The lord is red again

Chapter 277 [Grape aphid removal worker in Fox Cave, lv2]

People can be seen on the street during the day, and every villager is very afraid of outsiders. At night, they will hide in their homes and not show their heads. There is no one who can communicate in such a large village.

After walking for a long time, he finally came to a place called "Porcupine Alley", because there was a huge notice posted here.

[Porcupine Tavern Opening: Fresh Wine Available in Small Quantities from Now]

And this notice also came with a map, as if he was afraid that people who came to drink would not be able to find the location of the tavern.

As a foreigner, he could determine the location of the tavern based on the map.

This time he really had to go.

He walked along the Porcupine Alley paved with square bricks with a torch.

Not far away, a suspended stone bridge was above his sight.

The architectural style of this town is very crowded and stacked. People seem to live in a world of different heights. Standing by the bridge and looking down, you will find that the houses are like thuja growing on cliffs. The fastest way to get from one road to another is not to follow the road, which will make people lost.

The best way is to jump down.

Here, every place is a "shortcut".

The bottom of the bridge hanging overhead was lit by torchlight, and a corpse in a white robe was hung with chains below, looking like a clergyman.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little gloomy.

He hurriedly passed under the corpse, and his mind of exploration was shrouded in a haze.

When he first entered the fox cave, the undead was in a relatively calm mood. After all, no matter how weird it was, it was impossible for a problem to occur in the novice village.

But after encountering the hanging corpse just now, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The sky became turbid in an instant, and thick fog seemed to gradually rise around him. He seemed to have left the medieval magic world in an instant and entered a world of horror and supernatural style.

This is not an unwarranted judgment.

From the internal test 1.0 to the current 2.0 of the game, many powers have been demonstrated, between people, between people and disasters, and the collision of magic and fire, but most of the time it is a hearty battle, fighting with monsters, etc.

But the game has never been as weird as it is now.

If it was a novice village, it would be too strange, but if it was not a novice village, why couldn't we see the enemy?

He noticed that the surrounding stone walls and iron railings were covered with dry vines. The leaves had completely withered, but they stubbornly parasitized on the vines, like leeches rooted in people's legs.

"Chop the devils' heads with the big knife!" I wanted to sing loudly, but then he suddenly thought of what the old hunter Charles said, and immediately lowered his voice.

There is a red star on the chest, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts can come.

Having said that, he was still a little nervous. Not to mention whether it hurts to be hurt in the game, he is a strange person. If he is told that this is a magical world of Warcraft, it is a fantasy style, then he is not afraid at all, and can even pause the frame-by-frame analysis.

But if he is told that this is a horror type, it will be completely different. He wants to weld his hands to his face and observe only with his fingers from now on.

Horror games bring pure mental damage.

Suddenly, a figure staggered out in front of him, interrupting his thinking.

The other party was wrapped in a black cloak, with a hunched figure, holding a sickle in one hand and a torch in the other.

The distance between the two sides was not too far, but the other party did not notice him at all. Even though the fire on his side had already been ostentatiously pressed on the other party's face, there was still no reaction.

I Shang Zao Ba could clearly see the blood bar on the other party's head.

[Grape aphid remover in the fox cave, lv2]

[Life: 50/80]

This should be the vineyard enemy Edwin mentioned.

It is indeed a red name.

You can go around it or kill it.

This is a multiple-choice question. Porcupine Alley can only go forward. If you want to go to the tavern, you must go forward.

And I Shang Zao Ba did not think that he could not deal with the hunched figure. He slowly approached the other party, holding the pitchfork in his right hand and raising it high above his head, which made him look like he was ready to throw a javelin.

He was approaching.

The other party did not react at all.

It seems that as long as he promised not to make any sound, the other party's eyes and nose would not be able to detect his existence.

Unfortunately, when there was still two meters away, the aphid remover turned his head and looked over. The face looked normal, more normal than Edwin, but the skin was pale and reflected white under the firelight.

The aphid remover opened his mouth to express hostility. In addition to the outermost row of human teeth that looked relatively ordinary, his mouth was full of 4 or 5 rows of sharp and dense teeth, like the mouthparts of some creature.

I Shang Zao Ba reacted quickly, kicked the ground with my left foot, and my body rose from the ground. I stabbed the pitchfork in my right hand into the opponent's head.

The four steel strands easily opened a hole in the aphid remover's head, and the huge force pushed the opponent to stagger and fall to the ground.

Blood overflowed from his eye sockets.

I Shang Zao Ba's heart was excited.

If it was just a staggering enemy, he would not be afraid.

He stepped on the enemy's chest to pull out the pitchfork, and then stabbed it again. The excited arm made him stab twice in a row before hitting the opponent for the third time.

The blood bar was emptied!

The aphid remover in front of me should still be considered a human, so the pitchfork can be used to kill him directly after stabbing his head.

I was very excited after killing the enemy for the first time.

He realized it late that he forgot to turn down the game's sensor.

The strange real touch transmitted from the pitchfork made him feel that if he really killed someone, it should be not much different from this touch feedback.

Fortunately, this is just a game.

He bent down and pulled the corpse, and was surprised to find that the corpse was very light, weighing only about 20 to 30 kilograms. He could easily turn the corpse over with a light lift.

After the battle, he realized that there seemed to be no blood.

Did he turn on the "harmony mode"?

He stripped off the opponent's clothes and put them on himself. Although there was no special effect, it was a farewell to the embarrassment of having no pants to wear.

I went up to eight in the morning and walked along the Porcupine Alley.

The low groan brought by the wind passing through the alley swept across his black robe, shook the light on his torch, and finally ran away, but now he was no longer afraid, the enemy had already exposed his blood bar, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The huge sign reminded the undead man in the turbid and broken moonlight that he had found the place.

Porcupine Tavern!

There was a pile of books in the window at the door, and the strange vines that had been encountered many times on the road had occupied an entire wall.

The faint candlelight and subtle voices came from the tavern, indicating that there was really someone inside.

"Someone!" I pushed the door open happily.

Then, what came into his eyes was a blood-red name.

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