The lord is red again

Chapter 312 Dragon Transformation

The war begins when the trumpet blows.

Just like the Battle of Raven City before the re-enactment, the trebuchet that was quickly built allowed the alchemical bombs to pierce the sky. The wizards added multiple blessings to the equipment, allowing the wind to pull the alchemical bombs to fly higher and farther. .

Scarlet Lady Lena stood in the undead military formation, and the sight before her made her breathless.

Going on an extremely long expedition was not pleasant. If there were not missions every day, giving her the opportunity to redeem military merit, she thought she would not be able to survive until now.

Even she herself had a weird feeling, that is, completing the mission and then using military merit to exchange for what she wanted. This feeling of "consumption" made her obsessed.

Sometimes she even buys something that is not what she needs at all, but just thinking that she might use it one day in the future, she can't help but buy it.

Later, you will feel painful and regretful about your wasteful behavior.

The immortals she knew told her that this behavior was generally called "hand chopping."

This is indeed the case. There were several times when Reina really wanted to chop off her own hands, but Reina also believed that the pleasure of "chopping off hands" exceeded satisfying her appetite. She even felt that the pleasure she had pursued following the monarch in the past was not enough. It was too simple and boring, and the longer she spent with the undead, the more she thought so.

In a long life, all he pursues is to drink some better-tasting blood.

Reina has not drank blood for several months, but she feels that her mental state is very good, because she used the military merit she earned during this period to buy a beautiful and elegant umbrella decorated with secret patterns. It can release starlight clouds and mist at night.

On rainy days, it can even make the raindrops jumping on the umbrella come alive.

The expenses of her undead teammates were even more terrifying. They bought a lot of things they had never heard of, such as some "Three Kingdoms" pendants. Who knows what they were.

She only knew that those things were expensive, several times more expensive than what she bought, but they only had weak enchantments attached to them.

Then the undead began to tell stories, telling stories while on the road. The first story told was "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Although the story attracted the attention of some people, it failed to attract the soldiers. The reason is very simple. Everyone is more powerful than Lu Bu in the story, and the so-called red rabbit horse is not as good as the disaster horse.

So someone started to tell "Journey to the West" again, a story about a monk. This time the story attracted a large number of listeners, and people would come to listen every time they had a meal and a break.

Now Rena hopes that she can earn some military merit and then buy other things. The undead people all believe that this war will definitely succeed.

Reina didn't care about this, she was more concerned about how many tasks she could get.

But when the war between the Rand Soldier Expedition and the Golden City Goliath really began, she felt her own humility.

The fat trebuchet was taken out of the space barrel. She had a space quiver, so she could understand how convenient it was. After a quick combination, it was put into use immediately.

Soldiers were urgently debugging the trebuchet. They used huge stones or barrels filled with gunpowder as test materials.

The ballistic trajectories gradually became unified, and with the blessing of magic, the trebuchet actually caused a stone to cross an unimaginable distance and hit the distant city wall.

An epic scene is unfolding before our eyes.

She never dreamed that she would see such a level of fighting. The villains on the distant city wall were already in a mess, but they may not have known that what they had just thrown was just ordinary stones, and that the subsequent alchemical bombs would It will bring despair.

She held her breath and concentrated, calculating in her mind if Linde led such a team to fight against the monarch, whether the monarch could withstand it, but she was not sure about the answer.

The castle of the vampires is not very tall, and the city walls cannot even block the ordinary stones thrown by the trebuchet, but each one of them has fighting power, each one... Reina turned around and looked at the soldiers wearing golden armor around her.

Each of these people seems to have extraordinary power.

A hole was blown out of the city wall in the distance, and then Reina saw Lind Alman. Before this, she never dared to look at each other too much.

It is said that the Lion Duke's eyes are like lightning and can see through all falsehoods and disguises. His nose can smell the smell of blood dozens of miles away. These are not rumors, but what Reina heard during the period when she was traveling with the army. His sight can always see far away! always!

Now everyone's figures stopped at that strong figure, and Reina also watched with bated breath.

He had just cut his hair short, had a tough and handsome face, and glanced at the scene with his eyes.

When his eyes glanced at herself, Reina felt that his eyes paused for a moment, maybe he had recognized her.

The panic in her heart made Reina want to run away, but fortunately, he just glanced at it, and then turned his head to look elsewhere.

His armor has changed. Although it is still mainly golden, there are scarlet lines on the edges, and there are secret pattern carvings of brass or other materials on the shoulder armor, breastplate, etc.

The lion's cloak was tied behind his back.

When the wind pulled up the cloak, Reina felt as if she heard the roar of a lion.

Beside him stood Wyn Raven and the Crystal Mage, who were obviously going to join the war as well.

The undead accepted the job, and as a fake undead, Reina followed closely behind, and entered the royal city as a sentinel to investigate the situation inside.

The battle continued, and it was said that the team led by Lance was surrounded.

But standing in the undead team, Reina heard cheers.

"Explore! Explore!"

"There must be BOSS inside!"

"We don't have much time left, the battle has a countdown, what are you waiting for, brothers!"

Reina could only follow.

They haven't really rushed into Goliath, and new enemies are waiting for them in front.

These are soldiers wearing Land Corps armor, but their bodies have been greatly distorted, and their heads have grown long horns and tails like dragons, and some even have wings.

The scales on their bodies are fused and grown together with the armor, and they fit together perfectly.

Reina restrained the instinct of the blood race and tried not to show all her strength to avoid being exposed.

But the fighting power of the undead opened her eyes. In the first round of charge, the undead died, and she chose to escape in order to avoid exposing her identity.

But by the time of the second charge, they had already figured out the attack tactics of these dragon-transformed soldiers and were able to launch a counterattack.

And Lind in the rear camp also got the news.


Dragonization is the same as the snake transformation in the snake catcher's fortress.

But does this mean... a dragon appeared in the royal city?

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