The lord is red again

Chapter 381 The Great Chaotic Expedition

The undead made quite a commotion, but their fighting style was always very conservative and their speed was very slow.

But as an undead was injured, the situation changed dramatically.

"Fuck! Wushang is gone, brothers, go!"

Playing games is like this. If you don't make mistakes, you will be very careful, just like walking on a flooded road with shoes, you will be very careful, but if your shoes are wet, then you'd better wade through the water.

More and more enemies are advancing, and then they encounter the first type of enemies.

A group of festering exiles.

But this group of "fertilizers" is not as grotesque as the pictures circulating in the forum. They wear iron cages, but the iron cages have been deformed by their swollen heads.

The ways of attack are also varied, and all of them have mastered strange skills.

The abyss creatures that should be afraid of fire actually began to release fire.

Looking at the exiles whose bodies are spreading all kinds of illusory limbs such as twisted animal feet, mouths, and tails, releasing poisonous smoke, flames, and storms, the undead people's scalps are numb.

The flames and poisonous fog intertwined to form a purple-green flame, roaring fiercely and charging at the undead.


The people with shields, such as Xuanwu Shield, took the initiative to stand in front and forcibly split the flames with their shields.

The scorching airflow penetrated into the skin like a steel needle.

When the first wave of flames ended, the Xuanwu Shield armor that stood at the forefront was left with a mess of scars, poisonous corrosion and flames, and even his arm armor was completely burned red by the high temperature.

Xuanwu Shield quickly removed his arm armor and revealed a red arm with a meaty aroma.

He had encountered this situation many times. He skillfully took out the medicine bottle, pulled the stopper with his teeth and poured it into his mouth, and his injuries recovered quickly.

He put away the arm armor and waited for someone to repair it after returning, and then took out the spare equipment to take over first.

It is impossible for the top elite among the undead to have only one set of weapons and equipment.

This game is too realistic in this aspect. The equipment damage rate is very high. While people feel the sense of substitution, they are also a little angry. It often happens that they get a set of godly equipment but dare not wear it when brushing the map.

Fear of wearing it out.

Other undead took the opportunity to rush forward, and the weird roar of the abyss was replaced by the collision of swords and magic.

Dragon Scale Sword cut off the enemy's arm with the ice sword, and then quickly turned around and used his body to quickly let the fire blade in his left hand cut the enemy's throat. Black slurry gushed out from the burnt neck wound. He felt bad but did not retreat, but accelerated the speed to chase and stab, and finally won before the opponent exploded into a more difficult monster.

But it does not mean that the exile can only fight remotely. An exile rushed to the front like an ape carrying a fireball.

Boom! !

The exile who jumped into the air like an ape was covered with flames, and the fireball expanded several times.

But then, the fireball was suddenly torn open from the inside by the thin arm, and the opponent actually rushed out with a scorching heat, and stretched out his claws to cut towards the head of Dragon Scale Sword.

Dragon Scale Sword twisted on one leg, and his body spun like a gyroscope to narrowly avoid the arm, and raised his elbow instinctively to chisel the opponent's nose with the hilt of the sword. The completely twisted and deformed iron cage head was still strong under the heavy blow and did not break.

After landing, the exile was a little confused and staggered back, but the Dragon Scale Sword, who was almost ambushed, caught up and stabbed his eye socket with a short blade with sparks.

Thick smoke billowed out, and when he pulled out the short blade, the blade was already scorching red.

The body fell to the ground.

During this period, some undead turned into ashes.

The pus exiles, who were not known for fighting, became difficult to deal with after being contaminated by the abyss. Although the undead enjoyed the feeling of challenging strong enemies and winning, they also knew that their mission was to open the gate of the fortress.

As long as the gate is opened and William and Lind come in, these guys shouldn't be a problem.

So why not just let Lind and William go the other way from the other side of the wall?

They never thought of doing this from the beginning.

If NPCs do everything, what's the point of playing? So just be a poster girl who issues orders and don't move around.


Lind was looking at the Abyss War in other regions on the official website at this time, and found many places worth referring to.

Resistance medicine has become a sought-after scarce resource.

The expedition teams organized in other regions are mostly sparse, and many undead can only rush in and use their bodies to resist the curse.

In other regions, undead are directly infected by the abyss and complete the "glorious evolution".

However, unlike what they imagined, they were directly transformed into alien races and then began to destroy human civilization. They found that their bodies were out of control and they became monsters that were killed by other undead.

Some people don't care about this. Isn't it just that they will be forced to hang up after being infected with the plague? Although there is no reward for hanging up, it should be quite interesting.

There was a blogger who made a video and let himself be infected to see what would happen in order to make the show more effective.

Then, because his level and equipment were the strongest in the area, his strength changed dramatically after being infected. He directly conquered the undead defense line of the big rift in the area and almost killed all the NPCs.

The defense line of the entire area collapsed completely.

The barrage floated by:

"6666, it's really cool, but it's a pity that it can't be controlled."

"The blood plasma explosion is more exciting than the cut movie."

"Fuck, the poster girl was killed?"

"Hahaha, "Reborn in Another World, I was infected and became an Abyss Demon and then decided to destroy humanity", the gameplay is indeed very free."

Almost no one would criticize, and many lawful undead would just leave a message: "It turns out that you can play like this."

A small number of critics are the undead in the same region as the blogger, because of him, their own defense line completely collapsed, and this region is directly unplayable.

All NPCs are dead and still playing a mess.

Either go to other countries to mix again, or delete the account and play again, but no one will care about their gaming experience in front of the big blogger.

Some regions directly united and rushed forward in one breath, and then were killed collectively.

The resurrected undead ran around with the Abyss Plague, and eventually the entire country became a country occupied by the Abyss.

Even the brainwashed official NPCs who were devoted to the undead could be killed because of a momentary interest, not to mention the enemies.

There are also areas that have made gratifying positive progress. Through rapid infrastructure construction, a defense line is built, and then only a small part of the Abyss Disaster is drawn out each time, so that the undead and the Abyss Disaster can fight in a limited small area.

Like fighting crickets.

The effect is good, and it can ensure that they will not be infected, but the disadvantage is that the speed is too slow. When their planned actions are successful, it may take decades to enter version 2.0.

Figures appeared by the campfire.

"Too difficult!" Complaints came.

The dead undead are resurrected.

"It's impossible to keep going like this."

"I think we can consider stealth assassination, or seduce one and defeat it one by one."

William on the side asked: "Sir, do you want me to go in and help?"

In William's view, the undead are still too weak.

"Your job is to stay here and wait for the gate to open, and..." Lind emphasized in front of all the undead, "All those infected by the abyss will be killed by your own hands."

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