The lord is red again

Chapter 247 Log in and get free equipment

Chapter 247 Really·Give away equipment when you log in

The undead who were stunned just now suddenly reacted.

What, give away equipment, give away weapons? What else can we say? Brothers, you are the dead soldiers today, and you will fight wherever you are pointed!

There is a very popular guide for novice pioneers on the Internet, and almost all the undead who have obtained the second batch of test qualifications have read it.

The author of the tutorial compiled a very detailed pioneering tutorial based on various situations, using himself and some internal testers he contacted.

Why is "Doomsday Ring" fun? Because it is real enough.

This reality has reached a terrifying level. In other games, each NPC has its own fixed action trajectory. No matter how real it is, it is still a program, but here they will remember everything you have done, just like real people.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness will remember you forever because of some evil thing you have done. There was once an undead who saw through the NPC's intention to pit him, and kicked the other party over. Since then, the undead has noticed rumors about himself. After spending several days tracking and investigating, he found that it was the NPC who was kicked by him before who spread it everywhere.

Some people have accidentally saved villagers who were about to die in the hands of disasters. The other party will remember the undead, and will only be very enthusiastic to the undead who saved him, but very cold to other undead.

NPC has the advantages of real people, of course, there are also the same disadvantages as real people, so various operations appear.

"Teach you the medieval rhetoric, how to get a job quickly."

"Teach you how to quickly get starting capital and accumulate original capital."

"Teach you how to become a thief saint and make a fortune by stealing, but remember that you will be expelled if you are caught stealing."

"Teach you..."

And so on, dozens of strategies, so that newcomers can get through the novice period in the shortest time.

After that, when you have enough money and have enough favors, you can finally get in touch with deeper powers. At this time, the undead can choose to find the village chief of the novice village and get a potion recipe.

"Teach you how to quickly collect potion materials."

and "Teach you how to stew potions."

Some undead are even trying to stew potions after they have changed their jobs to become wizards, but only a few succeed, and the quality of the potions they make is very low.

In addition, the materials are too difficult to obtain, so the undead basically choose to join a force and get potions from those forces.

The more advanced ones become "How to join a strong man to get potions, etc."

After reading all the tutorials, it makes people dazzled, as if you are not playing games, but reading papers and flipping through materials.

At the bottom of each piece of information, there will be a sentence marked "If you join Lind Alman's camp, you can ignore these strategies. Congratulations on turning on the simple mode of the game."

Now the undead in Cuigang have experienced what "simple mode" is.

Really log in and get equipment.

The undeads took action and lined up to receive equipment.

Linde didn't feel safe in his heart. First of all, the central area was completely beyond his signal coverage, and the [Gold Seal] could not affect here, which means that he didn't have a "magic version system" in this area.

He could use the secret pattern injection method to make some counterfeit gold seals, but both the computing power and other aspects would be castrated, and the most important thing was that there was no time.

Even so, Linde still had the confidence to bite off a big piece of meat in the many novice villages in Raven City.

The magic system was just more convenient and gave the undead people a better "game experience", but he could also achieve similar effects through other methods, as long as he did better than other novice village heads.

His competitiveness in the central region was too small. So far, Linde didn't know much about the power structure of Raven City. He only knew that there were four or five forces there, and there were frictions between them. That was why he didn't take action against Goliath and the old noble forces such as the Mountain Troll Castle and the Snake Catcher Fortress.

However, as a year passed, their internal voices gradually tended to be harmonious.

In the dark, it seems that everything is preparing for the return of the undead.

A group of "epic" strongmen with the same strength as Lord Leon, conservatively estimated to be above level 41.

Among Lind's current forces, only he himself is the strongest one, and his strength can only reach level 40 at most.

The competitiveness is too different. In many cases, the larger the number above the NPC's head, the more reliable it is.

The role of the level number is so intuitive. After seeing their level, the undead will naturally have an idea: Oh, he is a mid-to-late NPC, and he is a pre-to-mid NPC.

A cognitive gap is very likely to make the undead choose to go all the way. Since I have seen the mid-to-late NPC, I don't need to waste time here.

Moreover, every undead he snatched in the central region means that the new nobles will lack an undead.

He is weakening the enemy's power in a way that only he can understand, but those new nobles may not understand his operation at all.

He was not worried about the area north of the Snake Catcher's Fortress. No matter where the new undead would eventually appear, as long as they were in the north, they could only go to Star Dragon City.

The meat was all stewed in the pot and could be digested slowly.

The undead people in Cuigang in front of him are his living GGs. Maybe other novice villages will also want to come over after seeing this.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the strength to make it now. You can wait until you are stronger in the future and bring your family with you to Riven City’s equipment. Riven City has no faction points limit and you can leave at any time.

If it weren’t for the faction coverage limit and the central region’s inability to provide the star grass needed for the disaster warhorse, Lind would even dare to launch an event to give away warhorses for signing in for 30 consecutive days.

He doesn’t need a bottom line.

He just needs to spend money to rob people.

He is not a real NPC.

It was also on the same day.

The undead appeared in the Red Mushroom Village for the first time, and more and more undead appeared one after another.

They excitedly rushed to the red-roofed building in front.

First find the NPC to chat for a few words, then receive the task and grind for equipment.

Such a real magic world has made people want to explore, but they at least retain some rationality and know that they can’t move forward without strength.

But what the undead people didn't expect was that just as they rushed to the Red Mushroom Village, a strange and chaotic armed force suddenly rushed out.

They wore various styles of armor and equipment, some were bare-chested, some dragged strange-style swords, and some held spears like savages.

They were not from the same region, and their skin colors and races were very different.

This was a mixed village.

The different shapes were the same, but the same was this armed force, with murderous faces and a united attitude.

"What are you!"

"Don't move!"

One of the warriors shouted and questioned.

"We are undead! We are knights of God!" An undead said, "We are here to save the world!"

But their words were unconvincing. Who has ever seen a knight who saves the world without even a pair of pants!

So, unlike the undead in Cuigang who were given equipment as soon as they landed, this group of undead were tied with ropes, squatting in the corner with their heads in their hands, waiting for the arrival of the Baron of Red Mushroom.

There are still three chapters. I was a little drunk playing the Joker card and forgot to write anything.

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