The lord is red again

Chapter 289 Hunting Night

Linde turned his head and found that the old hunter was looking at him blankly. He asked loudly: "Who are you, where is the golden knight?"

The Holy Grail spoke again: The womb will protect the unborn gods and hide their identities.

In other words, the identity of the person wearing the necklace was hidden. Compared with the "womb where the gods were born", this additional ability was more in line with Linde's needs.

Linde threw the necklace into the Holy Grail, which caused strong dissatisfaction from the Holy Grail.

It was entered by dirty things and it was not clean.

The necklace was also shaking and struggling.

"You..." The old hunter looked at Linde blankly.

"What image did I have in your eyes just now?" Linde asked.

"A completely strange man, with a misty veil on his face."

Linde put the necklace on his neck and looked at the hunter: "What about this time?"

"Sir, is it you?" His vision was clearer.

Putting away the necklace, they returned to the issue of Fox Cave Village.

He said: "Let's talk about the hunter's work first, and those bloodthirsty things, the blood clan you mentioned... vampires?"

After the experience just now, the old hunter's attitude became more humble. He couldn't understand every bit of power that Linde had shown since he appeared.

He shook his head: "Vampires can't be called them. They are completely different from the vampires in the story. They are not afraid of the sun, garlic or silver, and they don't even need to drink blood to survive. They can live forever."

Linde didn't understand: "So why do such a group of powerful things grow grapes here?"

"Because it's delicious," Charles looked at Linde and said seriously, "After having almost infinite life, they will study things that make them happier and more interested. And this is just a vineyard. Their base camp is not here. It's just a low-ranking blood clan who is guarding here."

"I am happy" is indeed a reason that cannot be refuted. Everything that everyone in the world does is ultimately centered around the subjective "I am happy". Without the coercion of life and death, the blood clan will release the restrictions on themselves, and it is understandable that they become crazy.

Lawless chaos, in fact, the blood race is very similar to the undead, both are chaotic without restrictions, and everything is based on themselves.

"They are divided into two types," Charles quickly took out the information in his mind, "Scarlet nobles, that's what they call themselves, with the most noble status, having fun in the castle, and powerful; there is also scarlet ladies, who have a low status, do some dirty work, and there are more of them."

"In addition, there are blood servants who enslave humans in their own way."

"It sounds like they are just some manor owners," Lind asked, "Did the blood plague create the blood race in the fox cave?"

There was absolutely no so-called vampire in the Land Kingdom, and witches appeared. After all, the fire pillar burning witch incident was a big deal.

It is impossible for any kind of thing to appear and completely hide its traces.

And these blood races don't seem to have an army.

The conditions for birth are too harsh, or they simply want to control the growth of the race, that's unknown.

The old hunter explained: "As you said, these monsters once only appeared in the Black Swamp Kingdom. Some people were studying forbidden blood and even reselling the bodies of nobles. The Scarlet Blood Clan was originally intended to study the secrets of noble blood."

I heard the relevant information about the blood of nobles again.

Is there any creature more pitiful than the nobles in the world?

Speaking of the reselling of corpses in the Black Swamp Kingdom, it seems that the limb-joining queen Melulan is also one of the victims in his underground breeding farm.

It seems that the situation in the neighboring kingdom is worse than that in Rand. In the Rand Kingdom, the nobles can at least die a worthy death, while in the neighboring kingdom, they are either blood-drawn or dismembered.

"They think they have succeeded."

"Indeed." Lind nodded. He has no shortcomings of vampires, but has all the advantages of vampires, including immortality. If he develops normally, it will not be a problem to unify the world.

The premise is that the disaster and the undead have not arrived.

Lind suddenly thought of a question. Can the "blood clan" who deeply hides himself become the BOSS of the second chapter after the nobles? They sound more perfect and powerful.

The old hunter continued his story: "When the bloodthirsty plague broke out in the Kingdom of Rand, a scarlet noble who was being hunted by hunters came here. He disguised himself as a doctor and cured the people here by blood transfusion. It was at that time that he lurked, otherwise there would be no vineyard."

"Even the vampires in the Black Swamp Kingdom dared not plant vineyards, but after coming to a foreign country, these monsters became unscrupulous and successfully gained the trust of you superiors."

"The plague had a great impact at the beginning, and people were panicked." Lind nodded. Although he did not participate in it, he could also think of the old king's anxiety. At this time, a doctor who could cure the plague would certainly be happy to accept it.

Moreover, blood therapy, bloodletting, blood transfusion and other methods were originally the "regular medical methods" of this era. Even the recorder Miss Doris once recorded a dysentery storm.

At that time, a doctor believed that taking mercury while bleeding could cure dysentery, because he was also sick at the time, but he recovered quickly.

The doctor named Enga vigorously promoted his bloodletting therapy and finally successfully cured the disease.

It is difficult to prove whether the patients were actually cured, but more than thirty people did die from bloodletting.

Later, doctor Enga was accused of massacre. The crime was that Jiaen killed more than 30 innocent lives through bloodletting.

A trial against Enga seemed childish and bizarre at the time, but it might be common sense in this world.

Enga was cut in half and told to heal himself so that he would be found not guilty and his contribution would be acknowledged, otherwise it would have been a death penalty.

As for the result... Linde had scanned Enga's photo in the NPC summary of the forum. He appeared in Crescent Town, and the undead affectionately called him "Surgeon".

Finding the "Scarlet Lady" responsible for planting in Fox Cave is the key to solving this problem.

at the same time.

A round table meeting between old and new aristocrats has begun.

Queen Rania was sitting at the table. Even though she was sitting in the guest seat as a guest, the queen's aura made her feel like she was at home.

The person who took the initiative to speak was not her uncle, whom she hated and feared very much. Since he said hello just now, the other person has kept his mouth shut.

But Raniya would always pay attention to him subconsciously, and her fear of him had already been engraved in her bones.

The woman known as the "Red Nun" took the initiative to speak.

"I hope we can work together and put aside the prejudices of the so-called old and new aristocrats."

Raniya did not look at the red nun. She first looked at the woman full of divinity: "Have you given up serving God?"

"God has fallen." There was no fluctuation in her voice, and she had no expression, like a stone statue.

"We used to be God's most loyal believers, and the Kingdom of Rand has always been so. Even if God is dead, this is not a reason for you to establish a new force and divide the country." Raniya shook her head gently.

"I have no interest in the political power," the other party's voice was still cold, but from her willingness to take the initiative to explain, it can be seen that she is not really not interested in everything, she still has feelings, "I always abide by my status as a singer. The oath of the White Cavalry Guard protects every life.”

"Then be loyal to me." Raniya pressed her hands on the table. As the only ordinary person in the room, she took the initiative: "If you want to be loyal, restore the rule of the Rand Kingdom, Raven City plus Troll Castle , everything will return to calm and normal.”

Since we have no interest in political power and only want to protect ordinary people, it is simple. If our two forces become one, we will definitely be able to protect more people.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult, Your Majesty the Queen," said the old man holding a thick wooden staff. "The cursed nobles will fall into madness. You and the Duke are still rational, just an exception."

"Where is my uncle?" Raniya looked at Prince Black Catfish.

Even if she was sitting in the king's position, she might not have the courage to look directly at him, but at this moment she took the initiative to mention it.

Prince Black Catfish always kept a smile, like a kind uncle looking at his niece.

"We reached a cooperation," Prince Black Catfish said, "They don't trust me. And I also gave them a sharp blade that can kill me at any time, when I may cause danger."

"You should kill him with the so-called sharp blade as soon as possible before you regret it now." Raniya was not prepared to give Prince Black Catfish any face.

There must be something dirty between them.

Raniya also knew that the other party would definitely not be loyal to her, but she just couldn't stand the behavior of these people who claimed to be for everyone, but still for the purpose of seeking power for personal gain.

The Red Sister spoke again: "What's happening now in the Fox Cave is not a bloodthirsty plague, but a curse from the Vampire Clan."

She tells information about the vampires in the Black Marsh Kingdom.

And emphasized again: "They once tried to obtain the bodies and blood of nobles. This is why we must contact you and the Duke."

"What if we let them get blood?"

Red Sister: "No one wants to see that."

Rania frowned. She knew that Lind had gone to the fox cave, but she did not believe that the so-called vampires could hurt Lind.

There should not be many things in this country that can hurt Linde, and the biggest threat is standing in front of him at this moment.

The ignorant old wizard, the Gebai Cavalry Guard of Everfrost Land, and the Black Catfish Prince.

Raniya asked: "Why do you know this?"

"Because I am also a vampire." The Red Sister opened her mouth, fangs protruding from her lips, and her entire face became monsterous.

Linde left the Fox Cave and took the old hunter Ciel with him. More and more undead people gathered outside, and a war was about to break out.

Undead people may prefer to call it "the next copy".

The old hunter who was being carried away by Linde had never experienced such fast speed. A person could run faster than a horse. Sometimes Linde would even spread his wings and fly in order to overcome obstacles!

Several shaking disaster monsters appeared in front of them, their canines intertwined, their abdomens split open and a large chopper grew out of them.

They were like executioners in the village, staggering and running towards them, and when they were almost close, they jumped up and hit the two of them with large chop knives in their abdomens.

Instinct told the old hunter that he couldn't escape at all, but the chain thrown out by Lind directly tied the disaster and threw them out.

There was nothing on the road that could stop Linde from moving forward.

"That's probably it."

Linde casually threw the old hunter on the ground, cleared a piece of open space, and then grabbed a branch and quickly drew a big circle on the ground.

Just when the old hunter was puzzled about what he was going to do, Linde stood in the circle and his body suddenly burst into flames.

The fire column shot up into the sky, connecting the ground with the sky.

Soon after, the old hunter heard a roar in the sky, and a huge monster with its wings spread swooped down!

A flying dragon!

The ground was trembling from the heavy impact of the flying dragon, and the vibration penetrated into the old hunter's body through his buttocks and pinched his heart.

A figure jumped down from the dragon's back.

The woman in golden armor walked lightly, and the old hunter knew that she was not an ordinary person, and she looked very much like the Queen Rania he had heard about recently.

So, the golden knight in front of him was the duke who had a dragon?

All the unreasonable things that seemed unreasonable before became reasonable.

"Alex knows you are calling it."

"I should have set off fireworks," Lind raised his hand and gently stroked the dragon's head, "but my body temperature was too high, and the fireworks couldn't hold up and all exploded. This is the only way."

"How is the situation?" he asked.

Rania told everything she saw and heard at the round table meeting, which was basically the same as what the old hunter Charles said. The fox cave was not the problem, but the vampires hiding behind the scenes were.

"I really should have gone directly there," Lind said.

Go directly there and catch the red nun.

"You mean the Prince of Black Catfish is also there?"

Prince of Black Catfish is a derogatory term.

But Rania considered that the people in front of her didn't respect her, so it was normal for her to use derogatory terms for her uncle.

"Are you sure he's still him?"

"Not sure" Rania shook her head, she looked at Lind: "Just like I'm not sure, you're still you."

The main cooperation between the new and old nobles was reflected in the temporary opening of the border positions of the territories, allowing both sides to trade freely.

However, this is not a good thing for Linde. In the eyes of the new nobles, this is an open embrace to Linde and an expression of their goodwill. But for Linde... the undead don't want to travel ten days or half a month to come to my territory. Now if I arrange a caravan to go there, no one will be willing to come.

But this is also good news for Linde. His current efforts mean that he has temporarily whitewashed himself.

His efforts are all to make himself look more official.

With the passage between the main cities, he is the "official NPC". Linde has always wanted to put on a layer of NPC skin, not because NPC is the position in the hearts of all undead.

As long as the "official NPC" says who is just, who is just, who is evil, who is evil!

"Raven City and we will arrange an army to go to the Fox Cave, at least 20 big knights."

"Then let Cuigang's group go." Linde never thought of letting his soldiers run a trip from beginning to end. Instead, the market knights who have gradually become accustomed to being task NPCs ran over and could attract enough undead in their more vivid way.

The market knights also have their own useful places. Each of them has his own personality and is more like a living person.

"In addition... Charles!"

"Yes!" The old hunter didn't know why he was so respectful to Lind. It might be because of the dragon with a hot body.

"I think your hunter association should absorb some fresh blood."

Charles was puzzled: "What should I do?"

"First, you need to sit in a wheelchair."


Almost all the undead who rushed to the open space in front of the fox cave saw three forces.

The first party was the Raven soldiers. They were checking their equipment, and there were several undead among them.

As soldiers of the "new nobles", they naturally didn't get along with the old nobles, so they were ready to rush in and fight seriously, so that the remnants of the old era could see their true strength.

The second party was the market knights from the mountain goblin castle. They were completely opposite to the Raven soldiers. Instead of preparing equipment and weapons, they took out scrolls one by one.

Some were still inserting wooden boards.

The undead who had been in Star Dragon City immediately reacted. This was Lind's old tradition.

Sure enough, it says [Fox Cave Dungeon, Now Open]. When it comes to grabbing the right to speak, Lind has always found ways to take advantage of opportunities.

The last party is the old hunter Charles sitting in a wheelchair.

There is a table in front of him.

And tasks and invitations are also open.

[Invitation to join the Hunter's Association: The old hunter Charles is hunting the culprit who caused the bloodthirsty plague. He needs brave men who are not afraid of death to join. Cowards, please get out of here. Joining the Hunter's Association can unlock hunter-exclusive shops in major main cities such as "Mountain Troll Castle", "Riven City", and "Star Dragon City\

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