The lord is red again

Chapter 35 The Second Batch of Undead

1.02 has been updated.

Lind sighed as he looked at the "cosers" who appeared outside the gate of Star Dragon Outpost, wearing only white shorts and white tube tops.

There were about 40 or 50 of them.

Geralt, Son Goku, Uzumaki Naruto, Tathagata Buddha, Bald Qiang, Frieza... There were also some with normal looks, but they were either extremely handsome or extremely ugly, with serious polarization.

As soon as Lind showed up, everyone started to get excited.

It was difficult to control at least 40 or 50 players with 9 soldiers. Fortunately, these people had all seen the Star Dragon Outpost video. Even if they hadn't, after finding out that they were actually teleported to Star Dragon Outpost, they would immediately search for the relevant strategies of the territory online, so they were quite cooperative, knowing that the "lord" here was a CG-type tough guy who could kill BOSS.

"The lord is out!"

"Brother De, we're here to join you~!"

"Fuck, it's really cool."

Not to mention that Linde was shocked, even the soldiers who had been controlling the soldiers here for a long time were also shocked by the sudden enthusiasm. Just now, this group of people were still chatting enthusiastically, and as soon as their lord showed up, they jumped up and down like chicken blood.

Could it be that the lord is a big shot in the eyes of the undead?

Forget it, I can't understand it anyway.

The soldiers looked very serious. If so many undead rioted collectively and attacked suicidal, how many times could they be stopped?

"Why are there only so few people?" Linde was still a little disappointed.

The update said that some people would be teleported to a nearby gathering place, and he thought there would be hundreds of players.

After all, this is not a novice village, so you should be happy to have these.

Linde cleared his throat: "Should I say you came at the wrong time? The world is ending, the magic ring is broken, cowards should hide in their mother's arms with snot twisted noses, Star Dragon Outpost is not a cradle for good babies, no one is good at humming Uni's ballads to coax you to sleep!"

All the players fell silent and looked at him.

The soldiers were surprised at Linde's "ability to control the situation", and they sighed again and again at the influence of the Lord on the undead.

How much respect should these undead have for the Lord, that they would cheer and jump for joy when the Lord first appeared, and be silent when he spoke. It was just like the expression of the archbishop when they still believed in the Church of the Sun before the end of the world.

Worship, conviction, obedience, lust, greed...


Several soldiers found something wrong, and some of the players looked at the Lord with a strange look.

Only Linde knew that the players were watching CG.

"You have come at the right time. Disasters are everywhere. The world is in urgent need of a savior who is not afraid of death!"

Looking at the undead with shining eyes, Linde glanced at them and focused on a figure inside.

Drooling at me? Why do I feel something is wrong?

The speech needs to continue, and he raised his voice: "Star Dragon Sentry welcomes undead with great ideals who want to save the world!"

"Ah!" The undead screamed loudly, although he didn't understand why he screamed.

But, it's very cool, isn't it.

It's as if they are not playing a game, but a group of people who have traveled to the doomsday magic world, gathered in a small border territory, and are ready to save the world.

Desolation, hunger, mission and faith.

The epic feeling is there all of a sudden.

A total of 55 players arrived, which really made Linde a little stretched in terms of arrangements.

The first is the placement problem. The soldiers were still hesitant about how to place them. Linde just waved his hand and let them all in!

Players are all like donkeys that go with the flow, and they have a serious rebellious mentality. The more you don't let them do it, the more they will do it. Crossing the "air wall" is even more important than beating the boss, so it is also important to open up places appropriately.

The soldiers are fine, and they go on patrol after receiving Lind's order.

As for accommodation, let the players go to the small house built by Zui Ai Baisi and others. If they don't want to play, they can log off the line. There is no need to sleep in the game.

The second is the use of manpower.

There are a total of 60 undead players. If they are used well, they will be 60 cows that will not get tired and don't need to eat food.

And it's not that he wants to squeeze the undead, but if he doesn't give them a reason to work hard, they will be unhappy.

Considering that if there are not enough tasks and rewards, these 60 players may all run to Prey Town, Lind began to worry about how to deal with the tasks.

He needs a lot of tasks to satisfy the undead.

Find work for them.

In Lind's eyes, Prey Town is more like a player camp than Star Dragon Outpost, so it is important to improve his competitiveness. Otherwise, he doesn't think that the undead people are willing to use Prey Town as a base.

"Do you want to help?"

Lind already has a few ideas and plans to let the undead people do things.

Unexpectedly, they are more anxious than Lind and take the initiative to come to him.

"Of course, Star Dragon Outpost always needs people who are willing to lend a hand to help." Lind's voice is a little tired, although this tiredness does not come from the battle with the BOSS Scavenger Princess, but from watching videos last night to learn how to dress, but tired is tired, there is absolutely no acting component.

"Our walls are not strong enough, and the scavengers who are eyeing us have been eliminated, but the undead people with rich combat experience, you must know that they are definitely not the last venomous snakes."

The player nodded vigorously.

Rich combat? That's right! We are all old-fashioned, praise more, love to hear!

"Go and repair the previous holes in the city wall, make the wall stronger, and let us sleep well. I am willing to pay 10 Rand gold coins as a reward for the undead who help. If you want more people to do this job and then split it equally, that's fine."

"Are there any other tasks?" The players were not in a hurry to act. Forty or fifty people gathered together and looked at him eagerly.

Lind continued: "The crisis of the scavenger's nest has been resolved, but there may be something else hidden. I am very curious about the appearance of the scavenger princess. Maybe you can investigate some secrets."

Compared to the previous task, this task has neither rewards nor monsters, only vague "secrets". Although the players' eyes are shining, no one is willing to take the task.

Because there are 56 players here who are unlucky players with bare buttocks. They have been strolling around before and have gained nothing except seeing the scenery.

Only the four old undeads, including Zui Ai Bai Si, were more concerned about this task. Although their combat power was not strong, after another level and equipment upgrade, they had completely opened up a gap with this group of players. What if there was a hidden plot? What if!

Lind continued: "Star Dragon Outpost needs food. Hunt or go find food. For every 10 pounds of meat or 10 pounds of food you find, you can get 2 Rand gold coins. That's all for now. Maybe we can talk about the development of the territory in the evening."

This task made the undeads very excited because they didn't need to fight monsters.

They just needed equipment now, so they were short of money.

The players started to discuss and plot in front of Lind: "I think this should be a bug. As long as we find enough food, we can keep earning gold coins!"

"Is food expensive in this game?"

"Doomsday, it should be to respect the background setting, but I think it may be the negligence of the production team. What if 1,000 pounds of food can be directly exchanged for a set of suits in the future, we will be very unhappy?"

"I want to buy a set of armor!"

Lind looked at the players who had left and hurried out to find food, and smiled in his heart.

Bug? No, I just want food, food!

If there is really 1,000 pounds of food, what's wrong with giving you a suit.

As long as there is enough food, the benefits he can get are definitely more than the players imagine.

But there are still ten players left who did not move. Even though Lind has explained that there is no task for the time being, they are not in a hurry, but choose to chat and interact with the surrounding environment, and make waves of "Oh~" sounds.

The players who left in a hurry just now are obviously "achievers" type players, and they are also the players that Lind needs for development. This group of people are old players and play games very affectionately. [Note 1]

The remaining ten players are probably the most useless "socializers" at present. Making friends is more important than playing games.

Obviously, the rewards and punishments proposed by Lind cannot satisfy this group of players who have no desires. Socializing is more important to them. Lind currently labels himself as a "soul-based" game, not "Pokemon Go" or "Animal Crossing".

So, it is a bit difficult to use them for your own benefit.


Richard Battier divides players' behaviors into four types:

1: Killers:

This type of player prefers to compete with others, pursues to surpass other players in the game, and likes to get happiness by defeating opponents, such as participating in PVP mode or showing their skills through competition.

2: Explorers

This type of player prefers to interact with the game world, explore various elements and content of the game, and likes to explore and discover, such as studying hidden elements of the game or completing various challenges in the game.

3: Socializers

This type of player prefers to interact with other players, enjoy the social atmosphere of the game community, and likes to establish and maintain social relationships in the game, such as joining a guild, participating in team activities, or communicating in the game.

4: Achievers

This type of player likes to achieve success in the game, pursue goals and victories, and likes to challenge themselves, such as completing all achievements in the game or personal bests.


Thank you for helping me to cross the book and give 100 rewards, and K's Scholar 100 rewards.

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