The lord is red again

Chapter 324 Royal Palace


Lind turned his head and looked in the direction of the church.

Since he left, it has not been completely quiet there, and there are occasional mushroom clouds.

He began to regret whether it was right to let the undead stay with Tione. The undead will not learn to be honest.

But sacrificing them to keep Tione is very necessary. The battle of the royal city has reached the final stage.

The number of alienated and crazy old nobles found in the royal city is astonishing, but Lind chose to ignore them. If the undead are interested, let the undead deal with it themselves, and he can even give a lot of rewards for this.

When Rania ascended the throne, most of the nobles with similar situations as himself left the royal city. Not all nobles lived in the royal city. They had fiefdoms and could go back to continue to be their own lords.

And those talented old nobles who followed Rania also went to various places to suppress riots as the magic ring was broken.

There are many nobles left in the royal city, but most of them are trash who rely on blood to bully others and are not worth mentioning.

After leaving the ruins of the church where Tione was, Lind returned to the barracks. He didn't care what would happen to Tione in the end, as long as she remained stable now.

Everything could be delayed later, and things could be prioritized.

And the news from the front line was that Hull's team had taken the most critical area.

After the situation was roughly understood, Lind immediately chose to set off.

The road to the palace had been opened, so there was no need to waste too much time.

The "lasso" formation had also been formed, tightening from all sides, and eventually the Land Legion would become a rope tied around the neck, trapping Goliath until he was strangled to death.

The team began to gather, and the knights had already rushed to the central avenue.

The battle was still fierce. Even though they had seized multiple important roads and even had advantages in equipment and terrain, the time of this war was prolonged again and again.

When Lind passed a certain road, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in that direction a few more times.

Alman Manor, where his family in this body was.

If there is no dramatic scene, there shouldn't be too many normal people in the family, and he can't avoid this situation at all.

He decided to go home after winning the final victory.

The closer they got to the palace, the more tense the atmosphere became.

Wen and the crystal wizard who followed Lind had some emotions in their eyes. They could more clearly feel the powerful and depressing terrifying existence inside.

It's just that Lind felt the things inside more clearly, and there was a sense of familiarity.

The attack of the dragon soldiers became more and more manic, and the great knights rushed out to resist their crazy former colleagues.

Although the Rand soldiers looked like weakened versions of the dragon soldiers, when they fought hand to hand, the gap between the two sides was not big.

The dragon soldiers who shook off the fallen debris collided with the Rand soldiers with various secret patterns and enchantments on their bodies.

With the entry of Lind and the other two, there were even flying dragons flying low over their heads and spewing flames, which finally brought new changes to the battle situation that had been stagnant like a quagmire.

The large team approached the target.

The curse of the dragonized soldier was extremely dangerous, which could cause madness and pain in people's hearts, and even produce some kind of hallucinogenic secretion gas in the air.

Linde strongly suspected that it should be the gas of the dragonized soldier's poor stomach.

He walked in front with his strong physical fitness, and all the curses would be swallowed by the "Kraft Snake Emblem" when approaching his body, and could not cause any harm.

Wen also chose to resist with her body, after all, she would not die.

A dragonized soldier swooped down at Linde from the air, but Linde suddenly stepped on the ground, and the ground cracked and burned with flames.

The suddenly rising column of fire was like a large net, waiting for the arrival of the dragonized soldier.

The dragonized soldier who swooped down with the cursed long blade disappeared in the blazing column of fire. The dragon scales and armor lasted only a few breaths, and then were melted by the high temperature.

When the flames went out, only the curled up fragments burned into charcoal were left.

Lind suddenly raised his hands and grabbed two dragonized soldiers that passed over his head, turned around and twisted his waist to smash them to the ground, and then stomped on them with both feet to end their lives.

Wen also participated in the battle. Her unique 100% thinking method made her clearly realize that only by keeping the soldiers alive in this war can they become a living force against the abyss.

Some dragonized soldiers crawled to Lind's legs, hoping to attack his lower body to snatch victory. As long as Lind raised his feet again, they would swarm up.

Lind did raise his legs, but he didn't stomp down. Instead, he used one of the skills of the "Snake Catcher", "Poison Sting", to quickly swing his legs and whip the dragonized soldiers away.

Another dragonized soldier rushed to Lind. The opponent was wearing relatively complete Rand armor and holding a dragonized cursed halberd in his hand, but such a wild charge froze when Lind grabbed the halberd handle with one hand.

Seizing the halberd, Lind flicked his wrist and split the dragon-like soldier in front of him in half, splattering sticky blood, and Lind had already rushed to the front.

The battlefield gradually advanced to the bottom of the palace, and the "lasso" had reached the last step.

Thunder flashed overhead.

Tornado thunderclouds covered the top of the palace like a funnel, and the thunder roared non-stop, swinging lightning wantonly.

The crystal wizard looked at Lind uneasily: "My lord."

He hesitated to speak, trying to remind him.

Even if they really broke into the palace, victory would definitely not be waiting for them.

"There is no retreat, mentor." Lind said, "If you want to build a force to resist the Great Rift, you must move forward."

The screams in front of them caught their attention.

The team led by Marcus was suddenly killed and lost their armor, and a large number of cavalry fell, and even died.

A new enemy appeared.

The Royal Guards with Dragonism!

The cavalry's body was cursed to be dragonized, and even the war horses they rode had been dragonized and became ferocious.

They formed a cavalry charge array, standing still at the entrance in front of the palace.

If you want to enter the royal city, you must pass them first.

The dragon features of these dragonized royal guards are more exaggerated, and their body size has completely exceeded the normal level.

Although the dragonized soldiers before this had strange bodies, their height was at least normal, but the dragonized royal guards in front of them were two people tall, and at least four people tall when riding horses, which was a completely insurmountable wall.

The dragonized warhorse rubbed its hooves, and even though it had lost its mind and was distorted, it still maintained strict military discipline.

When Lind took another step forward, the dragonized cavalry charged, and its speed had far surpassed that of the disaster warhorse. The wide and flat central avenue was the best charging position, and the horses' hooves trampled the flying dust.

Some dragonized soldiers accidentally blocked the road, but were torn apart by the ruthless collision.

The Rand soldiers quickly used shields to form a steel low wall, and the lion emblem shield opened its mouth and roared at the dragonized cavalry.

The Rand soldiers hiding behind the shields quietly waited for the charge from the front. The secret patterns on their bodies were activated, and their bodies seemed to be embedded in layers of magic shields. The secret patterns on their bodies flowed, and they would resist this charge with absolute strength.

Weapons were raised from the gaps in the shields, and they were ready to meet this fierce charge.

No one bothered to feel sad for their former colleagues fighting each other. The hard war had wiped out all their compassion. Everyone just wanted to win this victory.

The life-and-death clash in front of the palace was getting closer and closer with the sound of horse hooves.

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