The lord is red again

Chapter 283 Bloodthirsty Plague, Fallen Novice Village

The undead I Shang Zao Ba defeated my own "Red Spirit". The opponent's strength was not strong, and his fighting style was similar to mine.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that his fighting style was to rush forward recklessly, commonly known as the "suicide flow".

I started by slashing with a quick knife. If I can win, I win, if I can't win, I die.

He was able to easily kill the Red Spirit because he reacted a little slower.

One step slower, he discovered the real fighting style of this game, and it turned out that his attack had so many flaws.

The Red Spirit, who almost fell, left his back to I Shang Zao Ba, and then he raised his hand and sent him away with a knife.

"How are you?" Edwin asked worriedly.

"It's not safe here anymore!" He turned his head and looked at his new NPC friend: "We may have to rush out quickly, their number is increasing!"

Just now, other undead sent a message.

"More and more!"

This time, the Red Spirits rushing in were not only I Shang Zao Ba, but also other people's Red Spirits.

Each of them has a "name", and each one is real.

Linde opened his eyes, and the cloudy sky above his head was wrapped in the red satin of a fire cloud.

Alex, the fire tumor, was lying beside him.

The man and the dragon flew away from the Troll Castle, and now they were lying on the ruins of the Snake Catcher's Fortress.

The wind had already taken away the high temperature of this place, and only the wind with stones swept over, and the ash hit the armor and made a slight sound.

He raised his right hand, spread his five fingers in front of him, blocking the sky, as if he was holding the entire sky in his palm.

As the only way from Star Dragon City to Troll Castle, the reconstruction of the Snake Catcher's Fortress is very important. Whether it is to send tasks to the undead or let the NPCs do it, it will not waste too much time.

However, as a novice village chief who would consider his decision a failure if he did not squeeze money out of the undead, Linde planned to change the architectural style of the Snake Catcher's Fortress.

Fortress, but the main architectural style must be different from Star Dragon City and Troll Castle.

As the main city of the game, the novice villages around Star Dragon City can also provide undeads as population resources.

But the Troll Castle is different. As the Troll Castle is open for longer and longer, the problem is that there is no novice village in the territory affiliated with the Troll Castle.

The extremely long distance makes many undeads unwilling to waste time on the road. They originally play games for a while while sleeping at night, but it takes several days or even half a month to travel. They sleep for several nights in a row and are still on the road at the end, without any game experience.

There are even many "tutorials" recently, which teach newbies how to experience more content in the least time.

Without population resources as support, the possibility of making the Troll Castle the main city of the central region is greatly reduced.

There are only two solutions for Lind, to solve the problem of too long travel time, or to make the supporting facilities around the Troll Castle more complete.

There are many ways to solve the problem of long travel time. For example, if you use the flying dragon Alex to replace the disaster warhorse and let it do its original job of pulling carts, it can not only solve the problem of traveling, but also attract the undead to the Troll Castle.

Without the time spent on the journey, most undead still want to go to the Troll Castle, after all, there are many good things and tasks with clear prices here.

In addition, the teleportation magic that has been under research is also the key, but the cost of use is still too high, and it cannot be used in large quantities at present.

As for the surrounding facilities, they have little to do with the services provided by NPCs. Whether it is the skill store, potion store, weapon and armor store, etc., it looks very competitive, but in fact it is just Lind integrating the information and making it look more in line with the logic of the game.

This set of solutions is still useful when facing the chaotic Leon City, but it can't play much role in front of Raven City, because Raven City also has its own means of resource supply.

Although it may not be as good as Lind's unlimited supply, at least from the current stage, the gap is not very obvious. Maybe the Troll Castle might be about 20% stronger, but the prerequisite is that it takes ten days or half a month to travel, and there is a high possibility of encountering disasters and dying on the road, which is not worth it.

Linde's consideration of "strengthening surrounding facilities" refers to introducing more enemies that force the undead to participate.

It doesn't matter if the benefits are not attractive so they don't want to come.

But you have to fight the BOSS.

Just like the Golden City Goliath, the distance is farther and it takes longer, but whether it is the Troll Castle, Raven City or Star Dragon City, everyone's goal must be the Golden City.

It is not easy to do this. At this stage, only Linde himself and the flying dragon Alex can be called "BOSS".

Alex, who was lying on the ground in a daze, seemed to sense the call from Linde's heart, raised his snake-like long neck, and looked at him in confusion.

"It's okay" Linde waved his hand: "Keep lying down."

If Alex is allowed to appear, he will probably be killed in a few days.

Looking at the desolate ruins in front of him, the collapsed city walls have been dyed black by the flames, but there are still new-age mutant plants growing rapidly, and the land behind the flames provides a better living environment for their growth.

The sun bathed Lind's face, making his heart, which was somewhat seriously consumed by internal friction, a little more stable.

The Snake Catcher Fortress also does not meet the conditions to become a main city.

But as a must-go route between the north and the south, the Snake Catcher's Fortress still has certain advantages as a transit station, especially because its location is not as remote as the Troll Castle.

Therefore, this place can be completely transformed into a building with special functions.

For example, a large trading market can allow the undead to do business, rent and sell here.

For example, it is a bit too cruel to put in an arena and let NPCs come in to fight, but the undead can come in to PK.

With scores and rankings, as well as the joy of PK, plus sufficient rewards, it is not so difficult to develop the Snake Catcher's Fortress.

The difficulty lies in the investment cost.

He has no need to do this at all, and the maintenance of related buildings and equipment is also a huge investment.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the Troll Castle and the Snake Catcher's Fortress and make use of them, a hovering black shadow flew over the sky.

The bald volcano monster bird hovered above, but it was hesitant to approach because of the existence of the flying dragon.

Linde raised his hand and waved, and the volcano monster bird folded its wings and landed.

Alex raised his head, and his huge head came close to the strange bird, and the shadow completely covered the strange bird.

He gently nudged the strange bird with his nose, a tentative action, but the strange bird learned to stand still, and its body was like a stone, motionless.

Linde took the letter sent by the "messenger".

The letter was written by Rania.

"The bloodthirsty plague in the fox cave?"

He occasionally checked the official website and knew something about the undead's experience in the fox cave, but he didn't really care.

The undead in the fox cave at least managed to escape, and it was just a novice village that could barely be considered a small copy.

On the other hand, the undead in the red mushroom village are now tied up and locked up. Going online means being forced to hang up, and many people have been persuaded to quit.

Even the fox cave is not as good as the dark night orchard. If Linde hadn't taken action in advance to solve the dark night orchard and control the corpses with the unclean holy grail, the undead would have experienced what it means to die continuously and be annihilated continuously.

But the message written in his heart made Linde feel a little more energetic.

"Raven City hopes to work together to block the plague?"

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