The lord is red again

Chapter 272: What a good NPC actor

The Bee Swarm House, originally called the House District, is said to be a place where a winemaker from a foreign country fled to the Kingdom of Rand and lived here incognito.

All stories seem to start in the same way, being hunted, fleeing, etc. Even fairy tales start with the princess's escape, and then she settles down somewhere.

Later, the winemaker found a group of wild bees nearby. He stole the hive and made delicious mead with honey.

The homeless fugitives took root and developed in the House District, and gradually developed into the Bee Swarm House.

There is a big difference between the legend and the real situation, and the biggest difference is that there was no so-called Bee Swarm House or House District before the end of the world.

This was once a private winery of a nobleman, and there were very few people who knew this "secret", even so few that only Lind had heard of it, because the winery's mead was served on his table.

After the end of the world, the output of various resources became more barren, but the strange thing is that the Bee Swarm House can still produce mead, and it is more delicious than before the end of the world.

There are many rumors about mead:

For example, if you see bees flying in the bee colony hut, you should take the initiative to make way, because they are the real builders of this village.

Some people also say that the bee flying the lowest is wrapped in heavy nectar clothes. As long as the winemakers keep an eye on this bee, they can find the best hive and brew the best mead.

Buying mead is not a difficult problem for Zui Ai Bai Si. The only difficulty is how to transport it. Even in the relatively "peaceful" hut area, it is impossible to enter the territory of the Mountain Troll Castle.

The new and old nobles have a tacit understanding of not disturbing each other, but it does not mean that the two sides will not really go to war. Their positions have already determined their endless struggle.

Luckily, Zui Ai Bai Si asked around and found out that there was actually an undead person in the team that came to the area near the Mountain Troll Castle to deliver wine this time.

We are all our own people, so it's easy to say!

Although it is not allowed to enter the territory of the Mountain Troll Castle for trading, a small stall can be set up at the border.

Trading between different forces cannot use currency, and most of them will adopt barter.

"Thanks, brother!" Zui Ai Bai Si did not expect that the style of this group of life players would be so strange. Everyone wanted equipment for bartering, but this group of people actually wanted all kinds of materials.

"Magic potions can cultivate various nectars," said the life-oriented undead: "And drinking this kind of wine can also increase experience."

"I saw that in addition to increasing the state of being tipsy, it also increases experience, but if you want to upgrade by drinking this thing, you will probably go bankrupt."

Zui Ai Bai Si suddenly had an idea: "Brother, the mountain goblin castle has a great demand for this kind of wine. Are you interested..."

This business can also be done by yourself.

"No chance." Who knows, the other party shook his head: "We are just tools to help make wine. In fact, the most important step of making wine has always been kept from us, and it has always been done by the winemaker. And the short house is not short of money at all."

"Not short of money?"

"Yes, very rich, and no one dares to owe debts." The life-oriented undead also found this interesting. He pointed to the southeast sky and said: "Do you know about the Red Mushroom Village? The baron of the Red Mushroom Village owes a lot of debts. I heard that he will be forced to pay off his debts soon. If he doesn't pay, he will use his assets to pay off his debts."

The crazy old debtor Red Mushroom Baron who imprisoned the undead, and the slow-paced wine-making village, the strengths of both sides seem to have completely reversed. The bee colony short house seems to have complete control of the discourse and seems to be very tough.

"I'm leaving first. If you have a chance to join you later, remember to take me with you."

"Okay, we don't say anything else here, we just welcome newcomers."

"Follow Linde and start the simple mode directly. Everyone understands, but we are casual players, and we always feel uncomfortable if we don't get his winemaking formula."

After saying goodbye to each other, Zui Ai Bai Si found Lao Pete, who was strolling in the mountain troll castle like a street urchin.

Zui Ai Bai Si felt something was wrong.

As the guard beside Linde, he is also the character that is most familiar to the undead. As long as he is an old undead, almost no one will not know Lao Pete.

Just at this time, another undead discovered Lao Pete's unusualness and asked Lao Pete if he needed help.

Lao Pete said: "I want Cuigang's pork. If you can bring it, I can reward you."

The undead immediately asked: "Reward, what?"

"Points in the mountain troll castle."

"Fuck! New territory points, I'll go, I'll go! Wait for me!" The undead ran away in a hurry.

At this moment, Zui Ai Bai Si suddenly realized.

Ah, Old Pete, you came here to buy goods!

Even the moment when he mentioned "pork", his eyes turned from turbid to clear, just like when he mentioned "honey wine" when he accepted the task.

I thought I found a unique task, but after all this time, it was still a collection task.

If a normal person did this, Zui Ai Bai Si would definitely scold the other party for being greedy, but Old Pete was an NPC, and he couldn't scold an NPC for sending tasks everywhere.

"Old Pete!" Zui Ai Bai Si came to Old Pete: "This is the honey wine you want."

"Yes, this is it, hahaha!" Old Pete took the honey wine, a smile flashed across his face, and then he took out a small notebook.

"Well, favorite white silk?" Old Pete took out a charcoal pencil and turned several pages.

"Yes," favorite white silk nodded, leaned over to look, and found that there were many words written densely on it.

A year has passed, and many people have been forced by Linde to learn to read and write. For example, although old Pete's learning ability is relatively poor, he draws well. Sometimes the horizontal ellipse represents one word, and the vertical ellipse represents another word. The circle, square, and rectangle are just like Cangjie's creation of characters. Old Pete has his own writing system.

Favorite white silk watched Old Pete search for a while, and then drew on it: "Your points will be redeemed after a while."

This feeling made favorite white silk feel weird. The purely handwritten tasks seemed to have returned to the Star Dragon Outpost period.

It seems that the development of the lord in the central region is not very smooth.

"Can I start asking some questions?" Favorite white silk asked.

He has now completely determined one thing, that there is no hope of becoming a trader. Old Pete always says the same sentence when he issues tasks.

It turns out that you are such a good actor, I almost went to buy honey wine because of your words.

"Can you tell me about the Lord's experience in the past year?" Seeing Old Pete nod, he continued to say, "We were forced to leave for a year, and when we came back, we learned that the Lord had become the owner of the Troll Castle. We were missing a lot of key information."

"It's the Duke!" Old Pete emphasized, he was dissatisfied with the vague words of the undead: "I still remember the Lord's expression when he was forced to leave Goliath. Later, the Lord told us that he would bring us back."

"He is doing it." Favorite White Silk is like a war correspondent, and then considers how to make this part of the video less boring.

"He will definitely do it!" Old Pete affirmed again: "He is one of the two dukes of the Kingdom of Rand!"

"It sounds very great."

"Not that great" Old Pete shook his head. I often hear the sigh of the lord: "Do you know what those people call us? The remnants of the old era, those rebels who call themselves new nobles, and even some who think they have left the human body and are a new race. Look at our land, it can no longer grow food to fill our stomachs, only mutant food that mutants can eat."

This was a long exchange, and Zui Ai Bai Si suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and his new video direction had been found.

But before that, he hoped that he could collect as much material as possible.

Just when Zui Ai Bai Si wanted to ask something, he suddenly found that Old Pete looked into the distance, and then an undead man came over.

"Old Pete, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I want to taste the sour grapes from the fox cave, but that place is not friendly to outsiders, alas."

"I can help you!" The undead man said immediately, and looked at the favorite white silk, asking him with his eyes whether he would accept this task.

The favorite white silk took a half step back and shook his head to indicate that he would not accept it.

"Really?" Old Pete's cloudy eyes suddenly lit up: "If you can bring grapes from the fox cave, I am willing to pay you!"

This is a strong sense of déjà vu.

What a good NPC.

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