The lord is red again

Chapter 361 You can buy a house now

The game was officially launched, and hundreds of thousands of new players poured into the game, but they did not appear in the same place, but scattered.

For the magic world, players speculated that it was at least three times the land area of ​​the Earth. These hundreds of thousands of people were thrown into the world and let them act on their own. It is very likely that they will never meet another person in their lives.

Fortunately, this is a game.

Everyone was just thrown into "different servers", and there is a novice village, which is better than the treatment of internal test players.

The video playback volume of "French Ring Weekly" began to surge.

Even the number of views of the column has also surged.

Similar programs include "French Ring Opening Guide", "French Ring Skipping Class", "French Ring Complete Collection", etc. With the influx of a large number of bloggers, the program has exploded.

After confirming that this game is extremely real, everyone couldn't help but indulge in it.

"The Great Rift Expedition 1.0 has been launched, but the game has not changed, the level has not been upgraded, and there is no plot related to the Great Rift at this stage. We guess that the key plot has not been triggered yet."

"This may be the time the official gives newbies to adapt, so that everyone can improve their strength and level as much as possible to deal with the powerful enemies in version 1.0.

A friend of mine is very lucky and actually appeared directly in the Kingdom of Rand, which is really enviable.

There are many countries in the world, and appearing in which novice village does not affect the game experience. The undead will one day become heroes that those NPCs must look up to.

Speaking of becoming a hero, how can we miss the introduction of weapons? First, I will introduce to you the most suitable weapons and professions for pioneering. Here, it will be divided according to continent-country-territory. If your area is not mentioned, you are welcome to submit."

Linde closed the video. This time, a large number of undead really poured into the Kingdom of Rand. The number has not been counted yet, but it is definitely more than 10,000.

The total number of people in the public beta has exceeded 600,000, and this is only the first hour of the first time.

It is not ruled out that people will continue to enter the game in the later stage. It is not a problem for the peak number of online people to exceed one million, and it may exceed 10 million in the future.


The biggest disaster has come.

Just ask whether the abyss rift can withstand so many fearless monsters to launch suicidal attacks.

Far water cannot quench a nearby fire, Lind can only catch the nearby first. He has come to the snake catcher fortress under construction and decided to temporarily focus on the snake catcher fortress and wait until the things here are done.

Although there are many new undead, they will not cause big trouble in a short time. They are curious about this world and will explore with novel eyes. Moreover, they will be guided by the undead. Most of the undead still belong to the "lawful" camp.

In order to deal with the sudden arrival of large-scale undead, Lind has already arranged some "interesting" work for the undead, opening the points function, points exchange store, etc.

Not only the snake catcher fortress, but also other regions are the same. Each store has its own exclusive profession and exchange equipment.

Each region has received the notice at the first time. The local soldiers and merchants who are used to being NPCs have arranged each undead with ease, just like the rotation of gears.

In order to enhance the "sense of belonging" of the undead and prevent them from taking action casually, Lind's other killer move is to open the "house purchase" function.

Not only the novice village, but all the main cities have a serious problem, lack of population.

There are a large number of empty houses, but no one lives in them.

Not to mention the many abandoned villages, fishing grounds, and disaster shadow farming areas in the wilderness.

Selling for a period of 70 years allows the undead to feel real in the game world, as if they are living in the real world.

In this world, there is no problem of not being able to pay back the mortgage. Most people don't even need to spend money to live in a house, as long as they are willing to work hard and do more tasks.

Each person is limited to buying a house and only has the right to live in the house. The land still belongs to the lord and must comply with the laws of the Rand Kingdom.

What Lind wants is for the undead to come and live here and become a member of the Rand Kingdom. Even if they leave here in the future to go to the advanced map, they will not kill casually because this is their "home".

The strength of the undead is growing. In the future, everyone will be a hero or epic. The city can't resist their invasion at all, and can only play the emotional card.

With the opening of "house purchase", it caused an uproar as expected.

The undead in many areas also asked the lords of their areas, and then were scolded by the lords.

Houses and land are the private property of the lords. You, a group of undead monsters, actually want to get involved? Get lost!

Linde, who didn't know that his actions had been labeled "Difficulty: Intimate", was about to take a look at his "Crystal Defense Tower". This should be the first one, because the craftsmanship of the crystal defense tower in Star Dragon City was not very exquisite before. Not only was the appearance too rough and did not conform to the aesthetics of the Kingdom of Rand, but many magic arrays were not added to it. After several experiments, it has been included in the demolition plan.

When the new crystal defense tower in Star Dragon City is built, it will be demolished.

The current crystal defense tower integrates many functions, such as "teleportation magic array".

In the future, each main city will build a teleportation magic array, which needs to be agreed by both places before it can be opened, truly connecting the two places.

The protective buildings of the crystal defense tower are also being strengthened, and even include arrow towers and a wizard tower erected around it for daily care, maintenance and operation, etc.

After confirming that everything is correct, Lind is ready to go to the city to see the progress of the reconstruction of the fortress.

In his plan, the snake catcher fortress should assume the function of an "arena".

The differentiation of the functions of the major cities is also a last resort. In layman's terms, this is called dragging the game time and letting players play for a while longer.

Moreover, the points between the different territories he set are not universal. It is necessary to ensure that each territory has an irreplaceable function, so that the undead will work hard to brush every place before they start to work hard.

A melodious piano sound suddenly attracted Lind's attention. He felt a force like sweet spring water flowing into his body with the piano sound and singing.

He looked up and found a woman sitting on a big stone. She was holding a harp and plucking the strings gently.

She had long hair that fluttered like silk in the wind, and her singing overwhelmed the shouts at the scene.

The singing voice was magical. Linde looked carefully and found that the woman was not sitting on the stone. She was floating quietly, and the sound waves flowed with the wind, swirling and floating, nourishing everyone.

In her singing, people worked faster and recovered their physical strength faster.

She finished singing a song and fell to the ground, obviously noticing Linde's arrival.

"My Lord" she bent down.

"What should I call you?"

"Ainar, I'm from Crescent Town."

"A very perfect performance, your power..." Linde said, "You are a great knight, right?"

He recognized at a glance that the other party was not a wizard. Although she was singing to bring strength to people by playing the piano, it felt more like a knight's war cry to Linde, a technique to inspire the body, rather than a magical blessing.

Ainar nodded: "Yes."

"Very interesting ability," Linde went straight to the point, "Your ability is very useful in war and can increase the survival rate of soldiers. I hope to buy the potion formula related to your ability."

Different statuses will have different chat styles.

When he was in a low position, he had to estimate the other party's feelings, but when he was in a high position, he only needed to make an offer, and it would be difficult for the other party not to accept it.

At most, he was a little greedy, and Linde had plenty of wealth.

"Of course!" Ainar nodded without thinking.

This was a pleasant exchange. Linde was very generous and willing to give her more compensation. For example, wealth and so on were just resources in Linde's eyes. Their function was to exchange for other resources. Money that could not be spent was just scrap metal.

But Ainar refused the gift and compensation.

When Linde separated from the other party, he said to the officer in charge of the reconstruction of the Snake Catcher Fortress: "Give her more convenience, and avoid anyone harassing her. By the way, leave her a house in the Snake Catcher Fortress."

For those who can actively provide help, Linde doesn't mind compensating more in other invisible aspects. This ability is of little use in her hands, but if it is transferred to the battlefield, it is equivalent to a group of soldiers being able to increase their strength by 10%-20% at no cost. Strengthening strength can avoid death and sacrifice.

It can bring more victory.

"The Duke is here!"

After walking a distance, several children cheered for Linde's arrival.

"Why are there children?" Linde looked at the three children in confusion and waved at them.

"Adults! They are also residents of Crescent Town. Because the adults come here to work, they also come here."

"Yeah," Linde nodded and looked down at the three little guys.

But the three were not as afraid of him as imagined, and they were even whispering, but the sound of their whispering ears was all heard by Linde word for word.

"He doesn't look that tall, George," the little girl said, "but he is very handsome."

"He has blond hair!" The youngest kid opened his hands and raised them above his head.

Linde bent down and asked, "Why, am I very short?"

It's a very interesting statement. I didn't expect that in the eyes of the children, I was still a dwarf.

Now there are not many people who are taller than me. The only ones who are taller than me are the Red Knight and Carl who can't speak.

The three little guys were so scared by Linde's sudden conversation that they covered their mouths and dared not speak.

Other people around also saw the scene here, but they were not sure whether Linde would be angry because of the child's words. Everyone did not move, but watched quietly, perhaps still praying in their hearts.

The little boy mustered up his courage, looked up at Linde, and said: "My aunt likes you, she wants to marry you!"

"Hahaha!" Linde smiled and gently rubbed the boy's head, "That's really my honor. I believe your aunt must be a beauty, but it's a pity that I already have a fiancée."

"Yeah, that's a pity." The little boy sighed.

The three children were sighing, but the people around them, whether soldiers or ordinary people, were laughing, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.

"George---!!" There was a sharp shout in the distance.

A woman with a flushed face ran over.

"My Lord, I, I." Her cheeks were flushed and embarrassed.

"It's a very cute child." Linde smiled, turned and walked towards the crystal defense tower, and the people around him automatically dispersed after Linde left.

The aunt reached out and pulled George's ears, and the little guy had to stand up on tiptoe because of the ears.

It’s over. I’m definitely going to get beaten today.

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