The lord is red again

Chapter 336 The Rabbit Tooth Witch's Nagging

"Raise your hand!" Hearing the voice from the other side, Lind raised his hand obediently.

"The other one!" The rabbit-toothed witch hadn't had such a stern face for a long time, deliberately stretching her bluffy look to make the chubby feeling on her cheeks disappear.

Lind raised his other hand as well.

His muscles slowly tightened as he exerted force.

Energy exists in the body in another way, and the body begins to tend towards "perfection", which is specifically manifested in that he does not need to store energy through too much fat, and the external manifestation is low body fat.

A strong warrior must be big and fat, and store fat. Sufficient energy supply allows him to adapt to long-term combat and even expeditions.

On the contrary, the more sharp and obvious the muscle scale of a muscular man is, the weaker he is.

No one except Lind can do this, because they have never had absolute control.

He looks like a powerful killing machine, and countless lives have died in his hands.

Miss Miko's eyes were always on the gray scales on her arm: "I'll cook you some anti-magic potion, but it's definitely impossible to cure it in a short time."

If it were someone else, the dragonization curse would have turned into something else by now. The fact that Linde could survive intact until now is directly related to his own peculiar physique.

The curse on the body can increase Linde's physical strength. He seems to be stronger the more cursed he is, but the curse may always get out of control, so safety comes first.

In response to her advice and lessons, Linde just nodded.

The rabbit baring its teeth at the lion may seem exaggerated to others, but it has become a tacit understanding between them.

"In addition to wearing protective gear to isolate contact, you should also add some magical protection." Miko pulled the sleeve of his clothes and took a look. There were pale white spots on the sleeves that rubbed against the gray scales, which were similar to the shape of scales. In the long run, this piece of clothing will definitely be cursed.

Even if Linde's body can resist this curse, others will be affected.

The stubborn dragonization curse carries the ambition of Dragon King Kurt and will not let anyone go.

"Okay." Lind nodded again.

It was the first time that Miss Rabbit Teeth saw Lind suffering from an incurable injury. Before this, whether it was pierced through the internal organs or deafness, he only needed to drink a bottle of magic potion at most.

Sometimes, even if his arms or legs were broken, he just needed to bend them hard to put everything back to the right position, and then the injury would heal quickly.


She kept reminding him.

Lind nodded every time he heard the reminder.

The sunlight fell into the room through the window, coating the two of them with a layer of gold powder.

Perhaps at this moment, Lind could feel that the war had truly come to an end for a moment, and his hanging heart could have a moment of rest.

The feeling of being nagged was not bad.

"By the way," Linde wrapped his arm with cloth, then wrapped his arm with gray scales with a piece of cloth armor, and then fixed it with a buckle woven from the Soul-Loss Chain, and finally brought a piece of plate armor, "There is a student from the Star Magic School in the territory, maybe you can chat with her, I introduced you to her, she is very curious about you."

"Really?" Miko stood up, "I heard that you got a lot of books?"

She didn't seem to want to talk about this topic.

"Yes, but those books are not... I hope you can gain something from them."

There is a lot of repetitive knowledge, and the beliefs that have quietly taken root in the Kingdom of Rand are also limited. If Linde wants to gain more knowledge, the best choice is to go to other countries.

Otherwise, his gains are at most some useless palace secret patterns, noble bloodline genealogy, etc.

"How long can you rest?" Miko asked.

"A long time, until the next war comes," Lind said, he had fixed the plate armor on his arm. Even if he had the ability to do two things at once, it was still difficult to operate with one hand. Many great knights needed to help each other to put on a piece of armor. "Although we have returned to the royal city, our strength has been greatly damaged in this war. Many people have no confidence in defeating a group of crazy monsters, but they are eyeing us who have defeated the monsters."

You can't beat the monsters, but you can beat those who defeated the monsters.

Very strange logic.

"But this battle will be extremely complicated, far from being as simple as winning or losing."

Lind didn't think there was a stronger enemy in this country than Dragon King Kurt. Dragon King Kurt, who completely embraced madness and magic potions, had absolutely invincible strength.

At the beginning, he used the [Banshee Horn] to make the opponent's body as fragile as paper, and his strength was weakened again and again, but Kurt could still easily smash the ground and mountains with his tail.

From that moment on, Lind knew very well that if he didn't have so many things to help him, he might not die, but the only outcome would be to escape.

He recognized the power of Dragon King Kurt, but he was also wary of the enemies that existed now.

The enemies were not strong, but they were not monsters that only knew how to kill.

Sneak attacks, assassinations, leading chaos, etc., the war would start from all aspects and it was impossible to prevent it.

"It is the Queen's job to unify the Kingdom of Rand. My job has been completed, including my promise to the soldiers, so I can leave it to the Queen to worry about." Lind said.

He said he could rest all the time.

Miko looked at him quietly: "Do you want to abandon the soldiers who followed you?"

"I fulfilled my promise to them."

"I know you," Miko said. "I know you well enough that this is why you're so depressed? Having to leave your soldiers behind? That's not like you."


"Lind Alman." Mi Ke looked at him quietly.

Linder shifted his gaze to the other side without looking at her face.

He is really conflicted in his heart. If this is a game, he can abandon or directly "sell" his subordinates who can't keep up with the rhythm of the version, and then use the new funds to develop new forces.

But he knows very well that this is not a game. This world has not followed the logic of the game from the beginning. There is just an "official" who comes out of nowhere, trying to transport the fourth natural disaster with weak power, and then use The fragile "novice village" created guides this group of people to achieve a certain goal.

Linde also had a dilemma. He had already determined that the soldiers he trained would not be able to follow him further.

People are different, and even if there is magic potion, there are limits.

Mind, philosophy, spiritual will, etc. will all have an impact. There is no one who can improve himself infinitely. Continuing to forcibly improve is likely to make most soldiers become like Lance, with their bodies mutating and growing weird parts.

The Battle of the Golden Throne made Linde even more convinced of this. Forcing them to join the war would not bring glory, but would only increase deaths.

"They follow Raniya and protect this kingdom, which is the best destination." Linde said.

If you stay in a novice's country, at least you won't be killed like mowing grass.

"When a war begins, soldiers need to fight side by side with generals," Miko said.

They did not talk about exploring this topic. No matter what Linde planned in the future, he must first control and stabilize the dragon-transformation curse on his body, and then gradually arrange various things in the Rand Kingdom.

There was still plenty of time for him to think.

"By the way, I once saw someone selling magic potions produced in Star Dragon City in a place."

Mi Ke casually mentioned what she happened to encounter on the road. Although she did not go to the market where all the people in black robes were, she was so familiar with potions that she could distinguish the colors at a glance from a distance. What kind of power does the potion represent?


"Blackhoof Village."

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