The lord is red again

Chapter 221 It’s a rat

This is a tragedy.

Because of a misunderstanding that arose from unknown sources, the two parties who were supposed to be having a pleasant conversation had to draw swords against each other until they killed each other.

Every soldier who was still alive drank the potion for treatment immediately.

But there are still people who can no longer pick up the sword even after their injuries are healed, including Reeve.

He was seriously injured, almost all of his internal organs were pierced by arrows. His body's strong willpower allowed him to survive until now. Lind could not help but laugh when he saw Reeve. Because of his tenacity and tenacity, he managed to survive. Come down.

"I will let you pick up the sword again." Lind patted Reeve on the shoulder: "It's just that the power of a great knight is gone. Are you interested in using magic? I can let Domei teach you."

Linde's eyes lit up and he outlined a bright future for Reeve. He put his right hand around Reeve's neck and put his left hand in front of him: "Think about it, you know Domei's fighting style. Follow him and you will You only need to learn a lighting technique, and then some blessing magic! You have seen how powerful his two-handed sword is!"

"Sir, my brain is stupid." Reeve surrendered. It was okay to let him fight desperately with the enemy. It was even okay to let him use his willpower to support his body that was already dead and forcefully hold it down. But magic...

Magic, if you can't do it, you can't do it. You can't just use your brain if you want to.

"Sir, why don't you learn magic?" Reeve asked curiously: "If you can use Dome's magic..."

"I can't learn it either!" Linde said.

Can you really not learn?

Maybe he could learn it, if he was willing to invest time and energy, but this was a false proposition, because Lind didn't have time. Instead of wasting a lot of time on studying magic, it would be better to work hard to go further on the road of knighthood.

He is different from other knights. Because of the sun ring, he can control the power in his body, and because of his perfect control of power, he can constantly obtain other powers.

A series of coincidences contributed to his current strength. If another noble followed his path, he might not be able to create another Linde.

Therefore, instead of wasting time studying wizard paths that might not work, it is better to collect more knight paths. He believes that when his "talent skill tree" is fully in full bloom, and when he has the power of dozens of knight paths at the same time, All enemies are no problem.

"Pang?" Lind looked at the name Reeve had carved on the sword.

"A vulgar and irritating opponent," Reeve said, planting his sword in the ground.

This is the tombstone belonging to the Snake Sentry soldier "Pang".

In front, hundreds of swords were inserted into the scorched earth, forming a tombstone unique to this era.

Among them, ten swords are the most obvious.

They are the sons of Luo Nan, a group of enemies who are not very normal in their brains, but whose loyalty is hard to dislike.

Being an enemy also recognizes their loyalty.

Of course, even if faced with them again, Linde would still take action and kill them without mercy.

What needs to be prepared next is much simpler. Since peaceful means can no longer be used, there is only one option left to pass through the Snake Catcher Fortress.

Kill Baron Ronan.

But before that, Linde decided to use a more forceful approach to meet Baron Luonan. Before that, he had never seen the completely crazy old nobleman with his own eyes.

As the real BOSS that cannot be avoided in the game, the old nobles guard every pass. They are powerful and unrivaled.

What if Baron Luo Nan bows his head directly? Although he knew this was absolutely impossible.

The sea of ​​​​fire burned all the resources inside the Snake Outpost without any gain.

The expedition must end here first. Almost everyone is injured, and even drinking potions cannot cure them 100%. They must go back and let the pharmacists prepare potions according to their physical conditions.

But Linde always felt that something was wrong.

Until Serin asked: "Where is Milam?"

Yeah, where's Milam?

"Miram seemed to be still there when the war started."

Could it be that he was accidentally burned to death by the flying dragon's flames during the war? This is impossible. The flying dragon has a very keen sense of smell, and there is also the existence of the lion badge. The flame is the magic flame after biting the fire tumor on the neck. As we all know, magic is "ideal". It must hit wherever it is said. It will definitely not Something went wrong.

With triple insurance, accidental injury is almost impossible.

It didn't take long for Milam to come back. She was not injured. As the "Master Assassin" whose stealth skills were second only to Lind's in the territory, she wanted to shrink down without getting hurt. If the high-ranking knight didn't have special skills, he really couldn't catch her. he.

"Sir!" Milam raised his head.

"What is this?" Linde looked at the head with rolled eyes and felt that it looked familiar, but its entire face had changed to look like a "snake", and its skull had also changed, making it difficult to recognize it.

"He is Seymour," Milam said, "the regiment commander at the Snake Man Post."

Lind remembered it, but it was difficult to find much similarity between the man and the head in front of him.

"When the conflict started, I was going to go to the prison to find you." Milam held Seymour's head and said what he had done.

After the conflict started, she did rush towards the prison as soon as possible, wanting to help Linde.

But on the way, she saw Seymour, who was moving strangely, and followed him.

Then he saw the Snake Catcher's Fortress descending into chaos, even out of control.

"Is there really something attacking the fortress?"

"Yes, but they are all crazy soldiers in the fortress. They seem to be affected by something, causing chaos."

Milam raised the head in his hand again: "Seymour is also being controlled. He makes some kind of sound to convey information."

"Can you be sure who did it?" Linde was basically certain that something that he didn't even know existed had secretly taken action and provoked a dispute between himself and the Snake Catcher Fortress.

What's the other party's purpose? How did the other party know that he existed?

None of the nearby snake sentries knew their true military power.

As for the presence of a traitor in Xinglong City, it is simply impossible.

There are too many ways for a traitor to cause trouble for him or kill him, and Feilong exists. Assuming that there is a traitor, it is impossible not to know that to Feilong, Snakeman Post is nothing at all.

Linde prefers that there be no traitors in his territory.

Therefore, the other party has some mysterious means to know its existence, and for some reason that is not clear to itself, it wants to cause trouble for itself. However, the other party's information is not perfect, so all it does is just It made Lind feel sick.

"Maybe a rat," Milam said.


Milam pointed to his head and said: "Seymour told me before he died that the rats affected him and he didn't wake up until the moment of death. He was very angry about it."

"So, we're going to play ratcatcher for once."

He thought he was quite tolerant, but this time he was so disgusted that he would dig out the rat no matter where it was hiding.

Lind said: "Thank you for the information, Miss Milam."

"Sir, how is Serin?" Milam finally finished explaining the information he knew, and then immediately began to ask the man.

"Well, he..." Linde looked hesitant.

Even the few soldiers on the side were the same, they lowered their heads.

"What's wrong?" Milam was nervous.

"He lost his hat." Linde smiled: "I suggest you don't look for him yet. You can also give him a hat."

Celine’s Mediterranean!

"Hahaha!" Everyone roared with laughter.

The atmosphere was much more relaxed, and some of the haze of war had been swept away.

But the Snake Catcher's Fortress still lies ahead...

Thanks to book friend 20190615205042267 for the 100 reward

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