The lord is red again

Chapter 294 Oh no, Lind killed the poster girl!

The sound of horse hooves faded away.

The sound of horse hooves returned.

It was like a thunderous roar in the sky.

This could not be called a war. It was so fast that Linde could not even finish the undead people's exploration of the Griffin Castle, let alone the undead people's combat teaching of "Teacher Linde".

He had expected this result.

With his one-year careful preparation and the capital accumulation made by the undead people, it would take only a very short time to take down a novice village. He did not even need to send out the whole army. The resources consumed by the army were enough to form a new Ivanho.

Linde walked out of the tent. He did not take off his armor. The undead people who had been moving near the tent also noticed his figure. The soldiers were all around him, but Linde was still a head taller than them.

This was a height that the undead people could not reach even with their face-pinching data.

Lance stood in front of Linde with 'Fire Pillar' Reed in his hand, gritting his teeth.

For the whole team, attacking Ivanho was just an appetizer, not even a warm-up.

"Report to the Lord, there are no casualties! The rebels have been captured!" Lance's expression struggled, and his face was slowly twisting.

Lind noticed that Lance had scars from being burned by fire, his antlers were cut off, and he was struggling and twisting like a wriggling piece of meat, trying to grow something new, and black pus was trying to wrap Lance's left face.

But in the dark night, it was not clear.

The left eye was blood red, and the scarlet blood was like blood nematodes drilling in the lens.

Madness was pulling at Lance's consciousness, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

Lind quickly walked to Lance and raised his hand to press his shoulder. The power of the golden oath emblem poured into his body, and the golden power turned into vines and took root in Lance's blood.

The light gold slowly drove away the blood red in Lance's eyes, allowing him to calm down temporarily.

At least his reason was preserved.

"Lord" Lance was at a loss.

"There is a collection of poems, "The Army of Rand under the Golden Oath", you go read it first."


Linde looked at the 'Pillar of Fire' Reed on the ground. He had some impression of this man. After all, he was one of the most notorious villains in recent years.

With the return of Lance, more and more soldiers recognized that the man in front of them was the bastard who had caused the fire tragedy.

"My lord" he obviously wanted to say something.

But Linde turned his head and said, "Marcus, I leave it to you. Take a quick rest. We will be on the road soon."

"Yes!" Marcus knew better how to use death to awaken the anger in people's hearts, but he did not stimulate the angry soldiers. He just read out the laws of the Kingdom of Rand and hanged the 'Pillar of Fire' Reed.

The army was getting closer and closer to the royal city, and power was slowly being gathered. The status of the law must be re-established. Now is an opportunity.

The undead people watched from the side, watching the great knight dig a pit in a very rough way, plant a stake, and put a rope on the 'Pillar of Fire' Reed.

The rope cut into his flesh, leaving his feet off the ground.

The surroundings were quiet, and then cheered. All the soldiers, including the undead who were watching, felt a rush of blood.

Killing people to sacrifice the flag, and winning the battle!

"Sir, what should we do with those undead?"

"Temporarily guard them, and then judge them after the war."

Lind had no way to deal with the undead, but he absolutely could not recruit the undead at this juncture. The soldiers were already wary of the undead. Directly accepting the undead without punishment would cause dissatisfaction in the army.

Killing the undead would also be useless.

He could only imprison the undead like the Red Mushroom Baron in the Red Mushroom Village.

He was very curious about the Red Mushroom Baron. He had never known his information before, and because the Red Mushroom Baron's territory was hidden deep in the heart of Raven, even the undead who tried to rescue him did not dare to act on their own.

The other party was definitely the first one who dared to "title" the undead. A novice village chief was so decisive and full of malice towards the undead. He thought he had to meet him.

And the behavior of the Red Mushroom Baron also suppressed the arrogance of the undead to some extent.

Imprisonment and title.

Linde had actually promoted it in Star Dragon City before, but his main purpose at the beginning was to sell "indulgences" to squeeze the points of the undead.

Now that the initial capital accumulation has been completed, the squeezing of points is no longer urgent, and the title may be used as a punishment.

I really can't kill you, but I can lock you up for one month, two months, one year, two years.

Of course, there are disadvantages to doing this. In the eyes of ordinary lords, not every soldier can become a great knight.

Just like Linde's soldiers, most of them can only be promoted to the level of great knights in this life, almost cutting off the possibility of promotion.

And people like Lance, although they are already in a higher position, there is absolutely no possibility of going further.

Undead people are not subject to this restriction. They will eventually be promoted to upper, heroic, and epic positions, becoming more and more powerful. Undead people who hold grudges may come to seek revenge after deleting their accounts and rebuilding with greater power.

"How far are we from Red Mushroom Village?" Lind asked casually.

"Red Mushroom Village is in the north of Raven City. If we want to get there, we must..."

We must take down Raven City!

It seems that there is no need to worry about whether to attack Goliath directly or attack Raven City along the way.

The captives of Ivanho will be detained and guarded, and will be tried after the end of this expedition, or sent to the mines as laborers, or sentenced to death.

"My lord, there is another woman, a pharmacist." Lance followed Lind and followed him into the tent to get the poetry collection.

He followed Lind and told him about the information he had learned about the female pharmacist Anna. It was very efficient to interrogate the captives and report them separately. The knights led by Lance were too fierce in attacking the city. The scene of the golden torrent occupying the walls of Ivanho had defeated their courage.

From the captives, I learned that the most notorious person in Ivanho was the female pharmacist who loved to torture and hang others. She looked charming, but had a vicious heart.

"We are facing only one kind of person." Lind looked at Lance. He thought that his old friend's mind was a little unclear now, or that he really became a lustful lord who only gave women a break in Lance's eyes.

Every wizard is a rare power, and every poster girl is extremely attractive to the undead. The good looks of NPCs can directly affect the three views of the undead. He just tries to make things develop in a direction that is beneficial to him.

It's not that he likes beautiful women, but he is just catering to the undead.

Now he doesn't need to please the undead so humbly, so he is willing to kill the poster girl.

"It's the enemy!" Lance replied.

"That's right." He searched the space barrel he carried with him, which was full of books. Some were handwritten collections that he had already mastered, and some were handwritten collections that might have mysterious powers but have not yet been excavated.

Handing "The Army of Rand under the Golden Oath" to Lance, he emphasized: "Have a good rest."


Some undead took advantage of the chaos to go to Ivanhoe to collect spoils and bring them to Lind.

Not to mention the unexpected gains.

It is not difficult to see from the harvest that "Fire Pillar" Reed and Anna are both believers of the Mad Secret Lord.

It makes sense that they are eager to burn people.

The undead did not rest for the whole night, and they took the initiative to share the work of patrolling.

Lind's rewards in the war were also very generous. The limited military merits and the Rand Corps plate armor and military standard weapons that could be exchanged for the public were enough to satisfy their collection addiction.

When the "space quiver" appeared and hung high at the top of the highest exchange amount, more and more undead gathered.

The undead also had a heated discussion online.

"It's not for the space equipment, it's just that the brothers are interested in the main storyline of [Golden Throne]."

"I choose Lind as the boss, he can lead us to the moon, who is in favor, who is against?!"

"Brothers, I am now a soldier defending the city of Raven, a little panicked, what should I do if Lind really attacks?"

"Surrender, what else can I do, anyway, I don't have any special feelings for Raven, as long as Lind doesn't attack my wives, with Lind's personality, he will definitely take the beauties but not kill them, so I am relieved."

"What's the benefit of following Lind? You can see more and more poster girls (dog heads), but bad news, Lind may have to eat alone."

"Oh no, Lind killed the poster girl!"


The first poster girl to die since the game was launched appeared.

The body of Anna of Ivanhoe was hung by ropes like the "Pillar of Fire" Reed.

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