The lord is red again

Chapter 370 Brother Fu's escort mission

Except for the logistics soldiers, the rest of the first batch of expeditionary forces were strictly selected elites.

The crystal mage deeply understood that he was not suitable for front-line combat, let alone being a leader, but his long lifespan allowed him to store a lot of knowledge in his mind. He could be a "mentor", which is what he has always done.

Establish an outpost and wait for Lind to arrive.

But before that, we can't do nothing. The crystal mage who had fought on the front line of the Great Rift knew how to create an advantage as quickly as possible.

"We can't go directly to the Great Rift of the Abyss. Facing the abyss, no matter how powerful we are, we can't decide victory, even if we are as strong as General Lind. The abyss will corrode our minds all the time, so before that we must find a group of people. You can call them 'Pus Exiles'. They live in a village south of the Morpheus Gate. They can make resistance medicine to resist the erosion of the abyss. That is what can keep our minds intact."

"Will we not be eroded by the abyss if we go deep into the Morpheus Gate?" a voice asked.

People turned their heads and saw that it was Fuller who was speaking.

He is a "thief" and now takes on the work of sentinel, which is destined to belong to him.

The crystal wizard said: "You may encounter danger, but I promise that I will not be eroded. The abyss has no way to bring its curse out of the big crack, which is why they have spent so much time and cannot go any further."

"I have a map that can take you to the village. Just remember to avoid some flesh-eating flies and some black water cockroaches on the way."

Fuller couldn't help asking: "What is that?"

"You will know it after you see it." The crystal wizard smiled. Everyone present was a great knight, and even if they were not great knights, they would be forcibly promoted to great knights by Lind.

This is a war. Without extraordinary power, there is no qualification to provide logistics.

However, as long as they do not enter the front line of the crack, the great knight will walk sideways in this area. How could they be afraid of slightly larger flesh-eating flies?

Only Fuller had a bitter face. He felt that this task was specially left for him.

“Oh my god, this is Morpheus’ Gate, why does it feel so much worse than I imagined?”

“Anyone team up to go out and add wards? Don’t add too many, or you’ll lose experience points.”

“I’m out of money, scout wards are too expensive.”

“Hey! It’s time to send out quests!”

The group of undead who were originally lazy and scattered suddenly stood up, and then rushed forward in a swarm.

Finally there is a quest!

The quest content is hung on the board. Maybe the coverage of the scout wards is too small, or for other reasons, anyway, their lion badges can only be used in the “safe zone”.

After receiving the quest, you have to get a paper quest scroll. The good news is that you can update your experience points after arriving in the safe zone, and upload online for “cloud saving”.

[Escort Exploration Team: A Sentinel team will go deep into a village south of Morpheus Gate. Urgently recruit a group of undead who are good at stealth to escort Sentinel Fuller. If you can do "hush" and "don't make any noise", come on. Reward: 5 experience points]

[Build an outpost: We have arrived at Morpheus Gate, but it has become shabby...very shabby! Rebuild the outpost under command and build the walls high. You also want a place where you can snore and sleep, right? Reward: 3 experience points]

[Investigation and collection: You need to receive the pre-task of "Build an Outpost". Stone, stone, and stone! Collect stones, and find some other resources by the way. Reward: 50 military merits]

[Logistics patrol: You need to receive the pre-task of "building an outpost". The importance of logistics resources is far more important than anything else. Make sure that no thieves take anything away. Reward: 50 military merits]

[Expeditionary Army salary: Remember to go to the safe zone to collect your salary today. Reward: 1 experience point, 10 military merits]

The mission was not as frantic as expected. The undead people looked at the missions with huge price differences and began to think.

From the perspective of harvest, receiving the mission of escorting the exploration team is the most profitable. 5 experience points, you have to pay out of your own pocket to buy a reconnaissance guard and insert 5 eyes in a row. It's pure profit.

An ordinary escort mission is not marked with danger, which means it is not difficult.

In case you really encounter danger, you will make money, and there may be extra rewards.

But if you leave the exploration team, it is very likely that... you will not be able to sign in.

The "sign in" of the expeditionary army must be issued in the safe zone on a daily basis. The experience of pulling a big one was taken as a warning.

If the mission of escorting the investigation takes more than 5 days, it is better for everyone to earn more by moving bricks in the camp directly. The longer the time, the more losses.

On the contrary, building an outpost has become a task that the undead are scrambling for. They can receive a fixed salary reward every day, and then they can receive an additional reward of 3 experience points. No matter how you look at it, it is more profitable than the first mission.

In the end, the mission of escorting Sentinel Fuller was taken by the rich "rich brothers".

Rich brothers include game anchors, local tyrants, and studios.

The high price of scout guards is a bit expensive for ordinary people. If they are not sure how far the southern village is, if the distance is too far, they will have to face the two situations of giving up the mission and coming back to collect the salary, or giving up the salary to complete the mission.

But it is not a problem for the rich brother group. They can exchange money and resources to buy scout guards through offline transactions.

Since there is no way to "sign in", just insert wards all the way and walk over, and pull the range over.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

If the game officials had not opened the currency exchange and recharge platform, they would have been dressed in divine clothes long ago.

The exploration team led by Fuller passed through the Gate of Morpheus. They did not ride horses. Livestock was a precious resource and had to stay in the camp.

However, a group of great knights and wizards acted collectively, and the speed was not slow.

The journey is expected to take 3 days.

When night fell, they rested on the roadside and lit a bonfire.

Every once in a while, undead people would disappear.

Fuller spent a night in fear. Fortunately, he was not alone. The undead also knew that protecting Fuller was the most important task, so they would ensure that someone would be by Fuller's side when he went online and offline.

On the second night, Fuller's situation was a little worse. He hallucinated the roar of some kind of beast, and kept muttering "glory" and "honor" in his heart before he could barely fall asleep.

And when it came to the third night, the wind was a bit urgent that night. In late autumn, the weather turned cold.

Fuller poked the bonfire with a stick to make the flames burn more vigorously.


This time he heard a clearer sound, and it was nearby.

Fuller was a great knight, but his first reaction was to look at the undead.

Unlike Fuller, the undead showed a happy expression: "Here they come!"

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