The lord is red again

Chapter 26 skip I am

Late at night, Linde was still awake, lying on the bed and browsing posts.

Through some people's posts and videos on the official website, he found that the current state of the players was not optimistic. Although some players were born optimists, without the positive feedback of the game, the only thing they could rely on to continue playing was the game technology of "Doomsday Ring" which was far superior to the world.

If other game companies broke through the relevant technology, "Doomsday Ring" would definitely lose most of its players in a very short time.

Without the world's preference, it would not be an exaggeration to say that players could not move forward.

And he found that the players mainly appeared in the Rand Kingdom area.

A small number appeared in other kingdoms.

Unfortunately, the players' level was too low, and they could not figure out which area they were in. They could only vaguely know that they were in the Rand Kingdom.

The Rand Kingdom was very big.

"Sir" The soldier's voice came with the knock on the door.

Linde sat up and put on his clothes, grabbing the long sword.

Opening the door, a gust of cold wind hit him in the face, making him squint.

Lind, who is already a great knight, is very strong. Under his clothes are muscles as hard as rocks, and the chilly wind can hardly shake him.

It's just that it's human nature to fear the cold, and the wind at night always carries a dead smell of disaster, which makes people always in a state of fear.

Before the end of the world, people worship the night.

After the end of the world, no one likes the night.

"What's wrong?"

The person who came was the soldier Pierre, one of the nine soldiers under his command, and his nose was red from the cold.

When he opened his mouth to speak, a large amount of white hot air gushed out of his mouth, covering his head, and then was blown away by a gust of wind.

The difference between the living and the dead in the dark is probably who can breathe.

"Those four undead people brought back a corpse."

The traveling frogs are really restless, and they always have something to do for themselves.


"They also said that they found traces of scavengers."

Lind's spirits were slightly lifted.

It has only been two or three days since the hole in the city wall was broken, and the players have only been here for two or three days.

During this time, Lind and the players wiped out the jackals, went to Prey Town to be promoted to a great knight, and wiped out a gathering place for wanderers.

There were so many things to do that the investigation of the hole in the city wall that was right in front of him had to be postponed.

Of course, he also wanted the players to investigate the scavengers in his plan, but were they too quick to act?

Even Lind himself was puzzled: Was I like this when I played games before? I didn't follow the tasks obediently, and ran around everywhere.

Suddenly, a memory came to my mind, "Let's explore the area ahead later."

Who is playing voice in my head.

Oh, I was like this before, that's fine.

The main quests of the game can't control the players, so don't expect to control the players as an NPC without authority.

Linde nodded expressionlessly: "Let's go and have a look."


When Linde saw the four undead, they were chatting excitedly. The cold wind after nightfall was like a sharp arrow that could penetrate the thick fur coat, but the four people were dancing with joy, especially when they saw Linde coming.

"Sir, we accidentally ran into this corpse when we were patrolling outside, and then we found that there were scavengers eyeing our territory."

An undead has come to claim credit.

The faces of several soldiers around changed slightly. Even though they had heard about scavengers before, they were still a little worried now.

Scavengers = disaster.

The doomsday disaster, can't be killed, anyone would be afraid.

Linde looked at the corpse on the ground.

I've seen it a lot, so I don't want to vomit.

He squatted down to check the bitten head, searched other parts, and turned over the stiff hands of the corpse.

The right hand was covered with calluses. Although the left hand was also rough, the calluses were in a completely different position. This was a person who used a bow all year round.

After tearing off his clothes, there were scars on his chest and back.

An old soldier.

Soldiers in the doomsday are considered to be superior in strength. Soldiers who have experienced life and death and training are also good at sticking together.

As far as Lind knows, many corps have established private forces on the spot after the collapse of the Rand Kingdom regime, and used their own armed forces to forcibly keep everything running.

Compared with "old nobles" like himself, those "new nobles" who hold real power are the real masters.

It just so happens that there is a new noble in the eastern area of ​​Star Dragon Outpost. Compared with him, the difference is probably like a chicken and a tiger.

So after seeing the corpse, Lind was not in a good mood.

There is now a giant hoofed horse of unknown name around the territory, a group of fleeing wanderers, and wanderers who may be led by a two-headed man of the Great Knight class, an unknown number of scavengers, and possible soldiers. This does not include the defense corps of Prey Town and the new noble lords in the east.

If the players thought that Prey Town was really a "novice village", then I was probably just a wild monster stronghold.

It was in a precarious situation.

The Star Dragon Post stood on the horizon, as if provoking something.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lind stood up: "It's a scavenger."

He spoke, and basically set the final tone - there really was a scavenger near the Star Dragon Post, and the distance was very close.

The status of the soldiers and the players was obviously polarized.

Player: "I knew it, hahaha! Can I start a new mission?"

Soldier: "Alas!"

They are different from players. They will die, and they can't kill monsters to level up. They really don't want to have any contact with the disaster.

"The danger is imminent."

Linde spoke again, attracting everyone's attention to himself. As an "NPC" who understands "players" very well, he can easily understand the situation of both sides at this time.

Although he can sacrifice players infinitely, the real fighting power in front of him is not the players, but his nine elite soldiers.

Don't think that the four players are desperately killing the wanderer camp, but to put it bluntly, that group of people are just a group of poor people who can't even fill their stomachs. If the four soldiers of the Star Dragon Outpost were to kill the wanderers today, they wouldn't have to fight so miserably, and they could kill them directly without any injuries.

If it were Linde... he could make a pile of charred corpses on the ground in a very short time.

Players are born with weak bodies, and they all start as "useless people".

Therefore, the main force to eliminate the scavengers this time is destined to be himself and 9 soldiers, but players are not useless, they can use their lives to explore and investigate the enemy.

Including himself, players and soldiers, there are 14 people in total.

It is also a strong force. It may not be able to deal with wanderers, but it should be no problem to eliminate scavengers.

Linde has a guess. He has also read the post. One of the players named @Li Jie Wansui has been saying that he is in the scavenger nest north of Star Dragon Post.

It is almost certain that the information about the scavengers comes from there.

Remember that the number is not large.

"Undead people, for the peace of Star Dragon Post, go to investigate the situation of the scavengers and give it to me as soon as possible! I need to know where the scavenger nest is located."

He turned his head and looked at the soldiers: "Others, get ready and fight at any time!"

The soldiers could understand the solemnity of Linde's tone.

"Yes!" The soldiers took the order and disappeared in the night wind with torches.

The flickering flames were struggling like fireflies in the chilly wind, flickering. Even though I knew I would not have a good dream tonight, I had to hold on tonight in order to sleep peacefully in the future.

But the players were completely different. Lind watched the four players look at each other, turned away from his sight, and then ran back.

"Lord, we have investigated it clearly!"

Lind: "..."

You didn't even pretend, you just skipped me! [Note]

Skip (スキップ): The option to skip the plot in the game.

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