The lord is red again

Chapter 226: The Song of the White Knights

Under Linde's tyranny, the people of Cuigang cooperated very well, and the people living here had long become numb.

Linde walked towards the shed of Cuigang. The poor construction skills would not play a big role in the cold winter, but the people of Cuigang lived very well.

It could feed a group of people, and the people here were not attacked by too many disasters.

It was just a simple wooden fence as a defense, which might not even stop adults who could jump.

But in this situation, Cuigang lived very steadily.

"Do you have arable land?" Linde asked casually.

"A piece of green land" was spoken by a middle-aged man, who could be considered an "old man". People over 40 years old were not common, but the difficult living conditions made him look very old.

"That piece of land can grow some fruits, and we will use the fruits to feed the pigs."

Linde's eyes lit up, and there was no mutated meat: "No wonder I can always smell the fragrance of fruit."

"Have undead appeared here before?"

3,000 people appeared in several novice villages before, but most of the novice villages did not make a big noise, and the undead people just experienced the "medieval farming simulator" or "medieval bandit simulator" for a period of time.


There is nothing to hide.

All villagers were ordered to gather in front of the open space in Cuigang. The sky gradually became dim, and Linde scanned every dull face.

Until he waited for the "banner girl" of this village.

Linde felt that his favorite step must be to plunder the banner girl. The mastermind behind the scenes may often cause some oolong operations because he is not familiar with the game, but he must know what the players want.

It may also be a coincidence, but most novice villages will have a beautiful and capable banner girl.

They all have strong growth potential, such as Miss Miko, the rabbit-toothed witch, Brittany, the necromancer Morena, and Miram, the fence-sitter.

This is a beautiful woman.

It's a bit general to say this, but she left a deep impression on Lind and the soldiers on the scene, because compared to that pretty face, you must be more curious about where the slender silver necklace on her neck went.

"Miss Doris?"

He felt that the name was a bit familiar, an upright lady.

"I know you" she raised her head and found that the blond man in front of her was smiling and looking at her... cleavage.

"You are very different from the last time I saw you," Doris couldn't help saying.

He has never hidden his preferences, so he doesn't care about the sarcasm in Doris's words.

The folk customs of the Rand Kingdom are pure, otherwise there wouldn't be so many messy illegitimate children. Lind suspected that he also had illegitimate brothers and sisters, but the inheritance right protected him well.

Lind's eyes moved upwards and rested on Doris's face: "The recorder is your..."

"My grandmother." Doris answered.

She recognized Lind at a glance, the son of the baron who followed the eldest prince all day long, but this guy had never looked at her face at first sight, second sight, or even at all.

"You are really different from before," Doris said.

"Hahaha," Lind laughed: "It's great to meet you, great in every sense, Doris, we have a lot to talk about!"

The recorder sometimes records the content of the nobles' conversations at the banquet, some special quotations, etc., and finally compiles a history book based on these contents, but as far as Lind knows, these things will eventually become garbage texts for self-entertainment.

Occasionally, some anecdotes inside the palace will be exaggerated and spread through the mouths of bards, and then spread by word of mouth among ordinary people, becoming a royal scandal.

The recorder was not a noble, at most she was a court lady, and Lind suspected that no one except the Kingdom of Rand would set up a special position to record what they said every day.

Since there was an acquaintance here... Although he was not familiar with the other party, the other party knew him but he did not know the other party, but when fellow villagers met, they would always be closer.

They entered a shed, the room was narrow but well-insulated.

There was a table here, full of words recorded by Doris.

"Are you still recording?" Lind pointed to the paper on the table.

"This is my job, family inheritance." She nodded and signaled Lind to take a look.

"I have been in the north," Lind said.

"I know," Doris pointed to the paper on the table.

Lind nodded: "I forgot, all the gossips can't be hidden from your ears."

"To be precise, it was before the end of the world."

Just as Lind was about to say something briefly, he found that Doris had picked up the pen and looked up at him.

"You're going to write this down?"

"You're the lord I'm going to serve in the future, aren't you?"

"I never thought of having a recorder," Lind shook his head. He was sometimes very proud and sometimes quite narcissistic, but that didn't mean he needed someone to record his every word and action.

Lind advised, "Don't write it down yet. We should have a good chat."

"It's easier for me to think when I pick up a pen," Doris said.

The correction was fruitless, so Lind had to nod. He was still quite polite to "acquaintances", provided that they didn't show their fangs, otherwise their heads would be smashed.

Lind briefly described his situation, and then said, "We still hope to return to Goliath."

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult." Doris used her little finger to gently hook a strand of hair hanging down from her forehead: "Prince Kurt has gone crazy, completely crazy. Not long after Queen Rania ascended the throne, the magic ring was broken, and then chaos broke out everywhere, and the legion was sent out to quell the rebellion."

She recalled, but the pen in her hand did not stop.

Linde looked down and found that what she recorded was completely different from what she said. The pen wrote the experience that Linde just briefly talked about, but Doris said what she saw and heard about Goliath.

However, Linde was a little uncomfortable with the address in her words.

Prince Kurt? He always called him the eldest prince.

"The prince took the potion and gained great power. Queen Rania left under the protection of the Royal Guards. I was also in the fleeing team."

"What happened next?"

"We had a hard time," Doris recalled, "The third most powerful legion in the Land Kingdom, the Cavalry Legion, the Royal Guards, were as fragile as glass when facing those disaster monsters, and then we got separated. Then I came to Cuigang."

"Cuigang has always been good, but the scimitar suddenly changed its temperament some time ago."

Scimitar, the great knight shot by Pierre.

Linde nodded.

"Have you seen it many times?"

"Many times," Linde nodded, "They admire the new nobles very much."

Doris looked up in surprise, as if she didn't expect to hear the name "new nobles" from Linde's mouth. He should call them rebels, with the pride and dignity of the nobles.

"What happened next?" Linde continued to ask without explaining. He didn't have much sense of noble honor, let alone the arrogance and persistence of the nobles.

"The Scimitars are very tough. Later, dozens of very strange undeads came to Cuigang. There was no way to support so many people here, but the Scimitars insisted on letting them stay. This group of people worked hard and behaved strangely. They were both hateful and difficult to dislike." Doris was trying to find the exact adjective.

The recorder has a huge vocabulary, but now she is a little short of words.

"Chaos" Lind said.

"Yes, chaos!" Doris wrote quickly. This word made her feel like she had found a treasure, as if her thoughts were suddenly opened up.

While writing, Doris did not stop talking: "Later, Raven City sent people, and planned to take the undead to Raven City, but the undead suddenly disappeared some time ago."

Because of the update, the undead went offline for "one day".

Finally, it came to the part that Lind cared about: "Do you know which force that Raven City belongs to?"

Just like Leon City is a disaster executioner from the Great Rift, this is a real world, and the new nobles did not jump out suddenly.

"The lord of Raven City is a White Knight of Song"

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