The lord is red again

Chapter 243 new! The update is finished and it’s online!

Chapter 243 [new! Update is finished, online! ]

Rand 122, the third year of the broken magic ring, July.

The first batch of food grown by soilless cultivation was finally served on the Lord's table.

But he didn't eat many bites of this table of food. Miss Brittany, the greedy snake, quickly carried out the disc action. She has been promoted to a perfumer with the strength of an upper wizard, and now has a tendency to develop into a seasoning master.

In order to celebrate the harvest, a celebration was held in the Star Dragon City territory.

The scope covers the entire Red Dragon Foothills area, and thousands of people can rest and not work on this day.

Dance, sing, and feel the joy of being alive.

The funny clowns and bards bred by the dwarf Ludo performed in various places and brought joy to everyone.

Being able to get rid of the curse of the land and grow food without soil means that people in the old era can still survive with difficulty, without forcing their stomachs to endure the mutant plants of the new era, and there is no need to worry about turning into some kind of green-skinned thing.

In the same month, a "big event" that few people knew about happened. Linde finally drank the magic potion and successfully upgraded the "Sun's Proof" path from the Great Knight to the Upper Great Knight.

The tree trunk finally grew a lot.

After that, he successively upgraded the "Snake Catcher" and "Fire Knight" to the hero level. His hard power has reached the rating standard of the undead, which is above level 31.

According to the ghost Selina, he is now a knight with three rings of strength.

It just so happens that his flying dragon Fire Tumor Alex is also rated as "three rings".

The Far East Continent's judgment of strength seems to be different from that of the Xilu Continent. Linde has never been rated as "two rings". Few people in the territory can be rated as "rings". It seems that if a certain aspect reaches a certain level, it can be rated as "rings".

He wanted to ask the ghost Selina again, but was told that his memory was incomplete. If he wanted to know more, he would enter the witch's dream and communicate with Selina with complete memory.

Linde believes that his greatest advantage is that he can restrain his curiosity.

He actually has a rough guess.

Before being evaluated as "three rings", Lind had successfully promoted two powers, but he had not been evaluated as "three rings" until he tried to use and control the noble power in the second heartbeat, and borrowed that power to burst into flames.

The evaluation of "rings" seems to be related to the power of the explosion.

Time can tame everything, and Lind can feel that it will not be long before he completely tames this power.

In addition, Lind also mastered the power of the "Lion Knight" path.

The Lion Knight comes from "Lion Hymn". The belief in the power of a magical beast makes the upper limit of this power extremely low, and it can only stay at the level of the Great Knight.

However, the effect brought by the "Lion Emblem" is very interesting. It gives Lind a completely unreasonable bloodthirsty burst of power. Continuous attacks accumulate blood anger and burst at the last moment.

The Golden Oath Knight was also successfully promoted to a hero. Queen Rania was very generous and did not hide her shortcomings in potions.

Lind now has a total of 7 kinds of knight path power.

Including 3 hero ranks, 3 upper great knights, and 1 great knight.

The strength increased but no war developed.

Lind's existence was no secret to Raven City, and the fact that the Dark Night Orchard had completely turned into ruins could not be hidden from others, but they just pretended that Lind did not exist.

Both sides entered a strange state of calm, ignoring each other and doing their own things silently.

Lind was also very confused: "I'm waiting for the blood lambs to come out of the circle, what are you waiting for?"

The breeding and raising of blood lambs finally began to form a scale. Although he had no idea how to breed blood lambs above level 21, the gradually stable output of the Heart of Disaster made Lind choose to leave the trouble for the future.

Finally, the Great Knights can be mass-produced. From Star Dragon City to Mountain Troll Castle, all the soldiers of the Rand Legion must be upgraded.

This is a huge project, with a total of nearly 1,500 people, not including the soldiers recruited by Star Dragon City and Mountain Troll Castle in the later period.

The first batch of 100 Great Knights will take at least two months, but the second batch of 500 people only needs one month, and the remaining batch only took a few days.

Now he has a new problem.

There is not enough feed for breeding, and the blood lambs that can be cultivated in large quantities need more resources.

The army moved into the harbor village.

The craftsmen began to build ships, and the knight took off his armor and rolled up his sleeves to start fishing.

There must be a powerful disaster in the deep sea. In any case, the other party has no intention of coming to the land. This place may be far away from the things in the deep sea, far beyond the other party's sphere of influence.

Just some scraps from the deep sea are enough to support the operation of the underground blood lamb ranch.

The bloodthirsty disaster fish is easy to catch. As long as the blood and meat are put into the water, a large piece can be caught quickly, and often more than a dozen fish can bite on a piece of meat.

A large number of fish with the breath of disaster are sent to the underground blood lamb breeding farm, catalyzing the rapid growth of blood lambs.

More and more blood lambs have successfully evolved into disasters. The appearance of disasters leads to the appearance of disaster shadow areas, so the hatching speed of disaster-level blood lambs is like pressing the accelerator key.

Before the out-of-control event occurred, Lind had already collapsed the underground entrance. Now if you want to enter the underground, you can only use the "teleportation magic circle".

After referring to many magic circles underground, Duomei successfully developed a one-way teleportation magic circle. Each use requires a lot of energy to open a portal.

At this stage, Linde can only rely on the charging of the great knights to sustain the consumption.

The most important thing is to prevent the blood lamb from running out.

The former novice villages have developed into a different scene.

Not only the Harbor Village, Linde slowly discovered that the former novice villages also have their merits, such as Holy Water Town, Kazhan Town, Persimmon Town, etc., whether it is the new soilless cultivation project in Persimmon Town, or the clay in Kazhan Town is more solid and easy to use for firing pottery jars, or the traces of the dog-mouthed man are found again in Holy Water Town.

He can't give up these favorable resources.

It just solves the problem of excess human resources.

Without the consumer market of the undead, production has become slow, and more and more people are pregnant and giving birth, the population is increasing, and Linde has a lot to consider.

Among all kinds of human resources, management talents are the most difficult to solve work problems. Linde himself is reluctant to let people with management minds go to soilless cultivation or go to the battlefield with swords.

So he sent these people out to rebuild on the site of the former Novice Village and build roads to connect the Novice Village and Star Dragon City.

Say goodbye to the situation of Star Dragon City's self-production and self-sales, and let the surrounding villages and Star Dragon City form a resource cycle.

This operation method is not suitable for the Troll Castle.

First of all, the Troll Castle is too far away from Star Dragon City, and many people cannot cross the two places, so basically say goodbye to human resource exchange, and the cost of using teleportation magic is too high, which is even more inappropriate.

Secondly, the population of the Troll Castle is not as crazy about worshipping Linde as Star Dragon City. They are numb and don't care about the appearance of any lord.

Linde, who cannot provide work and sufficient food, cannot change their attitude in a short time, so he can only continue to use the policies of the former Troll Castle and take it slowly.

Rand 123, the fourth year of the broken magic ring, May.

Time passed quickly.

During this period of time, Lind's strength seemed to have not improved at all, but in fact, he had completely mastered the noble power in the second heartbeat.

All the soldiers under Lind's command also changed into secret pattern equipment, from head to toe, even including arrows, which contained arrows with high lethality, penetration or range explosion effects.

And different types of combat teams were strictly divided according to each person's different talents.

Now with this power, Lind is confident that he can slaughter the market knights with a 10-man team with only some tactics when entering the mountain goblin castle again.

Do you understand the strength of the kryptonian warrior?

And he was also excited to successfully cultivate a wizard, although the probability of the wizard's birth is extremely low.

Early in the morning, Lind rode his horse to Thorn City. With the improvement of overall strength, he and Rania will discuss the next development direction, whether to ignore Raven City and go straight to Goliath, or to try Raven City first.

The Black Fire brothers have now become Lind's guards, and they are very satisfied with this job.

During this period of time, [Black Flame's Unholy Grail] has been tempting him, but unfortunately the benefits given are too little, so Linde has no interest. He cannot accept the fact that humans are used as maggot culture dishes.

Thorn City is right in front of him, and the soldiers guarding the city immediately bowed and saluted when they saw Linde.

Suddenly, Linde's eyes flashed.

The "official website" that had disappeared so much that he almost forgot about it suddenly popped up.

The official content is still at [The 2.01 version of the internal test of "Doomsday Ring" has been updated, the number of open places has been expanded to 12,000, and the level cap has been opened to level 20. The update will take 1 day. Please wait patiently for qualified players]

Linde was so patient that he almost forgot about it.

The next moment, a flood of posts flooded into the forum.

[new! The update is over, online! ]

[new! God, just got the qualification, and it only took one day to deliver the express delivery, awesome! ]

[new! One day of updating feels like a year, finally here, my ring~]

[new! Is this game real? It can't be a movie studio role-playing game, is it? Just wear a helmet to sleep? ]

[new! Star Dragon City players, is there anyone who wants to fight the 10 bosses of the Serpent Outpost together? We will form a team after the level is updated! Mage and tanks are coming! ]

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