The lord is red again

Chapter 197 Fire Tumor Agilion

No. 1 Akilian

White mist filled every corner of his vision.

After taking a bite of the flame attack that was probably the dragon's breath, Lind felt that his body was full. He burst into flames with both hands and blasted away all the mist that tried to entangle him.

Lind sighed at the wonder in front of him. The neck stretched out from the water looked like a winding python, but the dragon horns on the top of the head and the wings that tore through the water behind showed that it was a dragon, not a giant snake.

The failure to burn Lind to ashes was obviously beyond the expectation of the dragon in the water. Its extremely long red neck quickly dived underwater and disappeared completely.

Looking at the water surface, the dark water surface was suddenly lit up by a pair of red crescents like a demon, and then the red light section by section outlined a very long body that was wriggling and winding underwater.

Arrow patterns quickly rushed towards Lind on the water surface, and the dead water area actually came alive at this moment.

Gurgle, the dead and cold water was boiled.

The surrounding air also rose again at this moment, making Linde feel as if he was in a furnace. The air that he inhaled into his lungs was filled with the stickiness of thick fog and the boiling heat of magma.

Linde took a half step back, his eyes fixed on the restless water surface.

Now there were two options left for him, turn around and run, or catch this dragon.

He felt madness flashing in his mind, perhaps it was the contact with the magic ring fragment that burned his brain, and the crazy blood in his body eroded his spirit again, but if he could catch a dragon at this time, and it was a dragon that could spit fire continuously, Linde would solve the endurance problem.

And this dragon was not strong, it was just a two-legged flying dragon, and the pressure in momentum was only slightly stronger than Archbishop Kazhan, far less than Leon.

Lind remembered what the ghost Selina said, that at that time, a two-legged dragon from the Far East Magic School escaped here by crossing mountains and ridges, and accidentally dropped the horn.

If I guessed correctly, this was the two-legged dragon pulling the cart.

The water surface roared and exploded, and the dragon's mouth full of dense and uneven teeth came out with a flame and bit Lind. Even if Lind was a heroic knight, he was not sure that he could withstand the dragon's bite that seemed to be cut by hundreds of sharp blades.

He suddenly rolled to the side to avoid it, but the scarlet figure had jumped out of the water and hit him heavily, and the body completely occupied Lind's vision.

Although the two-legged dragon did not master the magic of the legendary dragon clan, its strong and thick body would cause a huge movement every time it shook and moved.

The front feet with folded wings and the thick hind feet stepped on the ground, and the weight of the body was enough to crush Lind.

The flames were ineffective, so the wyvern followed its instinct to attack with its body, but chains had already spread out from Lind's body, spreading rapidly and climbing onto the scarlet dragon.

The spiritual taming from the Lost Soul Chain, facing a dragon that absolutely surpassed the upper level, the possibility of success was almost zero.

Chains were breaking every minute and every second, but more chains would climb up immediately.

Lind also climbed onto the back of the wyvern with his flexible body, with the branches of the "Secret Pattern Messenger". He just didn't like to act secretly on weekdays. Opening and closing was his main fighting style that he had determined for himself a long time ago, but it didn't mean that his body flexibility was poor.

The dragon's spine grew with jagged long thorns, some as thick as fingers, some as long as arms, densely packed.

Obviously, there was no option to be ridden in the genes of the wyvern.

Linde found that there were some broken scales on the neck of the wyvern. Considering its former identity as a cart-puller, it is not difficult to guess that this must be the traces left by ropes and harnesses.

If it were a normal monster or beast, after being ridden, it would be helpless against the figure on its back, but the wyvern in front of him was not one of them.

Its extremely long neck like a giant python turned back, and its head easily looked at Linde who was dragging the soul-lost chain on its back.

The dragon's mouth opened again, and the flames completely covered Linde.

The thick fog here was defeated by the blasted flames, and the ruins of the collapsed city-state in the distance were also swallowed by the flames in an instant, and turned into white ashes after the explosion, and flew into the sky with the gushing flames.

The environment on the shore did not escape the licking of the flames. The flames without the cooling water completely exploded their power on the land, and the rolling heat waves and surging explosions completely turned this area into a furnace purgatory.

Linde crossed his hands to block his face. Even if he could ignore all the damage caused by the flames, the flames from the dragon's mouth were like a continuous heavy hammer, hitting his body crazily. If the flames had not kept attacking and accumulated strength for Linde, he would have been overturned in this spit.

The thick clouds produced by the explosion and the ashes made of melted stones rose into the sky, surging upward like a mushroom cloud, and then lost all their strength and fell down sparsely, causing a rain of fire.

His blood surged, and the skin on his chest was red from the burning. The two-legged dragon that kept shaking its body made it difficult for Linde to stand firm.

Finally, after another shake, the two-legged dragon threw Linde down and flew into the sky.

With its wings spread out, Linde seemed to see a small bunker flying in the air.

Its body hovered in the air, like a scarlet python with a pair of wings and two hind legs.

The wyvern also realized that ordinary fire could not harm Lind, so it twisted its long and thin neck into a semicircle and bit its own neck.

It was also at this time that Linde noticed that the wyvern's neck was bloated in many places, with clusters of oozing tumors growing on it.

The dragon's mouth chewed up an abscess, and orange-red magma flowed out. The magma hung on the teeth of the wyvern, and it was obvious that it was in great pain.

Linde didn't pay attention to his actions at first. It was very common for crazy monsters to be eroded by disasters after the end of the world, or to lose their minds directly during the fight.

However, when the flying dragon opened its mouth again and blazing flames gathered into a ball and fell from the sky, Linde immediately felt something bad.

Like thunder and lightning flashing and roaring, the flames no longer spread and raged, but condensed into meteors, streaking across the sky and chasing Linde's body.

He quickly stood up and ran, feeling the rumbles and explosions behind him.

One bomb, two bombs, three bombs... a shower of meteors and fire, intensive bombing.

The roar of the explosion and the heat wave surrounded Linde. Linde, who had been ignoring the damage of the flames, was also intensively torn into pieces at this moment.

The wyvern flapped its wings painfully in the air, its body rising and falling as its wings flapped.

It looked excitedly at the area bombarded by orange-red flames, confident that even if Linde could ignore the flames, he would never be able to avoid this breath, because it was not essentially a flame.

"Woooooooooooo!" The horn sound penetrated the sound of the explosion, and the two-legged flying dragon's body suddenly stopped.

The sudden curse drained the power of the flying dragon, and the abscess on its neck began to struggle violently. It whined and fell, raising a cloud of dust.

A buzzing sound occupied Lind's ears, and the blast of air squeezed him, and the familiar feeling came back again.

He was deaf again.

Probably put in the game, it should be called "negative status", such as broken legs, disability, deafness, blindness, etc. In fact, this kind of situation has always been very common, and Linde is not an iron man.

The broken body was quickly healed with the help of the raging flames, and the large blood vessels under Lind's skin shone with bright red light, making him look like a man with secret patterns.

In particular, the interplay between the beating of his heart and the emblem on his chest made his whole person involved in a mystery that could not be seen through at a glance.

Now only the damaged dragon skin trousers covered his lower body. He walked towards the flying dragon with his bare feet, his hot feet leaving burning footprints.

Seeing that the flying dragon was about to get up, Linde raised the [Banshee Horn] again.

He can really use this thing casually without worrying about not using it enough times.

The flying dragon, whose strength had never surpassed that of the hero, performed quite badly after being cursed to the point where its strength was cut in half.

The body squirmed.

"Don't move!" Linde believed that the other party would definitely understand.

After reaching the transcendent, you cannot treat them with the attitude of ordinary beasts, and what is in front of you is a flying dragon, a magical beast.

The wyvern's eyes showed fear as it recognized the horn.

"Look, we can still communicate normally!"

Lind tied up the flying dragon with the chains of lost souls. The opponent seemed to be fighting against something, which made it unable to struggle when faced with Lind's binding again.

The banshee horn was thrown into the water, and the figure of the female ghost Selina immediately appeared.

She shouted in surprise: "Aquilian?"

After watching Game of Thrones and House of Dragons, my favorite dragon shape is still the bloodworm Coraxio. I have always thought that such a long neck would be suitable for small decorations such as pustules and eyes.

What I uploaded directly was the picture of the blood worm.

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