The lord is red again

Chapter 306: It is a red-named monster, but it has received a mission

Raven City is still bustling at night.

Some people were robbed, some were beaten, and some were robbed.

The whole Raven City will become crazy at night, and it will be even worse tonight.

With the attitude of the former city lord Wen Raven, she would never pay attention to these things. The strength of soldiers should not be used for meaningless things. Ordinary people who cannot get out of the quagmire should silently endure everything.

The strong need to save the world and fight against the abyss. Ordinary people must make contributions if they want human rights. Although this is a naked jungle law, Raven City can gradually grow stronger by relying on this set of wild laws.

Lind is also unwilling to waste too much energy and manpower to deal with trivial matters, but he also understands what kind of consequences will be caused by letting a main city fall.

Besides, there will be people willing to work for him and help him solve these troubles.

A crow spread its wings and fell outside the range of the torch light.

After the black fog gently crawled, a graceful lady appeared.

She had been quietly observing for a whole day. Following the guidance of "blood", she successfully obtained a lot of key information from the undead and spies. Now she was ready to do something crazy.

A Reven soldier was patrolling in front of him. He held a torch in his right hand and kept his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. As an ordinary Reven soldier who was not extraordinary, his job was just patrolling.

The Reven soldier was like a special alchemical prop that could make people quiet. Wherever he appeared, the place would immediately become quiet, and then everyone would hold their breath and watch him until his figure completely disappeared from sight.

In the alley, a slender white arm attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers.

In order to survive better, many young women would choose to sell everything they could sell.

As long as it is not prohibited, it can be done.

So many Reven soldiers would find some women who hope to make some money to fill their stomachs to release themselves in their spare time. Some would be willing, and some would not be very willing, but as long as the money and the sword were taken out together, they would know which one to choose.

Although only one arm was seen, the Revan soldier was sure that the owner of the arm must have a good figure and definitely not ugly.

White arms cannot be possessed by ordinary women.

He looked around, extinguished the torch and walked towards the alley.

Others only saw that when the Revan soldier walked to the alley, a pair of slender women's arms hugged his neck, and then saw the soldier slowly being led by the arms into the darkness.

They were not surprised and chose to hide far away.

After a while, a woman wearing the armor of a Revan soldier came out holding a torch, and no one cared whether this outfit was strange.

Women can't be soldiers, but if they are undead, it's completely different.

In the dark alley, a shriveled and curled body was buried in the ground by a pit and disappeared silently...

The task distribution point was much quieter.

Most of the undead took their own tasks, and the soldiers of Revan City were also much freer.

The Rand soldiers who came to help at the beginning have gone back to rest and prepare to continue the march.

A fragrant breeze blew over, and the yawning Raven soldier was shocked, but he immediately lost interest after discovering that the person was wearing Raven's soldier armor.

A woman wearing armor can only be an undead.

"Take the mission?" Raven soldier asked casually.

"Well," she recalled the process she had seen before and nodded, "Is there any more difficult one?"

"It must be difficult." Although Raven soldier muttered, he still searched in the scrolls for a while.

Seven or eight scrolls were placed on the table. Raven soldier said, "These are the last few."

Seeing her open the scroll to check the mission, the soldier asked, "What's your name?"

"Reina," she replied.

"It's quite normal." Raven soldier sighed, it is not easy to hear a normal name in the group of undead.

Those guys always give weird names, of course there are normal ones, such as "Joan of Arc", "Peter Parker", "Bruce Wayne", etc., but people with such names are generally not mentally normal. When the undead read out their names, their expressions look as if they deserve a beating as much as they deserve a beating.

What's even more bizarre is that the undead next to her will cooperate and exclaim "Wow".

Reina flipped through the scrolls, and the so-called "difficult task" made her frown.

There was nothing wrong with the task content, arresting wanted people, etc., but the problem appeared in the reward column.

"Military merit 50"

What is military merit?

"Are there any other tasks?" This is also the way she learned the undead to speak, and disdain and constantly choosing are also the style of the undead.

"Other rewards are too small, you may not be interested." Having said that, the Riven soldier still took a few scrolls and put them on the table.

Reina picked up a scroll casually.

The task is to repair the road, and the reward is money and some food. In her opinion, this substantial reward completely exceeds the military merit reward given by the previous difficult task.

"Right, just say you don't care about it." The Riven soldier misunderstood Reina's expression and said very calmly, while reaching out to take the scroll in her hand back and reroll it.

Is military merit really important?

Lena chose one of the "wanted" missions with the highest reward. If she went against the logic of the undead and chose another one, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

The mission is about an undead named "Kerrigan" stealing in Raven City. After being discovered, he killed two people in a row and is now hiding in a corner of Raven City.

The reason why Rena chose the wanted mission among many difficult missions is because she provided a portrait of the wanted target.

Other mission descriptions are too abstract and vague, and many of them are just given a name, as if the undead are born to be hounds, and they can find the other party quickly by giving a target.

Receive the mission.

She quickly shuttled through Raven City. The night could not affect her vision, and her ears could capture sounds that humans could not hear clearly.

Soon she determined her target.


As a vampire, Rena is sexy and graceful, with a delicate face, but after she recently met a group called "undead", she suddenly found that her beauty was greatly shocked.

Every undead looks very beautiful, of course there are also very ugly ones, she thinks that they are just mutants among the undead, which is not surprising.

The undead in front of her was a very iconic woman. She tied her hair into dreadlocks, but her speech and walk were not like a woman.

The aura emanating from her was not strong.

After confirming that the other party was the target of the mission, Reina chose to act quickly.

She was now an "undead" and she had to hunt down the undead in order to complete the mission.

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