The lord is red again

Chapter 217 The Blame

They came with enough goodwill. Just now, without anyone knowing, some accidents happened in the snake man post or the snake catcher fortress.

Then they were unlucky enough to be blamed.

This is not the time to think about who is doing these things behind the scenes.

Linde is not here, and Lance is also following Linde as a guard. Only Reeve can mobilize and command the soldiers.

His status is enough, and he is deeply trusted by the lord.

"We must have a misunderstanding." Reeve does not want to take action directly. They are standing in the snake man post, facing a group of great knights who are larger than themselves.

Forced action will inevitably result in great losses.

Being surrounded and killed is definitely the most aggrieved way to die.

"Lord Linde has never thought of a conflict. Even if the warring parties, the nobles need to protect the nobles who come to their territory when they meet!" Reeve searched the poor information in his mind and used some hearsay to persuade the other party.

"That's for nobles with a sense of honor. You don't have to have any goodwill towards you cunning people!" This is the information Pang received, a very bad situation.

Maybe he had some goodwill towards Reeve and others before, but now I'm afraid there is nothing left.

"I hope to see Lord Lind first," Reeve said in a low voice: "No matter what happened."

"No matter what happened?" Pang grinned: "Yes, no matter what happened, this is what you are doing!"

"You should at least make it clear what happened!"

"You attacked the fortress!" Pang said angrily: "Lure us to station here, and then bypass it through another road and kill the fortress! I thought you were a man who liked to drink charcoal liquor, you really should drink horse urine!"

"Damn it!" Reeve wanted to refute, but Pang had already pounced on him.

Reeve's fighting skills have been trained by Lind, and he is also stronger than ordinary people in the control of the power of the Great Knight, but Pang in front of him is also extraordinary.

The sword raised in a panic blocked the slash, but it was just a parry. The swift sword attack was like a snake biting at Reeve from a sinister angle.

As a representative of "balance", the Great Knight of the Sun's Proof Path is ordinary in all aspects, with neither shortcomings nor strengths, but the opposite is the snake catcher.

Sinister, agile, and fast!

Reeve felt that he was not fighting a person, but facing a rattlesnake with fangs. The armor on his body seemed unable to block the opponent's fangs. If it was touched, his life would be in danger!

The sword cunningly bypassed Reeve's hand holding the sword and stabbed his armpit.

Such a sinister attack method made Reeve sweat coldly. He quickly pressed down with his elbow and used the armor on his arm to forcibly knock the sword that was reaching out like a snake.

Reeve had an advantage in strength, but he still underestimated the sharpness of the snake's fangs.

The armor was corroded by the poison after being touched, and poisonous smoke was sizzling. He could feel the burning pain through the armor.

Pang's attack continued, but the attack of the venomous snake often only decided the outcome in an instant.

The venomous snake exposed to the large cat beast will face claws, teeth, and fierce counterattacks!

Can the thin snake scales resist it?

Reeve didn't want to have a conflict. He knew that he must not hand over the weapons now, let alone surrender. The snake catchers, who were dominated by anger, would lose control of their emotions at any time. If they didn't have weapons around them, their lives and deaths would be completely out of control.

And there is the lord!

The lord is indeed very powerful, but it doesn't mean that he can deal with ten upper knights while facing the siege of dozens of knights.

Protecting the lord is far more important than anything else. If the lord has the power of the knights like himself, he will definitely be able to retreat unscathed. After that, whether it is negotiation or anything else, they will have the initiative.

Thinking of Lind rushing forward again and again, Reeve felt that the flames were about to burst out of his body. He tried to guide it and then prayed. This process was very short.

He grabbed the sword with both hands and picked up Pang's fangs. The blade began to heat up.

As he twisted his waist and rushed forward, the blade was already red.

Pang could only rely on agility. After the weapon was picked up, he quickly adjusted, but this time Pang did not attack because he had seen Reeve's long sword raised high.

The sword exploded with high temperature when it was raised upward, and the air was distorted. When he chopped the sword down, the flames broke out.

His nose first smelled the smell of burnt hair.

Pang blocked with his sword, and his sword broke "click" the moment it came into contact with the flaming long sword. With his snake-like agile figure, Pang twisted his body forcibly to dodge Reeve's slash, and the surging flames burned Pang's heartbeat wildly.

Agility was his advantage. Although the sword in his hand was cut off, Pang still chose to take the initiative to attack. He knew very well that he could not resist Reeve's continuous attacks. The man in front of him was like a wild bull, or more accurately, a mad lion, with bared teeth and claws.

He turned the hilt of the sword, held the broken sword in reverse, and used the solid brass ball on the hilt as another weapon for attack.

The hilt hit with Pang's snake-like posture and launched another attack.

This time he succeeded, and the hilt hit Reeve's head, and blood spurted out!

Reeve's back hit the ground hard, and he rolled backwards, and the sword in his hand flew out of his hand because he could not hold it.

The severe pain swept through Reeve's mind, and he was dizzy and couldn't stand steadily. The blood flowing from his forehead blocked the vision of one of Reeve's eyes. He blinked hard, but he found that he could neither adapt to seeing in the blood nor stop the bleeding in his head, so he could only squint that eye.

The pain not only breeds fear, but also anger.

Pang's attack was like a thorn in the side. Facing the approach of the venomous snake again, Reeve, who was lying on the ground, could only raise his left hand.

"Clory's Explosion!"

Anger ignited the explosion, and the flames roared on behalf of Reeve. Pang, who rushed forward, almost completely ate the explosion. The armor on his upper body was torn by the explosion, and his flesh and blood were charred.

After all, he was still a great knight. The explosion that was enough to blow the head of an ordinary human into charcoal only blew Pang's body away, and he fell to the ground like Reeve just now, injured but not dead.

Reeve stood up, and the blood from the wound on his head went into his mouth, which was annoying and exciting. He admitted that he was very excited now.

He now even understood why the Lord always rushed in first.

He certainly had the responsibility to move forward for the sake of the territory.

But he thought that there would also be a part of enjoying the battle, challenging the strong, killing the strong enemy, and experiencing a battle where you dare not make the slightest mistake in breathing. That feeling would be fascinating, all the pain would be ignored, and only excitement would remain.

Now Reeve was enjoying this intoxicating excitement.

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