The lord is red again

Chapter 354: Change the name to Scout Guard

Linde reached out and hugged Melulan, and carried her with a broken body to a bed that had been prepared long ago.

"Have you ever thought about gaining some power?"

"I have always longed for power!" She gritted her teeth, and the hatred in her heart made her eager to return to the Black Swamp Kingdom and tear the king's face apart.

After death, the body was sold and transformed like a commodity, and humiliation and resentment had occupied her mind.

"It just so happens that I have a kind of power that I recommend to you. It comes from the Black Swamp Kingdom."

He was not worried at all that Melulan would turn against him after gaining powerful power. Melulan was just an ordinary woman. Even if the royal blood allowed her to become a strong person like the Scarlet Monarch, she could never be stronger than Redwald. Redwald, who happened to be dead, was not his opponent at all.

And Linde was still getting stronger and never stopped.

Melulan's transformation into a vampire was very fast. This was a transformation ritual filled with some cult atmosphere. Linde had witnessed the transformation of an undead into a blood wart demon.

Her cheeks were dry and pale, her eyes were occupied by swaying scarlet flames, and scarlet lines climbed from the corners of her eyes to her cheeks.

Sharp teeth escaped from between her red lips, shining with cold light.

She was muttering to herself, and the bloody and uneasy atmosphere was blowing wildly in the underground pasture. Linde could feel the faint uneasiness. The opponent's strength was now probably equivalent to "superior".

A scar suddenly appeared on Meilulan's neck, as if a sharp and slender invisible nail had scratched her chest.

Blood roses emerged radially, and then flapped like butterfly wings, trying to escape from her chest with all their strength.

The blood succeeded.

A huge spider web woven entirely by blood enveloped Linde's head. He could feel that Meilulan did not disappear or weaken, but became stronger and stronger.

Breakthrough to the hero level.

When the blood spider web was rewoven into a cocoon, Linde's ears could hear a strong heartbeat.

A white arm broke through the blood cocoon and stretched out.

The woman's chuckle echoed in the space. In the blood lamb pasture in the distance, the blood lambs seemed to hear some kind of sound that frightened them, and they trembled and crawled to the ground.

There seemed to be a flame burning above his head, and Linde saw a battlefield in a trance.

The giant who could easily tear the mountains apart with a wave of his hand strode towards him. Something was turning in the flames until he saw that it was an eyeball as big as the moon.

Flowers bloomed at his feet at some point, and then withered. Linde lowered his head and found that his fingers had also turned into debris and slowly broke.

This was an unprecedented scene of fear. The feeling of powerlessness completely enveloped Linde, and fear madly eroded his heart.

"Illusion?" Linde tried to break free.

He tried to calm himself down, but fear was like a physical instinct. He watched the giant stop in front of him, his head piercing the sky, his head completely surpassing the clouds, and the giant lowered his head and looked down at him.

Then the terrifying giant planet eye staring at him burned everything in front of it, and endless scarlet overflowed from the pupil, drowning everything Lind's eyes could see.

The silent death brought by the flowers was accelerating.

Lind ushered in his own "death", and his body trembled. He felt that he was very familiar with this power, just like when his noble power was awakened.

The difference was that this time the power was very concrete.

The body's instinct was faster, and the emblem power of various channels surged out and easily took the lead.

He tried his best to guess what the three powers represented, but in the end it all turned into a chuckle, which was not important at all.

"Is it over?" Lind looked at the blood cocoon, and Mellan's arm twitched slightly, as if she didn't expect Lind to wake up, or she just accidentally moved a little while having a nightmare.

The blood cocoon bloomed like a flower, and Mellan, naked, sat in it with her body tilted sideways.

"The power of blood," she looked at Lind with fear. Just now, when she couldn't bear the power in her blood, she chose to use her mind power to force all of this into Lind's head and let him bear it.

The scenes that frightened her so much that she lost her voice were actually resisted by Lind, and he looked very relaxed.

She was afraid and apologized for her behavior just now.

He didn't feel relieved until Lind left the underground and returned to Star Dragon City.

He almost capsized in the gutter!

In the next few days, in Star Dragon City, the "book thief" Duomei and the troll lady Isa, who knew a little about everything, conducted many academic researches.

Duomei was delighted by the profound knowledge of the top students.

However, Lind was more concerned about the development of the territory. There were not many undead people left in Star Dragon City. With the transfer of Lind's power center to Goliath, Star Dragon City had cooled down, and only one or two new undead people could be seen wandering around on the streets occasionally.

His magic task system has been updated many times. Now as long as the signal transmission problem can be solved, it can cover all territories.

Moreover, the magic alchemy props for transmitting signals have been made. Although the durability is not very high, the cost is also very low.

"Now there are two types. One is that you can use it at any time. I call it the signal stone," Duo Mei confidently showed his research results, "It can transmit signals 10 miles away, and it can absorb the free energy in the air to charge itself."

The technology obtained from the Mechanicus was like a cornerstone. Linde was not sure whether Domei had gone astray, but the effect was still very gratifying.

"The cost has been reduced to the lowest level, but the price is still high."

"This is not a problem." Linde naturally has a way to solve the problem.

"What about the other one?"

"A larger, amplified signal stone,"

Domei emotionally led Lind forward. It was not until he crossed the castle wall and looked at the pyramid building that he understood what Domei meant by amplifying.

"It has too many disadvantages," Dome said helplessly. "First of all, as you can see, it is too eye-catching and will definitely attract countless attacks. Secondly, its cost is very high, sir! Very high!"

"Is there any possibility of optimization?" Linde asked.

"This is made based on your golden seal. There is no optimization. Its function is only to transmit signals, but you can add something else to it on this basis."

"Something else?"

"Such as magic secret patterns, barriers, etc., and then letting people control it, may increase its chances of survival when attacked." Domei's voice became smaller and smaller.

It took him more than a year and a lot of money to finally produce something like this. He could even imagine how angry the lord was.

But I didn't expect it.

"What a great idea, Tomei."

Linde clapped his hands and laughed.

Even the troll lady Isa who was following her showed a confused expression, if anyone could tell the confused expression from her face.

"Well, the signal stone can be mass-produced, but it needs to add some more functions, communicate with the golden seal, and then organize wizards to learn how to build it."

Lind pointed to the pyramid, paused for a moment, and said, "By the way, give it a name. Why not call it the Crystal Defense Tower."

"Crystal defense tower?" Domei was confused. He couldn't understand what it had to do with crystals and defense towers.

"Yes, the name of the signal stone has also been changed," Linde nodded. He had already thought of a way to make the undead people willingly donate their own materials, and then willingly help him expand his horizons.

"Just change the name to Scouting Guard."

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