The lord is red again

Chapter 387: Collecting Cards, My Rarity is the Highest

The undead people guarding outside saw the castle was once again filled with flames, and the fungal blanket wrapped around the castle was no longer struggling and curling up, but falling off quickly.

The water drop-shaped black ball hanging under the eaves was also "cooked", falling to the ground and exploding, with a foul-smelling black slurry inside.

The flames lasted for a day and a night. From the beginning, they would watch, but later the undead people were too lazy to watch and turned away to busy themselves with their own things.

When Lind pushed open the door again, the terrifying hot wind whistled out, making people frown.

Boyd hugged his drawing board at the first time.

Looking at Lind, whose skin was red and steaming, Boyd took the initiative to hide far away, and then asked loudly: "My lord, are you okay?"

"Me? Very good!"

Of course he was in good condition. This time he unexpectedly harvested more than 80 Abyss Disaster Hearts. I don't know what the difference is between this thing and the ordinary Disaster Heart, and it looks even more disgusting.

The stone was covered with vein-like lines. After taking it in his hand, the lines also moved synchronously with his breathing.

No matter what this type of heart of disaster is, it cannot be used for breeding, otherwise it is difficult to say whether a new abyss race is directly cultivated.

The gate to the abyss has been opened, and now the undead can go to the front line of the abyss through the hall and go to the real big crack.

Lind can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After completely controlling the fortress, he can directly open up various defense functions of the fortress and turn it into a real military fortress.

Let the undead who are eager to open up the land go. More wars and more consumption can create more profits.

"My lord, this is what I drew."

Boyd brought his painting this time.

After Lind knew the characteristics of Boyd's painting ability, he considered using his ability to make a profit.

How can a successful game not have card collection?

Draw the key characters in each battle. It doesn't matter whether it is limited or not. It can stimulate consumption by selling it first.

And there is a characteristic of Boyd's paintings, that is, they have different attribute increases and decreases.

Several paintings have Lind, gentle William, and iris adults.

And there are also pictures of Lind and his men fighting.

"If you copy these paintings, can you guarantee these effects?"

"My Lord, even if I draw them myself, they are just fakes."

"There are many fakes in your pamphlets." Lind exposed without hesitation.

Boyd smiled: "I can draw, and it's very easy. You know, creation is the most difficult, and inspiration always flashes."

"That's good."

"But the effect may be much worse."

"It's OK as long as it works!"

"Do you want to sell it to the undead?" Boyd's mind is very sensitive.

During the time he followed Lind, he had seen many of Lind's operations, and found that the undead who were not afraid of death were essentially a group of mercenaries. The reason for their loyalty was that Lind seemed to know what to use to pay for their needs.

Even if Boyd occasionally imitated Lind to give some rewards so that the undead could do things for him, most of the time the rewards he gave were not attractive to the undead, so after trying a few times, Boyd gave up.

Linde pointed at the paintings and said, "That's right. For zombies, you can draw tens of thousands of them first, exiles can draw 10,000 first, scavengers can draw 5,000, irises can draw 1,000, William and Wen can only draw 1,000, and I only have 99."

Since he is a lord, it shouldn't be too much to increase his rarity.

In addition, characters like Crystal Wizard, Miko, Rania, and Tione are also worth drawing. Female character cards are definitely rarer than male characters.

"Sir, there are less than 10,000 undead in our expeditionary army." Boyd felt that he should remind Linde that he should give up drawing zombies and raise the number of irises to 10,000.

He even forgot that he was the only one who spent tens of thousands of cards.

"I know, it's because there are fewer undead now that I drew less." Linde nodded and said as a matter of course.

In the future, these cards will be entered into his magic system and then stamped as "authentic".

When there are more and more undead people in the future, tens of thousands of cards will be thrown into the market, just like throwing a drop of oil into the sea.

"Less...draw?" Boyd thought he must have heard it wrong. Why didn't he understand what Linde said, "My lord, the undead may not be willing to spend money to buy it. I don't think they will like those ugly zombies."

"I know!" Linde nodded, and then asked, "Who said I want to sell it to them?"

"Not selling?"

It has been a long time since the lottery pool was opened. If the Abyss is such a good material, it would be a bit of a waste if the pool is not opened once.

Linde thinks that the undead have too much military merit, so he has to harvest a wave as soon as possible.

Only those who are hungry will work hard.

Only undead people who have no money will work hard for the new equipment they want.

Fair trade is not called cutting leeks, and fair trade has the risk of making a large number of undead rich. Linde has no official authority and cannot make any regulation.

Therefore, there must be a high-risk, high-return link such as a lottery. Every undead person thinks that he is special, and then he will foolishly throw out the money he has earned countless days and nights.

Even if some undead people really rise to the top overnight and directly become the top players from the bottom, it doesn’t matter.

It doesn't matter how strong the top undead are. The value that high-end players can create is actually only so much. He is not an official, so he can't get any benefits at all. Moreover, they don't do this or that. They just want to enjoy themselves every day and pick and choose when they do a task.

The middle and lower levels are always the most important. They are the part that NPCs need to harvest.

"I will be away for a while. Let William and Wen sort it out and set up checkpoints in front. Any undead with serious abyss will be killed directly. Don't let them run into the fortress."

This is one of the most important uses of the fortress.


Boyd watched Lind leave, and then reacted.

That's not right!

Tens of thousands of pictures I drew myself?


Lind returned to the Gate of Morpheus with the Heart of the Abyss.

There are not only soldiers here, but also a group of undead who came by themselves. They are all newbies and their levels are not high. They can only do some tasks nearby.

When Lind found Miko, he found that she was reading a few books seriously and didn't even notice his arrival.


After standing for a long time, Linde couldn't help coughing to remind him.

Mi Ke scratched her head and put the book down, looking in Linde's direction. I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment, Linde saw circles in her eyes.

"You're back?!" After confirming that it was Linde, Mi Ke directly put the book on the table, jumped off the chair and ran to him.

"What book are you reading?"

"I'm learning some knowledge from my mentor. You may not know that my mentor also studied at the Star Magic School. After he knew the disaster of the Great Rift in the Abyss, he joined the Disaster Executioner..." The Rabbit Tooth Witch said a lot.

Linde nodded and listened. This atmosphere also slightly relieved the pressure in his heart. Staying near the abyss for many years, it is difficult not to be affected in his heart.

"What are you going to do this time? Are you injured?" Mi Ke has already reached out to touch Linde to confirm whether he is injured.

"No, I brought you some good stuff this time."


Linde took out the heavy bag of epic Abyss Disaster Heart.

Tuya smiled with satisfaction: "But I have to ask the instructor first, and I may not be able to cook epic potions now."

She just likes Linde to give her all the important materials every time he gets them, at least it can make her convince herself that staying with Linde is because she can always get good potion materials.

He didn't stay for too long, and met with the crystal wizard again, mainly to understand Miko's learning situation.

"She has no talent in other aspects, and her talent in potions is also average." The crystal wizard said bluntly.

"Really?" Linde heard a piece of news that made him unhappy.

"If you want her to become an epic or even higher-level pharmacist, is it possible?"

"To brew potions, you need a flash of inspiration. Many pharmacists' recipes come from a flash of inspiration. You can think of it as a gift from God. Miko doesn't have this talent," the crystal wizard turned around and said, "But there is another exhaustive method. As long as she works dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times harder, she can succeed. If it were a wizard or a knight, I might recommend this method, but she is a pharmacist, sir."

Miko is a pharmacist. Her thousands of times of effort means that she has to pay thousands of times more than a talented pharmacist.

"Only thousands of times?" Lind pinched his chin.

Raising the price of the undead should be able to smooth out this investment cost.

Anyway, there are undead to help you get the materials.

If it doesn't work, put more useless things in the lottery pool, and call it adjusting the multiplier.

"What?" The crystal wizard thought he must have heard it wrong.

"She wants to be a pharmacist, and I also need a pharmacist, so other things are not a problem, please teach her well."

"I will!"

Before, the crystal wizard just taught casually and let Miko read books, because his attention was all on the abyss, but if Linde has this attitude, then he can only do his best to teach.

The talent of the apprentice is important, but whether there is a mature mentor to teach with all his strength is also important.

Now the crystal wizard just wants Linde to fight the abyss well. The cost of teaching a little witch without talent is really too low.

Having said that, the crystal wizard still has to participate in the brewing of the "Epic Storm Knight Path Potion" this time. He is not good at brewing potions, but his help can increase Miko's success rate.

Linde really needs to improve his strength.

His busyness is not over yet. When he returned to the Gate of Morpheus, he received a message from Melulan, and now the two sides have to meet.

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