The lord is red again

Chapter 329: Instance scalper?

The battle of Goliath in the royal city has come to an end with the death of the Dragon King Kurt.

Lind's expeditionary army is re-planning the current royal city, including stationing and organizing patrols, and surrounding the former noble manors one by one.

And put signs at the door of each manor, which state the information related to the manor, including who it once belonged to, how many descendants there are, etc.

For the undead, it is the boss information.

There are two soldiers standing at the door of the manor, mainly responsible for charging.

The fee for entering the dungeon.

The reason is that the expedition has ended and the boss has been successfully defeated in the end, so the game experience of the undead has also ended, but we are still very humane to continue to open it, so that the undead can continue to enter the dungeon to fight monsters, but it is no longer free.

"Lin dog!"

"Damn Lin dog, when I was a child, I had diarrhea and went to the toilet, and then I found that the door could not be opened from this side!"

There were many people shouting and cursing, but everyone still paid obediently, because from now on, as long as you pay, you can directly "book the whole place" and explore leisurely without worrying about being snatched away by others.

So a group of people cursed loudly while paying money to get the qualification. If they didn't get the qualification, they had to queue up. A manor dungeon was very large, and the possibility of an ordinary undead team being able to clear it in one go was very low. If they were lucky, they might even be able to go in and pick up the props that the previous team didn't have time to pick up.

I caught Pikachu and was about to queue up. There were strange equipment and weapons dropped in the dungeon called "Osai Manor" in front, and there were many shooters. He was going to get a big bow.

"Brother, brother!"

A figure came over stealthily, turned his head and looked into the distance, then reached out and gently pulled my arm and shook it twice.

I caught Pikachu and immediately dodged two steps to the side. He practiced deliberately so that his body was very agile now, and his speed was so fast that the other party didn't react at all.

He raised his hand and patted his arm and said disdainfully: "Brother, if you have something to say, please talk nicely, don't touch me!"

At this stage, many people will actively raise their induction in order to experience the game better, especially in the "pre-shake" aspect. Suddenly, someone shook his arm in the way of a blonde cute girl, which almost made him mentally ill.

Although the appearance of the undead in front of him is indeed a cute girl, the tone of his voice is not female.

The cute girl and the undead asked: "Brother, are you going to queue for the Osei Manor?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"That's fine, you come with me." He said and wanted to pull someone again, but unfortunately his level was not high, and he couldn't catch Pikachu at all.

"No, bro, what do you mean?"

The cute girl and the undead had to explain: "We are queuing for you, and we pay you to queue for you."

"Scalper?" I caught Pikachu. Shocked, is this still the game world?

He did not agree to the other party, but asked back: "Brother, are you here to find someone?"

"Who?" The scalper was also a little annoyed, but if this business could be closed, it would definitely be profitable. Now a large number of undead people are gathering at Goliath from all directions. With the largest number of undead people on the same screen in history, the game currency trading market has become hot again.

Of course, some people can see the huge business opportunities of this game.

"You must have dumped your mother here, so you came to the game to find her, right?"

"What do you mean?" The scalper's face changed, "Brother, speak nicely!"

"What do you mean? Speak nicely?! You don't play a good game, and you are given the test qualification to let you scalp and resell? The game is made of scum like you."

"You!" The scalper squatted on the spot and was about to pray for a buff, but I caught Pikachu and kicked him over, and quickly drew the sword and stabbed his head, directly shooting him in the head.

"You don't even know how to play the game. Who will wait for you to pray before the fight, Shabi!"

Spitting at the ashes that the corpse had turned into, he turned around to line up.

When there are people and resources to fight for, the figures of scalpers, studios, and dog-traders will increase, which is inevitable.

Walking to the copy of "Osai Manor", watching the scalpers who were resurrected nearby start to pull people again, someone was finally persuaded to pay to come and cut in line.

Although they said "replacing the queue", the process seemed to be fine, but it just made people think of the disgusting experiences when they went to the amusement park in the real world.

The quarrel became louder and louder, and the emotional parties were about to fight directly.

In the real world, everyone might be more restrained, but this is a game, and it is better to fight than to say more.

The strength of the undead who dare to play the copy of the noble manor can be regarded as the first and second echelon masters. There are many ways to measure masters. In Goliath, it is not to look at the attribute values, but to see who takes action without pre-swing, and who can kill one dragon soldier after another.

The combat measurement unit is the dragonized soldier.

The yellow bull that I caught Pikachu and killed in one move just now, although he held on a little longer when he met another person, was still killed in three moves.

There is no way, this is the fighting style of the undead Goliath. If you can't kill the enemy in the shortest time, you can only be killed by the enemy.

Even the long-range wizard was forced to hone a good rolling skill and melee swordsmanship.

Gorgeousness is far less important than practicality.

But the resurrected yellow bull quickly called for help. Of course, there are also masters who are rushing to level up among the yellow bulls. I don’t know what their relationship is in the real world, but it is likely that they are all motherless and looking for relatives.

This time, the undead who was cut in line was much weaker, and was taken away by the scalper with a set of reckless moves.

The scene became more and more chaotic, and finally attracted the soldiers guarding the dungeon.

"Wait, wait! Red name!"

The red name of the Rand soldiers means that the entire country is hostile. No one wants to escape, but all of them raise their hands and squat down to avoid the increase in the wanted level and attract Linde.

Seeing this, I caught Pikachu and no longer stayed. This dungeon will definitely not be open in a short time. If there is a conflict later, he should stay away to avoid being splashed with blood.

While wandering, I caught Pikachu and found several heavily guarded areas.

"Sir, what's going on here?" He walked to the NPC soldier with a smile.

"The dungeon in the royal city."

"Dungeon?" My eyes lit up when I caught Pikachu. "When will it be open?"

"Open?" The other party looked him up and down and shook his head. "You will die if you go in. The Duke means to guard it and never let anyone enter it, and also prevent anything from running out."

"Stronger than the Dragon King Kurt?"

"I don't know."

No matter how much he asked, the soldier remained silent.

"There must be something good in this copy."

For the undead, the good thing is a brand new BOSS battle, and the sense of accomplishment gained by defeating the BOSS is their biggest gain.

He looked at it reluctantly for a few times, and finally turned around and left. He didn't want to be marked as hostile by the Land soldiers.

And his brain had just translated the soldiers' language, which roughly meant: the map is not open.

Let's find a way to trigger the plot.

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