The lord is red again

Chapter 265 I am good at bullying the weak

Suddenly there was a note above Baron Luo Nan's head, The Cunning King!

But none of the undead were afraid. On the contrary, they became very excited when they watched their bodies begin to twitch uncontrollably, as if something was about to tear through their bodies and come out.

The weirder the better!

The side of the Baron's snake body with the weird face began to twist uncontrollably, the snake scales bulged high, and something was squirming inside.



The sudden burst of damage from the baron's head made the undead people's hearts twitch.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

We have been fighting for so long, and the brothers are already dead in a hurry without losing hundreds of drops of blood, and they recover in the blink of an eye. It would be better for you to just blow yourself up.

"I can't accept this kind of plot!" someone complained.

"Why do I feel like there's a hidden plot?"

"There is definitely a bug!"

"Damn it, brothers, what are you waiting for? Come on!" An undead man saw a group of people still making comments and couldn't help but remind them.

"Although it's CG time now, we can still move, let's get going!"

The undead are on board, the undead are dead.

The snake skin on one side of the Baron was torn, and a dry and thin arm protruded from it. There was no skin, and the flesh and blood vessels were barely wrapped around the bones.

At that moment, the flesh and blood arm suddenly waved, and the blood light directly cleared away the undead.

The storm and the ashes that were carried back turned into a storm.

"Holy shit, I ate my brother's ashes!" someone wailed, and then he was blown over by the storm.

The power of the Great Knight was vulnerable to this force.

Baron Ronan's eyes were gradually becoming dim, but he seemed to be still struggling.

A strange feeling spread from the hearts of the undead, especially from the eyes on the Baron's neck. They felt a discomfort that touched the depths of their souls.

There are also a few undead people hiding behind the ruins, quietly recording all this with their probes, completely transformed into war reporters.

"Are you still coming?"

"Damn it, didn't you see? This is a CG show, and I always feel that the plot is a bit confusing."

"It must be that the closed beta hasn't been completed yet, but is this BOSS's damage overflowing?"

Just one Baron Luonan is enough to give them a headache, but there is actually a second stage.

That's all. The second stage is so powerful that it can kill people instantly with just a wave of your hand. What a joke.

Then they saw the bloody hand holding it empty, and the surrounding rocks were rolling in the strong wind, slowly condensing into a long sword composed of wind and rocks.

A strange hoarse roar came from the Baron's neck, and the wailing sound swept away the billowing black clouds in the sky above his head.

Countless piles of corpses were blown away with this roar and exploded into powder and ashes.

The undead no longer dared to approach the fortress.

The weird Baron Luo Nan didn't pay attention to the remaining undead. His fat body suddenly rushed forward for a distance, as if it turned into a black shadow.

This is almost impossible for a huge monster. Not only is the speed so fast that it seems to move instantaneously, but the body does not even have any impact on the surrounding environment when moving. Instead, after the movement stops, it squeezes away as if it suddenly appears. the surrounding ruined buildings.

The weirdest thing is that the direction of the sprint is not the direction directly opposite Baron Luo Nan's snake body, but the direction of the arm at the side of the neck crack.

"The BOSS keeps losing blood!"

"It is indeed losing blood, but we can't catch up at all. How can we fight this thing?"

The raging Baron Luonan is almost invincible. Although he is in an inexplicable state of losing blood, the blood loss rate is very slow. With the nearly 30,000 health points left, there is no problem in wreaking havoc for several days, and it seems , he doesn’t seem ready to stay here forever.

"Cunning King?"

A BOSS battle that lasted for several days, it was impossible for him not to notice it even if he wanted to.

Linde has great confidence in the undead. They can kill any BOSS, but only if the BOSS really doesn't think about escaping.

The current situation was somewhat beyond his expectation, and what was more important was the "Cunning King".

"From the abyss" said Raniya coming over.

Ever since she entered the Troll Castle, Raniya's life had become relaxed and boring. She would always wander around, and then "accidentally" sneak into Lind's side.

Being a queen is a very boring thing. If the queen has no strength and power, she can only live in the castle, just like a canary, and it will be even more boring.

Fortunately, Linde was still there, so the Duke could joke with the Queen casually, even if others saw the two of them looking very serious when joking, they were really afraid that they would suddenly pull their hair and start a fight.

"Snake Catcher's Fortress!" Lind said: "The cunning king seems to have taken over Baron Luo Nan's body."

He suddenly asked: "Do you know the secret of the noble bloodline?"

"The blessing from the magic ring. Some people say that we are the blood descendants of the gods. Others say that we are a race created by the magic ring. We are inherently different from ordinary people. You can find hundreds of ways to say it. In short, nobles are different from ordinary people. ." Raniya obviously scorned these claims. She believed that the blood of nobles contained power, but she did not think it had anything to do with those outrageous legends.

Because there are quite a lot of nobles, and they are constantly intermarrying.

There are even more illegitimate children of nobles. If the illegitimate children have children, most of their living bodies may have noble blood.

But no matter what, the blood of the old nobles and the name of the nobility have very strong power.

For example, the new nobles tried to kill the old nobles who occupied key positions such as various fortresses, because the old nobles hindered the development of the times.

Of course, there are also the Salamanders, who captured the old nobles to seek their power.

The Cunning King is obviously another one.

"It wants to be reborn in the body of Baron Ronan." Linde thought he might have found the answer, but he didn't agree with this answer in his heart, because if it was really reborn, the current state of the Cunning King looked more like a difficult birth.

Rania suddenly looked at Linde: "You want to go over? No!"

This scene made the recorder standing aside very confused. She found that Her Majesty the Queen, who always had a bad temper with Linde, seemed to always be able to see through the Duke's thoughts at the first time.

Just like now, before the Duke spoke, she already understood what he wanted to do.

"You are the spiritual pillar of this group of people." Raniya said: "You are responsible for the mission of recovering the lost land of the Kingdom of Rand."

"That is your mission, Your Majesty, I am just a small noble."

"It's the Duke!" She emphasized: "My only Duke!"

Linde felt that what she said was a bit corny: "Then I promise that I won't die?"

He didn't want to see anything flowing out of the queen's already sparkling eyes, which would shake his desire to take advantage.

Raniya is indeed beautiful enough and irresistible. She is really charming only in two places, one is when she rides a horse on the battlefield, and the other is when she has tears in her eyes.

The first kind of irresistible is because you will be beaten to the point of being unable to refuse.

The second kind is that you can't refuse such a beauty.

It's a pity that Linde is very good at rejecting others.

"Why do you have to go?" Raniya was very puzzled. In her opinion, this is completely a suicide.

Whether it is the cunning king or Baron Ronan, they are definitely not easy enemies to deal with. If you are not careful, you may die directly.

"Because I think the Cunning King is waiting for me. If I don't go, someone else will."

Linde couldn't say that he saw the Cunning King staying in the Snake Catcher's Fortress and didn't come out, as if it was trapped in the map, and then it kept losing blood, it looked like it was easy to bully.

The undead frantically posted videos to update everything about the Cunning King, and then all claimed that this was a vicious bug.

As an "official NPC", although he was a fake, he felt that this was the time for him to take action. Who knows how long the fortress can trap the opponent.

Linde thought for a while and said: "I feel it is very weak, I am good at bullying the weak."

Raniya opened her mouth. It was the first time she saw bullying being said so high-soundingly: "You'd better really bully the weak."

She would rather Linde only face weak enemies every time.

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