——!" Flames came out of Linde's ears.

"What are you doing?" Mi Ke was startled by him. She didn't remember that the potion she prepared could make people's ears spit fire.

Lind pointed to the tip of his nose: "I tried to use flames to speed up the healing, otherwise the sound would sound a bit noisy. Well, it's okay now."

Mi Ke didn't say anything. He already knew that his character was like this. Any more words would be a waste of time.

However, she still mentioned the strange thing that happened to Morena in the Lord's Hall.

Next is government affairs processing.

In this battle, many great knights were killed and injured in Star Dragon City.

"All the bodies must be cremated!"

Lind expressed his attitude: "We must not let the necromancer or disaster trample their corpses."

"Yes!" Lance nodded, this was what he thought.

There is no chance of being laid to rest, but being able to be cremated and laid to rest after death instead of being dug out of the grave is a good ending.

"The rewards I mentioned before, all soldiers participating in this battle must be rewarded, especially Domei!"

Lind thought of Domei, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

He could guess what Domei was thinking at that time. How could Domei, who was just a wallflower, be so desperate? However, Domei was indeed a talent, and Linde was reluctant to let him go.

Well now, Dome accidentally became the key point in this battle. It was he who led everyone to charge, and it was he who took the initiative to attack with his sword. Now that the hero's identity has been established, don't blame Linde for putting Dome on the fire.

Many people will do whatever they want when they are unknown, but after they have the identity of a hero, they will subconsciously pay attention to their image.

Linde won't lose anything by establishing a heroic image for Dome, but it may change Dome's habit of being a wallflower.

People who are accustomed to being heroes will not let go of their former honor so easily.

Especially when a group of people led by the dwarf Ludo sang Domei's name in taverns, blacksmith shops, textile factories and other places, Linde did not believe that he was not confused.

"Also, immediately send a team of people to Kazhan Town to take over Kazhan Town! Then take over all the undead people there."

This time Linde did not plan to send the undead there. The undead people in Kazhan Town were generally chaotic and evil. Why on earth did they need someone whom Linde could trust to keep an eye on them.

He also plans to add character evaluation to the Lion Badge in the future, and it will be directly publicized.

Justice, neutrality, evil, etc., so that the undead can clearly understand the impact and consequences of their actions, so as to restrain them to a certain extent.

As for types such as evil and chaotic evil, they will be directly listed as red names by Star Dragon City, and a wanted order will be issued to other undead.

He wants to use gameplay to establish rules instead of forcibly restraining them.

Punishment and reward coexist, and the undead will slowly learn to restrain themselves.

Of course, he also has ideas for the chaotic evil camp, but there is no way to deal with it now, so he can only use the method of picking bugs to throw away the bad ones.

"Yes" Lance nodded: "I will take people there personally."

With Lance going in person, Lind can rest assured that there will be no mistakes: "Take Miss Morena with you this time."

Just now, Miko talked about Morena's situation. Since Morena is also a wizard in the path of the god of death, there must be something in the Cathedral of Kazan that only she can get.

If he could get the potion formula for the hero level, Lind could reserve a hero immediately.

He could also reserve a hero level fire knight for himself, but without the hero disaster heart.

"And books, bring them all back without missing a single one!"

Lind had already read two poetry collections from the three gods, and now he was still missing the poetry collection of the god of death Zasa. He didn't know what would match it better, and what kind of emblem would be on his chest.

The road to potion promotion must not stop.

If you want to arrange it, you can't finish it in a few words.

For example, there is no need to assign the corpse disposal outside to the undead as a task to complete. They have more important work, and they can let the NPCs in the Star Dragon City collect corpses for burning.

After Lind arranged everything, the resurrected undead also got what they wanted.

There are all kinds of rewards, and as a reward, the Banshee Pool is actually open for free for a limited time.

The undeads who had just finished a battle had no time to rest. They immediately rushed into the square and surrounded the Banshee Pool in three layers, trying to clear the level in the shortest time.

Since the Lord is so generous, I must brush him out dozens of Star Dragon Stones.

Make the Lord poor!

Lind: This time I must save up hundreds or thousands of times to use the [Banshee Horn].

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