The lord is red again

Chapter 224 Discovering the

There are two roads from the snakeman outpost to the south. One leads to the snake catcher fortress, which used to be the only path running through the north and south.

The second road is close to the frozen soil mountains. The natural chasm that was once insurmountable is no longer difficult to cross under the cultivation of the great knights, volcanic monster birds, flying dragons, etc.

This may be the end of the world, because a large number of humans have died, and normal food can no longer grow in the land. The nobles who are high above either choose to be crazy or choose to be weak forever.

But this is also a new era. The power of magic was once trapped high in the sky by the magic ring, and humans could not touch it for various reasons. If a great knight appeared, he could be called a natural knight. The nobles spent huge investments to be promoted to great knights. But now it can be mass-produced.

If there is no road, then open up a new road. When encountering a mountain, use a fire dragon to burn and bomb it. When encountering a cliff, let the volcanic monster bird drag it up to build a ladder. All the difficulties and obstacles that are difficult to cross are resolved one by one in the face of extraordinary power.

Nothing can stop their determination to return to the central area. This is not Lind's own will. Although he is eager for more powerful power and hopes to find the Black Fire Brothers or other churches with the power of the Sun's Proof as soon as possible, he will never make unnecessary sacrifices just for his own interests.

His soldiers also have a strong desire.

After Lind successfully controlled the snake catcher's path, he rode away impatiently on the Disaster Warhorse.

They got out of a corner of the frozen earth mountains. The only force they pioneered was the Great Knight, and each Great Knight was accompanied by a "horse", "bird" and "dog".

That is, the Disaster Warhorse, the Volcano Bird and the Scavenger.

The reproduction rate of the batch of scavengers found in the underground insect nest where the Cyclops was located exceeded Lind's expectations. Although they are not as valuable as the blood lambs... The cultivation value here means that the blood lambs can not only be used to cultivate the Heart of Disaster, but also their flesh and blood corpses can be made into potions.

But after wearing armor and tying the chain, the scavenger is definitely an excellent hound.

In addition, each of them wore enchanted armor, held a secret pattern weapon, had a modified small space quiver, and each horse was equipped with a space iron barrel.

The iron barrel contained supplies, traps, and a quick-disassembly mechanism that was very consistent with the style of Four-Handed Bard, which could quickly build a defense project in a short time.

This was Lind's strongest expedition team at present.

If within the signal range of Star Dragon City, the NPC-exclusive lion badges on the soldiers would provide more help. These badges could help wizards quickly locate the position of each soldier, making it convenient to cast spells quickly in a melee.

After more than 30 hours of climbing mountains and crossing ridges, Lind finally saw the station of the Star Dragon soldiers.

They were preparing their weapons in a serious manner, checking their armor and every weapon they might use.

Even though it was still a long way from Goliath, they had never been so close to "home" as they were now.

However, the previous experience at the Serpent Man Post made everyone tense up again. The Lord would not allow a second mistake to be made, and they would not have a good impression of their former colleagues.

It is hard to say that this is not a kind of sadness. At the end of the world, when the brother teams meet, the first thing to consider is not to rush up and hug each other, but to think about piercing each other's throats with swords before the other party has a little hostility.

Brother troops can never be compared with real brothers. They also have people to fight for.

After seeing Lind coming, the soldiers put down their work and stood up to look at him. No one over-deified Lind's image, especially after seeing Lind's rage because of the Serpent Man Post, but everyone habitually followed him. Although the road was bumpy, the direction was not wrong.

In trying to produce great knights, Lind pays attention to multiple development and divides them according to the styles of the soldiers.

Today's main combat team is still the Great Knight of the Sun's Proof Path, the Soulless Knight is responsible for taming various disasters, and the Secret Pattern Messenger is responsible for sentinel work.

Fire Knight is still a force that Linde will not use casually. Not everyone can light a fire at will like him. It is a bit too stupid to fight with a stove.

The next batch of soldiers will add snake catchers to ensure that the path to the hero level is stable enough, and the power form is the most.

"Sir" A soldier quickly came to Linde. He was the sentinel on the secret pattern messenger path.

"What's the situation?" Linde turned over and got off the horse.

"There is a village about half a day ahead."

Now that the village civilization can be maintained, it is most likely a "novice village".

"Which force do they belong to? A noble, or..."

Or a new noble?



Linde has never heard of this name. It is obviously another newly rising "noble".

"A rebel force" The soldier sorted out the information he had investigated and said: "Raven, he gathered the rebel forces and hunted the nobles."

Hunting, not resistance.

This means that the situation of the old nobles in the central area is not good.

As expected, the old noble forces either become a street rat, or go crazy and stay in their own territory, becoming a "red-name monster".

"Let's go to that village," Lind said, "We need a place to stay, and we need enough information about the Raven Territory. We need to form an assault team immediately and take that village in the shortest possible time."

This was a forced march, and the soldiers quickly entered a state of preparation for war.

The sentinel who was responsible for reporting just now watched Lind's figure leave and exhaled heavily.

"How is it?" A hand patted on his shoulder, and the sound of the gauntlet colliding with the armor was clanging.

The sentinel turned his head and looked at the person who came. It was Pierre, one of the lord's original nine guards.

"Your Excellency is full of..." The sentinel tried to explain.

"Oppression, and aggressive!" It was Pym who spoke.

After Reeve was injured and had to enter a long state of recuperation in Star Dragon City that would last for an unknown period of time, the close soldiers following Lind became Pierre and Pym.

"My mind went blank," the sentry said, "I almost forgot what I wanted to say."

"You've heard too many stories about Lind. Don't deify him. He also drinks and is picky about meat, and..." Pierre saw the look in Pym's eyes and carefully swallowed his complaints: "Also, sometimes I often forget to think when facing him."

His words were not very credible because he called the lord by his name.

"Next time, try to look somewhere else and don't stare into his eyes."

"I will try," the sentry nodded.

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