The lord is red again

Chapter 212 Disaster Farm

Two weeks.

Lind failed to completely control the queen, but he became more and more adept at helping her sort out her chaotic emotions and memories. The most intuitive manifestation was that the Soul-Loss Chain tied a Disaster Horse and it only took a few blinks of an eye to easily subdue it.

His mental power was being passively tempered, and then passively became stronger.

His control over the bugs was also deepening.

Bugs do have an externally transplanted signal tentacle that can receive frequency signals remotely, which is almost exactly the same as the method of the Soul-Loss Knight. The difference is that they have this organ after they are created.

Without the undead, the passage of time seems to have accelerated countless times.

During this period, Lind returned to Star Dragon City. Under the gaze of everyone, Fire Tumor Alex spit flames to burn the bodies of the dead knights.

Then he settled in the underground world, striving to completely control the queen and use it to restrain these bugs.

Domei also brought back some good news and bad news.

He held a long scroll, longer than his beard, and spread it on the ground like a carpet after unfolding it. It was densely written with words. Two weeks allowed him to get a lot of information.

"This is not a racial war, but a magic out of control. I guess the guy who studies limb-joining magic is a lunatic. He seems to be more interested in directly taking the power of others, and is full of resistance to improving himself through learning and practice."

"Bloodline" Lind said, he could see through the essence at a glance because he was the beneficiary of bloodline.

"That's right" Duo Mei nodded: "Bloodline, noble bloodline power, but he doesn't seem to succeed. The things he created can't improve himself, just like his humble heart at the beginning, he was cursed and couldn't become stronger through learning."

You can get the power of bloodline through limb-joining magic, but you can't learn and make progress, and you are rejected by the power of the magic ring.

"So he made the bugs?"

"He probably made the bugs unintentionally," Duo Mei guessed, "and I suspect he is dead, and the cause of death may be related to your spoils."

"Melulan?" Lind looked at the chain silkworm chrysalis.

"Melulan?" Duo Mei was curious about the name because it sounded familiar.

"Her name," Lind said, "I got it from her memory, a queen's body that was sold."

"Oh, the story sounds a bit tortuous?" Duo Mei had long guessed that the queen should be a noble, otherwise there would be no need for her to be "made".

"Black Swamp Kingdom" Lind's tone was full of contempt when he mentioned the Black Swamp Kingdom. After all, no one would look down on a king who was deserted by his friends before the end of the world.

The king of the Black Swamp Kingdom was said to be jealous of talented people. His queen suspected that he would kill the most famous prince in the country. It happened that the prince was poisoned and sick in bed at that time.

The king imprisoned Queen Melulan, who did not trust him, in the tower. If Lind had not accidentally caught the queen of the insect nest here, he would have thought that the queen was still combing her hair in the tower like Rapunzel.

Queen Melulan died "accidentally", and then her body was bought by a wizard who studied limb-replacement magic and made into a queen until she met Lind underground.

Many great lords in the territory of the King of Black Swamp openly announced their separation from the kingdom. In the end, he could only rely on a despised subhuman lord, but the subhuman lord never thought of loyalty.

There is a joke that is not very funny: "It is said that the King of Black Marsh once had his beautiful boots stepped on by a lowly slave. The guard asked him what to do, and the slave was so scared that he knelt on the ground.

The King of Black Marsh said: If it was my grandfather, I would definitely kill his whole family and put his head on a spear for display; if it was my father, I would definitely peel his skin; but he called me king, so I chose to forgive him and give him the status of a knight.

In the Kingdom of Black Marsh, you can become a knight by swearing allegiance to the king."

When the Kingdom of Rand was strong, it never thought of invading the Kingdom of Black Marsh. It had something to do with the humid and unbearable climate there, but the main reason was that they wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman. The lords unanimously believed that the King of Black Marsh could not hold on for too long, but they did not expect that the other party could hold on very long.

The end of the world came after a while.

Domei listened to this "secret" but was just not interested. The internal power struggle of the royal family had no appeal to him.

"There are many teleportation magic circles here, from different places," Duomei continued, "If Her Majesty the Queen is from the Black Swamp Kingdom, I think the teleportation circle should be connected there."

"You mean there will be others coming?"

"If someone accidentally touches the magic circle, yes!" Duomei nodded.

He then said, "You can destroy the magic circle."

"No," Lind shook his head.

You can get different locations and cross infinite distances, so there is no need to do this.

Duomei just mentioned it, and he also didn't want Lind to destroy the teleportation magic circle.

"What about the rest?"

"Cyclops, I have only seen their figures in books, I suggest destroying them."

Finally, after discussion, the two recorded the magic circle, and then moved one of them away to make the magic circle invalid.

Maybe it can be used again in the future, for example, one day when the magic circle can be reversed, it may be possible to take the initiative to attack.

Of course, the magic circle that was temporarily closed does not include the one in the Black Swamp Kingdom, and I hope something will continue to be sent over.

"You must have good news." Linde looked at Duomei.

Duomei smiled, the purest smile after gaining knowledge.

"As you said," he moved the extremely long scroll, "I have mastered some information about limb grafting magic, which is very interesting, if you want to make your collection move again."

Linde looked at Queen Melulan who was wrapped in the chain silkworm chrysalis: "No, she is good like this."

He does not lack a subordinate.

In the research of insects and magic signals, Melulan is still indispensable, but after that, he should be merciful to send her to death.

"Then you must be interested in the next one," Duomei said: "The hatching method of the insect nest is very interesting. Do you still remember the blood lamb?"

"You mean?" Linde sat up straight. This was the first time he showed interest in Duomei's harvest.

Duomei said: "I tried to cultivate it in another way. Limb grafting is very repulsive to magic blood, but I tried to assume that if the potion path is replaced by disaster?"

Manually cultivate disaster.

A disaster heart breeding farm.

This also means that he can continue to harvest the Heart of Disaster, and with his help, the soldiers can be promoted to Grand Knights 100%.

Mass production of Grand Knights!

"Did you succeed?"

"The little guy will hatch soon! You must want to witness its birth with your own eyes."

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