The lord is red again

Chapter 286 I have a friend who died in the game

Blood splashed on the long stone street of Fox Cave, and anger bombarded the heart like a meteor.

The undead had experienced several battles.

The screams of the planters, the wailing of the villagers, the roars of the undead, and the buzzing of the "red spirits" waving their weapons.

"Run, run!" The undead were already in a mess.

The crazy villagers of Fox Cave almost came out in full force, and the red spirits that followed almost drowned them. Every undead had his own "red spirit".

The shoulder-to-shoulder collision made it impossible for the undead to fully use their weapons. Without sufficient resistance, they could only be suppressed.

Although the undead would be resurrected, the red spirits on the opposite side seemed endless. Without the advantages of numbers and immortality, this stalemate battle became more and more torturous.

When the enemy faced was still a "red spirit" exactly the same as oneself, the torture doubled.

Every time they were resurrected, they would appear in a random area of ​​the Fox Cave, which prolonged the torture indefinitely. They were trapped in this maze and could not escape. They could only be resurrected and continue to be hunted.

The undead who had already reached level 10 by fighting would not gain any benefits in the next battle.

There was no need to continue being hunted without any benefits.

They had communicated with the undead in the nearby Novice Village as soon as possible, hoping that someone would come to rescue them, but the journey of at least three to five days made the rescue painful.

Some people in the Fox Cave had already found a relatively safe location to log off.

I didn't log off at 8 am because Edwin, his poor friend, was still with him.

The turbulent and sharp wind came with the scythe and pitchfork waving, and Edwin struggled to chase the undead, and then he kept apologizing: "Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

The escape had exhausted Edwin's physical strength, and his disabled body could no longer support it. His body was stabbed several times in succession, the blood was out of control, and the red mist blurred his vision.

The sky was spinning.

But a hand reached out and he grabbed Edwin's hand.

The fog in front was cleared, and the hazy vision gradually became clear.

The hand that grabbed him came from the undead.

"Don't fall behind, friend."

Being grabbed by the undead's hand, Edwin felt as if he was lifted up weightlessly, and then he was dragged to the other's back.

"Thank you."

Edwin tried hard to make a sound, but he could no longer hear his own voice. He just opened his mouth in vain and hoped that his voice could be conveyed in his heart.

The undead also responded loudly, and did not stop running: "I know there is a place, although it is a bit far away, but the lord there has a good character. No one will go hungry in his territory, and everyone will be protected. He will definitely welcome you to move there."


"We can drink together in the tavern in the future. I will teach you how to play cards, but never drink wine! Since I came to the fox cave, I swore that I would never drink wine in my life!"

"It sounds... good..." Edwin whispered.

Undead I Shang Zao Ba finally took Edwin out of the fox cave. The light in the sky was like an invisible barrier, stopping the pursuers behind.

Under the same sky, two worlds were perfectly divided.

The enthusiastic villagers stood at the entrance of the fox cave town, helpless and furious, but they dared not move forward.

I Shang Zao Ba looked at Edwin, whose body was like a sack that had been pierced.

He suddenly felt that the whole game was nonsense.

Is this the punishment for failing the game? No, protecting Edwin was not a task from the beginning, because he did not get any reward from beginning to end.

Just like now he failed, only brought out Edwin's body but did not get punished.

He looked at the entrance of the fox cave town, and those villagers who were threatening to kill turned and dispersed after they determined that they could not catch the undead.

He was left alone standing in front of the body, silently looking at everything in front of him.

In the distance were the scattered crazy enemies, and in the near were the bodies that were no longer moving.

This world is very real and vivid. Just a short game made him feel like he had experienced a brand new life. He began to believe that this world is definitely not a game, at least Edwin is not a game character.

"Nice to meet you, friend."

He met an ugly but absolutely trustworthy friend.

But now that friend is dead.

Died in the game.



Lind appeared in front of the Fox Cave Village.

There were already scattered undead figures around, including some undead whose strength exceeded level 11.

Some of them were red names, which meant that these people were actually related to Raven City and were hostile to him.

The spread of the bloodthirsty plague was faster than expected, and it was an excellent place for some undead to level up.

Even merchants began to appear around.

Merchants who set up stalls resold various potions and weapons.

"Come, come, take a look, this is a high-quality little red bottle. Do you feel weak, powerless, or have back pain? Come and get one, only 500 Riven coins!"

"How much?" An undead man carrying an axe stopped and picked his ear.


There are many things that cannot be bought with money, such as potions that can lead to advancement, various enchanted equipment, etc. There are also some things that are in limited supply, such as various recovery potions that are not expensive but are not recommended by NPCs. .

No matter how well-made the medicine is, it will always leave some traces in the body after taking it for many years. These residual traces will have a considerable impact and hinder the subsequent promotion.

Moreover, the potion cannot be drunk continuously, and the effect will be greatly reduced, so many NPCs will only choose to carry one or two bottles with them, only to save lives at critical times. If it can heal itself, then bandage the wound and wait for it to heal itself.

You don’t need so many potions, and of course you won’t invest too much productivity.

In the end of the world, the population is sparse, and it is better to produce more useful things than to support productivity by making magic potions.

But the undead don't have so much to consider. They drink medicine like crazy and will be resurrected even after death. Any remaining influence in the body will disappear with death.

Hard-to-find medicine is a common problem among almost all undead people at this stage. There are also undead wizards who are trying to brew potions themselves, but the time cost is too high and the results are not good.

There is also a group of undead people following Linde who are working as potion dealers. According to Linde's occasional hearing, these people's business is quite good. They earn points to buy potions, and then sell them in large quantities at slightly higher prices.

The street vendor said: "This stuff is not easy to handle, it's all hard goods!"

The undead man carrying the ax has begun to doubt himself: "I work hard to forge iron, and the little money I earn is not enough to buy a bottle of medicine?"

"Hey hey" The immortal man setting up the stall didn't say anything.

If you don’t have money, then you have nothing to talk about.

Linde used the stealth ability of the Secret Pattern Messenger, "stealth and concealment". He was standing in the open space where the crowd was coming and going, but his outstanding ability made him invisible, and no one noticed his arrival.

The undead are noisy here, but because the strongest ones are the "masters" who came from nearby villages and towns, and have just completed their job transfer at most, the progress of land reclamation into the Fox Cave is infinitely extended.

After entering, they were trapped. Their strength was not enough to cope with it. They could only shout a few times here and wait for more people to come.

Of course, some people regard this place as a trading market, where they can buy things they can't see in their own novice village, or simply barter.

Equipment and weapons are hard currency.

It's just a pity that the undead people from Troll Castle and Cuigang didn't come, otherwise they would definitely teach the undead people what it means to "have money and really show off". Maybe they can further promote their benefits and attract some people who have a hard time playing games. Immortal people abandon darkness and turn to light.

Linde walked around the small market twice and watched the excitement of conspicuous bags.

A large group of undead people always have a lot of fun when they get together. When you pinch the face of a game character on the Internet, it seems like you are hiding yourself, but in fact you are completely releasing your true self.

Watching them play more, Linde realized in a daze that the Internet had been updated in such a short period of time. Will he not be able to keep up with the times one day, and then truly become a red monster? There was some urgency inside.

After making sure that there was nothing more strange, Lind walked to the city wall of Fox Cave Village and easily jumped into it, stepping on the undulating walls and roofs, and quickly shuttled between them.

Although Linde cannot see the player's data and health bar, he has a clear perception of the enemy's strength and status.

Through perception, he can clearly know how long the enemy will last before dying after withstanding the first attack, including the fact that the enemy may have some hidden power.

The difference between numerical ability and perception is only a difference in expression form.

Of course, for most ordinary knights, it may be more intuitive to have detailed panel data instead of relying on instinct.

Standing in front of Linde was an immortal man, "Unhappy Superman".

If the undead man does not move faster than himself, and if the opponent does not have the ability to move through space, then the real unhappy superman should appear in the market now.

That conspicuous bag is very good at handling things. When he stopped at the market just now, he was forcibly controlled by the other party for 10 seconds.

It's like shouting loudly: "I am unhappy Superman. As long as I am unhappy, I will be Superman!"

Linde could feel that the person in front of him was a real undead person, not a fake thing. There was indeed a faint red light on his body, but it was easy to ignore. It was not as obvious as the undead person's perspective.

This strange feeling made him feel uncomfortable inside.

This is a red spirit from the undead.

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