The lord is red again

Chapter 392 Good leeks!

Linde received a message from Melulan and was very satisfied with Melulan's initiative to report the situation.

Before that, he had noticed the forum sections about the Kingdom of Rand and the Kingdom of Black Swamp.

It can be said that Melulan is the heart of the undead. Finally, he can join without being excluded. Don't be picky.

The news from Melulan includes those mentioned by the undead, but there are also some high-level secrets that the undead can't touch at all.

As for how to deal with the undead, it is actually very simple. Combine the treatment of mercenaries with the way of entertaining nobles. If you give enough benefits, they will be willing to fight for you.

Of course, you must also be good at telling stories. It is important to have a legitimate reason no matter where you are. Melulan, who bears many responsibilities such as "revenge", "vampire revitalization", "unification" and "resistance to the great cracks in the abyss", has evil and law written on his face.

Linde pointed out a few points in detail. Even if Melulan can't learn all of them, it will definitely be enough.

After the matter of the great crack here is over, Linde will immediately go to the Kingdom of Black Swamp to continue to brush the next great crack.

But when Reina, the messenger, saw Lind, her expression was a little dull.

"You, you are the Black Knight?"

She had heard every soldier and farmer praise Lind's name, and she had seen how dazzling Lind was in the sun, but when she found out that the Black Knight was actually Lind, she was shocked. Of course, this strange feeling soon disappeared because she thought it was reasonable.

"Black Knight? I don't like this title. I just need to kill Redwald."

Reina nodded gently. She knew that this was the impression of Lind. His way of solving problems was always to kill someone.

The Black Knight was indeed a title they gave without authorization.

Lind looked at the introduction of Reina in the letter. Meilulan said that among the many vampires she had contacted, Reina was a very peculiar existence. She fanatically loved the various policies launched by Lind, including military merits, points, shops, etc., and regarded the purchase of "Lind products" as the creed of her life struggle and hard work, so she asked Reina to come as a messenger to deliver the letter.

It has been a while in this world. Linde never thought that he still has fans who like his "product", and they are crazy fans.

After knowing that Linde is the Black Knight, Reina has already thought of reasons for all his actions in her mind without Linde explaining.

The reason why Linde hides his identity is that he doesn't want Rania to know that he killed Redwald who came back from the dead. As for the fact that the Black Knight is Linde Arman, it doesn't matter at all. The undead will find a reasonable explanation by themselves, and he strongly suspects that 90% of the undead don't care about the plot. They just want to have fun freely in a free world.

Plot? They are all for skipping.

At most, after I have completed the task in a muddle, I will click on the videos of those video bloggers to "make up for it". I will try to skip it when I play games.

But before he spoke, Reina said: "I won't tell anyone about your identity!"

"It doesn't matter if you tell anyone."

"No, I will keep it a secret!"

Do you have to make an unimportant thing a secret?

"It's up to you."

Linde quickly wrote a reply. He didn't expect Melulan to be able to develop based on his ideas, but it was still very convenient to gather the undead in the early stage.

It's convenient to harvest the leeks when they gather together. It's impossible for him to go to the Black Swamp Kingdom to build infrastructure from scratch and then create a good dad persona to harvest. Gather together and then be quick, accurate and ruthless.

The undead are very adaptive, and they will thank him.

Looking at Reina who was waiting eagerly, Linde also felt that he couldn't let her fly in vain. If it was the Red Sister, he wouldn't care, but since Reina was his "fan", he had to treat her differently. He said: "I can give you some discount coupons."

Reina's eyes lit up immediately.

"My lord, can I continue to earn points?" Reina asked anxiously. She just wanted to work hard and buy, buy, buy.

Who understands, appearing in the team of undead with those beautiful and strange things, the praise is really easy to make people addicted.

"Melulan will launch a similar currency, and trade routes may be opened in the future."

The signal infrastructure has not been laid to the Black Swamp Kingdom, and Lind strongly suspects that the [Gold Seal] cannot handle such a long range.

So the new currency can only be used for transactions. The inability to bind it will allow many undead to take advantage of it, but if the rule of the kingdom is not taken into account, the difference in the harvest will not be too big.

The hardworking Scarlet Lady turned into a crow and flapped her wings and flew away. Lind felt that he was a bit too much. How could he use the routine of squeezing the undead on NPCs?

The routine of using discount coupons is generally to raise the price of things above the psychological expectations of the undead, and then use discount coupons to reduce it back to normal levels.

But NPC leeks should also be considered leeks. If he doesn't cut a little messenger like Rena who is so enthusiastic and serious, he will suffer from insomnia at night.

The Black Swamp Kingdom has entered the "hang-up state". Lind can rely on the undead to determine their progress, and the busy Rena will also become the most diligent messenger to deliver messages.

Lind's eyes returned to the abyss.

The exploration of the undead is very difficult, and the difference in level can only be made up by numbers, but the characteristic of the big rift is defense. The gargoyles that are more than ten or twenty meters long have high defense and can ignore all kinds of attacks.

In addition to the gargoyles, there is also a group of mysterious abyss servants, who are like wizards but have horns that are as curved as old tree roots. Various curses make the undead people complain.

But again, it is not impossible to kill them. You can always grind them to death slowly.

Many people do not like to suffer when playing games. They want to skip classes after they cannot beat them. However, if the rewards are sufficient, they can still bear this suffering.

The abyss attacked frantically, and the undead side never stopped.

The abyss disaster heart, which has a low explosion rate, has begun to spread everywhere, and even the upper disaster hearts are increasing.


We undead have not even reached the upper level yet!

Now, as long as the level cap is unlocked, the promotion will definitely be stable.

The flesh and blood mill is running endlessly, squeezing the blood of both sides.

The undead side became more and more courageous. They successfully took down ten towers, and relied on buying various alchemical props such as alchemical bombs to forcibly blow up the defense of the gargoyles by spending money.

As we all know, when the first problem in the dungeon is solved, others will instantly learn the skills and change from "suffering" to "brushing materials".

Lind can't bear such a huge consumption of alchemical bombs, but the undead can.

A good cycle has been formed between them, with the undead fighting on the front line to harvest materials and sell them to Lind, and then Lind produces various high-priced props to provide to the undead.

Other regions fight the abyss timidly, with a torch in one hand and a long sword in the other, but here, the abyss is directly bombed with artillery fire, bombing first and then the wizard bombing.

Facts have proved that no matter which world the war is, it is a war of money. As long as the wealth can support it, the abyss will tremble when it sees it.

Lind sighed that he had never been so rich. Other regions were trapped in the dire straits of the Great Rift, but he was only hot here.

The business is so hot!

Now there are several undead caravans that have left the abyss to sell the Heart of Disaster, taking away thousands of them.

Some undead people looked down on the little profit and threw it to the merchants like trash. It would be better to exchange it directly for the military merits of the expeditionary army.

A little bit makes a lot, and the undead people have become rich.

More and more Abyss Disaster Hearts also caused a small accident. The merchant who guarded the Abyss Disaster Hearts every day and did nothing was actually infected by the abyss. Linde had to give him a "ring snake emblem" to resist the erosion of the abyss.

A large number of Abyss Disaster Hearts were piled together, and some weapons, buildings and other dead objects also began to undergo irregular qualitative changes. Unlike Linde's qualitative changes, these things were simply attached with the abyss curse.

But soon Linde discovered a very serious problem. If the level cap is unlocked, the undead will inevitably exchange a large number of potions.

He has many types of upper-level potions, which can meet the job transfer needs of the undead, but with so many undead, I am afraid that more than 10,000 bottles of path potions will have to be produced. Considering the problems of promotion failure, even 20,000 to 30,000 bottles of path potions will be enough.

He can only quickly arrange pharmacists in various regions of the Land Kingdom to prepare stocks quickly.

The entire Morpheus Gate rift presents a completely different atmosphere from other areas of the game.

In some areas, the Abyss has completely counterattacked the surface, and the Abyss King has occupied the human kingdom, leaving all the people devastated and completely abandoned, and spreading the infection to the surrounding countries.

In some areas, humans are facing the Abyss with difficulty, and at the same time they have to deal with the civil strife in the kingdom, and they are very busy.

In some areas, humans have a slight advantage and are struggling.

The style of painting here in Linde is completely different. Everyone is full of energy, and it feels like they are swinging their arms to compete for discounted rice and eggs.

"Why is the leaderboard surpassed by others again? I am very unhappy now, I want to be superman!"

"The prize pool is open! Draw!"

All the money has been saved, and the grand draw of tens of thousands of people must be drawn to the fullest!

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