The lord is red again

Chapter 193 Spice Clone


The roar suddenly broke out, and the expanding air wave exploded in the seemingly thin cell.

I caught Pikachu and fell back in fear.

However, the expected damage did not appear. The seemingly extremely weak cell successfully helped him block the momentum attack. The storm broke out in the internal space, but also activated the magic circle.

The invisible chain bound the roaring voice until the voice became tired and gasped.

"Outsider?" A hoarse voice sounded from the cell next to it.

The undead immediately turned his head and looked. It was a man with fiery red hair. His long hair was scattered on his body, and his posture was calm, as if he was not in a prison, but standing on the battlefield of a great victory, calmly experiencing this victory that was destined to belong to him.

[Son of Ronan, Almert Flame Wing, Level 26]

"Haven't you seen him? The son of God who was once favored by God, but now abandoned as the world collapses." Almert Flame Wing continued to speak in a hoarse voice: "All that awaits us is to die alone here."

A red-named monster that can actively chat with him, and it is very likely to be a red-named BOSS, and the attitude is so friendly.

The undead man's mind was a little confused. He turned his head and looked around, and found that some people heard his movement and turned to look at him, some huddled in the corner and ignored him, and some were screaming wildly.

"Are you old nobles?" the undead man asked.

"Old nobles!!"

The iron cage was violently hit, and the black-haired young man next to Almert's cell roared at the undead: "Rebels! Rebellion! There are only nobles in this world. Do you think that you can replace the great family name by declaring yourself as the new nobles? Can you take away those honors?"

[Bradley Black Sword, Son of Ronan, Level 26]

The black-haired young man has a very violent personality, completely different from the red-haired Almert Flame Wing, but the opponent's level of 26 and only 1,500 less health than Lind make it really difficult for the undead not to pay attention to him.

"His personality has always been like this," Almert waited until Bradley Black Sword finished roaring before speaking, "and the symptoms are becoming more and more obvious."

"Sorry," I caught Pikachu. He seemed to be able to feel the tragedy of them being abandoned by the times. Of course, it was also because he found that the NPCs in this game are really smart. You can only pry useful information from them by putting yourself in their shoes: "I have seen those rebels. Look at this. I also serve a noble noble of the Kingdom of Rand."

Noble noble of the Kingdom of Rand!

Hearing this, even the figure huddled in the corner turned his head and came over.

[Dominic Night Demon, Son of Ronan, Level 26] The undead noticed the other party. He was thin and looked like a taciturn type.

He took off the lion badge he had just received not long ago, held it up and walked through the cells, showing it: "Really, this is the badge given by Lord Lind Alman!"

It should be useful. The lion seems to be Alman's family emblem.

"Alman! Lion!" Someone was talking.

"It should be true!"

"Linde, I have seen him. He was once loyal to the Great Prince of Kurt, but he was defeated in the battle for the throne."

"I saw him last time he passed by the fortress. Well, he is a pure noble."

Those who can still maintain their rationality are talking about it, while those who have lost their rationality are going crazy.

"No, you're lying!" Almert Yanyi suddenly became emotional, and his red hair floated up with his anger. "You're lying, lying! No noble can stay sane!"

"He's in the north!" I caught Pikachu and immediately explained: "Really, he's at the foot of Red Dragon Mountain, uh, you may not know that place, do you know Holy Water Town? What about Countercurrent Highlands?"

The undead was relieved to find that they knew about Countercurrent Highlands: "It's just to the west of Countercurrent Highlands, where he built Star Dragon City, and we all serve him!"

Afraid that they didn't believe it, the undead continued to give examples: "Do you know Miss Miko? Okay, no, how about Miss Brittany? I don't know either, then Dome? Celine? Miram? Lance?"

"Lance! Archer Lance?"

The undead immediately turned around and the person who spoke was a thin man.

[Ronan's son Francis Shadow, level 26]

"Look, someone knows Lance, that Lance, his archery is really good!" He even showed the famous bow drawing posture, very excited.

They had a competition with Lance during the last siege. Well, Lance's bow and arrow killed people too quickly, the nemesis of squishy skin.

"If I was there for that competition, he would be the second best archer in the kingdom." Francis Shadow said faintly.

The undead said that this was nothing: "I can help you two get in touch and let you compete again."

"My nobles?" The undead, who had already noticed that there was a hidden task here, bent down and said, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Leave here." Almert Yanyi's floating red hair had fallen.

"You don't need to be released? Maybe I can find a way."

"No, we will completely lose control if we leave here. Our oath-keeping hearts have fallen into the abyss along with the magic ring." Almert said: "It is our destiny to stay here."

"Tsk" The undead looked at the ten sickly people and suddenly felt very bored.

He cleared his throat: "Do you want to hear the story of Star Dragon City? The story of Lord Lind Alman."

They didn't speak, but they all looked up.

"Then I'll start talking. I can only talk about some of the more interesting battles."

It is not difficult to tell the story about Linde. In order to get closer to the ten famous bosses in front of him, the immortal even directly opened the official website and browsed the forum, searched for Linde's name, and then pulled out all the wars he had participated in. Then add a little more oil and vinegar to modify it.

His eloquence has always been good, and it certainly came into play this time.

Especially when he talked about Linde's battle with the abyssal Leon, he noticed that the group of bosses became very nervous.

When he heard that Star Dragon City was being besieged by a zombie wave set off by the crazy believers of the Death God Zasa, and that Lind was killing people, Bradley Black Sword, who was the most easily excited, clenched his fists and shouted: "That's it. so!"

Of course, the undead will erase the role that he and others played in it. The foot man should have the self-consciousness of the foot man, especially during the siege. He was really afraid that after he said it, the ten bosses in front of him would tear him apart. He got out of the cage and came out to play games with himself.

"So, Sir Linde Alman is not crazy?"

"Yes, his spirit has always been normal. After all, he is his biological son."

biological son?

Suddenly he remembered Linde's favorite behavior of subduing BOSS and becoming an NPC.

Siege warfare between various forces seems to be one of the main gameplays of this game. If there are 10 more bosses in Star Dragon City, no one can even imagine how exciting it will be in the future.

The sons of Luo Nan, who felt strange about his title, cast doubtful eyes on him.

"I can't tell you," the undead man said, "Anyway, do you want to swear allegiance to Lord Linde? We, Lord Linde, are preparing to fight back to Goliath, save the fallen Kingdom of Rand, and prepare to send everything back to On the right track!”

I Caught Pikachu feels that what I said is sincere and I am also moved by real emotions.

Unexpectedly, Almert Yanyi said very seriously: "If Linde Alman really dares to come, we will try our best to kill him!"

"Holy shit, are you sick?" The undead man had an itchy scalp.

From the beginning, I talked about the old aristocrats, and you are angry and defending them one by one.

Then I talked about Linde Allmann, and you all praised him again, and your attitude was respectful.

It seems that everyone is one of our own. If you are not loyal, you are not loyal. Why are you trying to kill our Novice Village Chief!

"No one can pass through the Snake Catcher Fortress," Almert Yanyi said seriously: "Go back and tell Lind that if he wants to return to Goliath, he can choose to go through the Gate of Morpheus, but don't try to get close here. "

"There's someone!" The swaying torch chased the light.

The undead man was agitated and quickly got up, but then he remembered that he was here in a basin prison and that he had been caught in a trap.

"I will bring you your words!" The undead man grabbed the knife and stabbed himself in the throat with the knife in front of everyone's horrified eyes. Then his body turned into ashes and exploded.

"Sir?" The voice from outside asked.

"It's okay, let's go out."


Star Dragon City.

Miss Morena's magic learning will continue. She can smoothly become a hero-level necromancer through Milburn's books and knowledge.

The potion formula was also assigned to Miss Miko and others for research, and the books were taken away by Dome immediately.

Linde, who is enjoying his time at leisure, is also going to see how the Undead Meat Pigeon copy is going. [Banshee Horn] is very useful, it can directly weaken the enemy's strength, and it can basically guarantee that the upper level will be cut in half by a direct hit with all attributes. Even the hero level will be cut into half.

With the [Banshee Horn], from now on, the great knight can also compete with the high-ranking great knights at will.

Linde can basically fight against the heroic class at will, as long as the opponent is not holding a cursed weapon or a blessed weapon.

However, he had not gone far when he was surrounded by a group of undead people.

Finally can't help but want to kill the lord and explode the equipment?

Although my equipment is gorgeous, its attributes are very average, so it shouldn't be that bad.

Moreover, this group of undead people looks a bit unfamiliar, they should be from Kazhan Town.

"Sir! I successfully made it to the Snakeman Post." The undead man who spoke was emotional: "And I found 10 bosses there!"

"I mean, I found 10 imprisoned nobles there. They are the sons of Luo Nan. Everyone is very strong!" The undead man adjusted his language and said quickly: "It's just that they don't seem to want to Leaving, it seems that he was imprisoned there on his own initiative.”

"Tell me carefully what happened." Linde said.

The Immortal I Caught Pikachu quickly recounted all his experiences of how he escaped from the treasure-stealing banshee, how he ran to the Snakeman Post by accident, and then how he sneakily climbed the mountain and fell into the cell on the top of the mountain.

The undead people watching the fun on the side kept exclaiming that this experience sounded really interesting, especially when one fell down and 10 red-named bosses appeared in front of them, the scene was really exciting.

Linde looked at the gathering of undead people, and said, "If it were them, it would be normal for us not to be allowed to approach the Snake Catcher Fortress, but it seems that Baron Luo Nan has gone crazy."

The undead people waited for Linde's explanation with probing eyes.

Should we fight this battle or not?

"Do you know why there is a Snake Catcher's Fortress? According to legend, many years ago, a large pit suddenly opened in the ground. There was countless pain and as the snakes crawled out of the pit, a fine abyss curse eroded the surrounding area. Someone Said it was eroded by the abyss, a snake demon from the abyss."

Linde was not sure whether the story was correct or not. Just like when the bard was singing the story about himself, he was still alive and well, and the story had already begun to add fuel to the fire.

"The ancestor of the Hux family went to the pit. He killed the snake demon and let those cursed by the abyss establish a snake village in the pit, guarding them for generations. The Hux family is also known as For the snake catcher.”

"The Snake Catcher's Fortress connects the center and the north. Baron Ronan Hux is the lord of this generation's Snake Catcher Fortress. He has great military exploits and powerful strength, and he has ten powerful knights under his command. He is known as He is the son of Luo Nan."

"Luo Nan's sons don't have noble blood, they shouldn't be crazy."

Linde also couldn't figure out why, only nobles with the power of the magic ring in their bloodline and surname would go crazy after the end of the world.

For example, Lance, no matter how powerful you are, or how talented you were before the end, you can only live as an ordinary person. If you drink the magic potion forcibly, you will not get the powerful gift effect like Linde, and of course there will be no Qualification to go crazy.

"Given a surname?" Linde seemed to have captured the key information.

Nobles attach great importance to bloodline. Those with bloodline have the right to inherit, but this is not absolute. For example, illegitimate children have absolutely no right to inherit.

Between an adopted child without blood and being given a surname, and an illegitimate child with blood, if the day comes to inherit the title, the child with the surname will definitely be more qualified.

Linde really didn't want to run into ten semi-crazy Luo Nan's sons.

"So, my lord, you are saying that they want to protect Baron Luo Nan, who may have gone completely crazy, so they are warning you not to get close?"

"That's right" Linde smiled.

He just didn't want to run into it, but it wasn't that he didn't dare.

Are 10 red-named bosses in their twenties strong? It’s not like I’ve never seen anything stronger than this.

Moreover, the advice given by the other party was also very interesting. He actually asked him to take a detour through Morpheus Gate and return to Goliath.

Doesn’t the other party know that the Gate of Morpheus and the Great Crack of the Abyss are next to each other? Linde must have been so obsessed with thinking that he would deliberately avoid taking a good road and go around in circles to pollute his spirit.

"You did a very good job." Linde smiled and looked at me catching Pikachu. "Work hard to improve your strength. Our entry into the Snake Catcher's Fortress must not be delayed, even if we are former friends."

Let them cling to the glory of the old era. The new era is coming, and you can't just hold on to it based on your heart.

In Linde's view, these old nobles who were given half-crazy surnames still have a chance, and they can enter the new era with a little more initiative and effort.

He casually gave the undead the answer that he had completed his mission.

Linde also ended his outing. The snake catcher had someone he could communicate with. Although the other party had shown hostility, Linde still hoped to win without a fight.

The old aristocracy is becoming increasingly rare.

Baron Ronan is a topic that absolutely cannot be avoided!

Not long after, Lind received another good news. Miss Brittany had been helping Lind make a spice clone, and now it finally came to fruition.

Lind immediately found Miss Brittany.

Watching her throw a spice bottle on the ground, and then a burst of smoke filled the air, and a "Lind" stood in front of her.

From the outside, there is no flaw at all.

What's strange is that his expression and movements are very similar to Linde's. If I'm being picky, his aura is a bit different, a bit too domineering and sideways.

"How long can it last?" Lind asked.

"I discussed with Domei that if there is a supply of magical energy, it can be maintained all the time."

"Okay, this is good!" Linde walked up to "Linde" and reached out to grab him. The moment his fingers touched him, he was surprised, and he actually felt it!

His fingers seemed to have touched the gold breastplate, and the metal felt cold and hard.

With a little more force, his fingers pierced the golden breastplate, and it turned out that everything was just an illusion.

"Can you pre-record some content?" Linde asked.

With the spice clone, I won't have to sit in Star Dragon City for a long time in the future, and I can also go out and move around freely.

He had several places he just wanted to visit.

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