The lord is red again

Chapter 394: Ancestors

With the level cap unlocked in version 2.1, and the expeditionary army merchant team selling a large number of Abyss Disaster Hearts, ordinary people have more ways to obtain potions.

Of course, only in the Kingdom of Rand.

Other regions cannot treat the Abyss as their own backyard, and crazy attacks will inevitably incur the wrath of the Abyss King.

Tinker Bell followed the development of the plot without staring at her crotch, and followed the expeditionary army through the Gate of Morpheus. She did not stop, but went straight to the Great Crack of the Abyss.

The advantage of being a newbie is that you can quickly cross the early part of the game and catch up with the version of the game.

The disadvantage is that the strength that is improved in this way is a bit confused, and the use is more than a little worse than that of the big guys.

If you find someone releasing magic through "weird dance" in the front-line battle, you can conclude that he must be an old player.

And some people choose to stand and chant spells in the face of the menacing disaster army, then there is no doubt that he must be a newbie.


Ding Dong is live streaming. This is another feature after the new version is updated. The opening of the live streaming function has brought spring to the careers of many anchors.

Is there anything more wonderful in the world than this, live streaming → sleeping.

Put on the helmet and lie down, everyone can see the content of their dreams, and can watch it through mobile phones or computers.

And I don't know how the real-time barrage function is realized. Anyway, both the audience and the anchor feel that the experience is very good.

The anchor can make money while sleeping, without the torture of tenosynovitis, periarthritis of the shoulder, hemorrhoids and other diseases. After waking up, you can do whatever you want. The audience also has entertainment and fun, just like watching a TV series. Even at work, you can capture key information through live streaming.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that everyone is playing this game now, but young people are basically obsessed with it.

"Family, what should we experience first?" Ding Dong asked without staring at the crotch.

She was standing in the fortress of the executioner of the disaster. The gray and white high wall building blocked her eyes of exploration. All the undead people came and went in front of her.

"Damn!" She was suddenly startled, because a person covered in black mucus came over, dropped something and left.

"What is this?" Xiao Dingdang picked it up subconsciously, and then found that it was a dozen hearts of disaster.

"Is this the way the big guys welcome newbies?" She was shocked.

Just at this time, the barrage passed by: "You're welcome"

"It turned out to be you!" Xiao Dingdang found out that it was a fan of her live broadcast room and was immediately relieved. This is also one of the small privileges of beautiful anchors. Everyone will be more patient and will help to get equipment.

If it is a funny male anchor, the situation is basically the opposite.

"Witness the latest reward method!"

"Oh my god, brother, you can throw away the Heart of Disaster casually after you get promoted!"

"You can buy a house in the main city with these stones!"

"What, buy a house?" Doraemon's eyes lit up, "Is it true?"

"You could buy a house a month ago, but now it's hard to say."

Resources overflowed. At first, an ordinary Heart of Disaster had to fight hard, but when everyone's level was upgraded, ordinary Heart of Disaster became garbage that would take up weight, and a large number of them were thrown to NPC merchants in exchange for military merit.

Then because of the large number, military merit began to be discounted.

"Alas," Doraemon sighed, feeling that he had missed 100 million.

"Why not go to the Abyss? You can open boxes by brushing the Abyss to rush the rankings." Someone in the barrage was playing tricks.

"I'm alone?" Doraemon pointed at the tip of his nose.

"Now there are big guys pushing more than a dozen towers, it's very simple."

"Yes, yes, yes, hurry up, you can get precious materials!"

She was only level 20, and she entered the big crack in a daze under the guidance of the barrage. When she came out of the tower, looking at the sunset scene in front of her and the figure of the gargoyle under the sunset, she blurted out: "Ultraman?"

The barrage suddenly began to surge wildly.

"I finally understand why I follow her, she really understands!"

"She actually understands the sunset of Ultraman, I follow her!"

"I also like special effects, okay." Doraemon said without looking at her crotch, and the topic gradually deviated.

But she didn't notice that many barrages were harboring evil intentions.

When she walked in front of the gargoyle with curiosity and drew her weapon to hit the other party, the gargoyle jumped over.

Smoke and dust rolled.

"Am I dead?"

"Nu" "Nu" "Dead" "Nu"

The barrage filled the screen.

What I want is the first kill.

The opening of the live broadcast function has attracted more people's attention to this game.

Entertainment anchors have found their own track, and watching others get beaten is a very fun thing.

The same is true for other types of anchors. The big guys who show off their skills directly turn the game into a gorgeous dance, and through the study of the mechanism, make their battles full of viewing.

There are also anchors who like to study strategy games, who directly started game testing, using live broadcasts to show the role that different formations can play with the same number of people.

The least indispensable is the card drawing anchor. No matter what game, as long as there is krypton gold and lottery system, it can always attract a group of people the fastest.

Now that Lind's cards have just been released, they have become the rarest, and the entry system has numbers, and the anti-counterfeiting is very good.

The transaction price is naturally high, which can mobilize the lottery mood of the immortals.

Now the Great Rift in the Abyss can make the undead people willing to work hard for it, and the lottery is definitely the main reason.

However, at this stage, there are very few undead people entering the Abyss, and even the high towers that were previously occupied are being lost one after another. The reason is that most people hope to break through to level 21 first, and then enter the Abyss to rush the ranking. If the strength is not improved in the early stage, the constant grinding will only damage the durability of weapons and equipment, which is not worth the loss.

After dying more than a dozen times in a row, Tinker Bell finally recognized the reality that this was not a monster she could fight.

Suffer in the game, enjoy in reality. Because of her panic reaction and the terrible death of Laura Crawford, such as hanging, smashing into meat paste, piercing with spikes, etc., she contributed a lot of fun and also gained many fans.

She fled from the Great Rift in panic and returned to the Gate of Morpheus. Only here could she feel a little safe.

I didn't look carefully before because I was rushing to level up, but now I find that the Gate of Morpheus has become quite large, and many NPCs seem to have started a new life here.

As a game anchor, Ding Dang has a certain ability to make things happen, doing some incredible things, deliberately being stupid or having fun, all for the show effect, so she is more "socially anxious" than ordinary people.

Since the first echelon can't be made, it's better to take some side quests.

While wandering around bored, she found a group of strange people in the nearby Unforgettable Church.

According to them, they once went to Star Dragon City, but were kicked out. Now they heard that Linde was at the Gate of Morpheus, so they came here to find Linde and let Linde give back to them as a way of repaying their gratitude.

"We are the ancestors." One of the old men said.

These people look no different from ordinary people.

"Ancestors? Not Landers?" Ding Dang asked.

She was not very clear about the races in the game. These people did not look very different, but because of cultural characteristics, they were divided into different races. The Landers should be considered one of the orthodox races. In addition, there were mutants, such as greenskins, fishmen, night demons, blood races, etc., which were quite troublesome to remember.

There should have been many undead people who came here before her, because she saw a lot of things left by the undead here, including the knife of advice.

"There were liars in front" other undead people called this group of people liars.

"We were the first to come to this land" the old man who spoke sat cross-legged on the stone, he adjusted his sitting posture, and smoothed his robe with his hands, the useless elegance made him look a little poorer.

"We opened up this barren land, but the king of the Rand Kingdom betrayed us and treated us as civilians."

"I want to ask a question." Doraemon raised her hand, and after receiving a slight nod from the other party, she asked, "When did the ancestors come to this land?"

"Hundreds of years ago? Thousands of years ago? In short, we have been here before the birth of the Rand Kingdom, even before the three gods appeared."


Dingerbright thought that these people might have some problems with their brains. If you say so, I am still the descendant of the clay figurines made by Nuwa on Earth. Should I also give some of the things on Earth to me for rent?

"The salt of the earth comes from our sweat, and the rain is the tears we once shed. We just want to take back what we deserve." He suddenly stopped talking.

"What do you mean?" Doraemon began to ask for help from the barrage. Why did these people suddenly stop talking while talking?

A barrage passed by: "Begging for something."

Then another barrage: "Some people thought these people really had a hidden plot, and then they fed them like crazy. I didn't expect this group of hanged people to be so arrogant and cursed after getting benefits."

"These people just want to ask Lind for benefits, saying that they are some kind of ancestors, swindling people, and they haven't even met Lind."

"I am a host who begs for something online, but I was begged for something by others?" Xiao Dingdang thought it was outrageous.

She stood up and prepared to leave, but the "ancestor elder" who had been pretending to be profound and silent suddenly said: "If you can give us some food, I can tell you some interesting stories."

"Exchange stories for food?"

It's really a cyber begging.

Xiao Dingdang found that many people in the barrage were asking her to give food, which seemed to trigger a dialogue that had not appeared before, so she turned around and came back.

She had a lot of good things on her, including bread, dried meat, and even sugar.

The old man of the ancestors devoured the food voraciously. It can be seen that they had begged for food and cursed people before, which made many undead people unwilling to come to feed them.

"If they are not given food, will these people starve to death?" A barrage of comments floated by. It was just an interesting guess. For this guess, everyone was willing to put it into practice. It was a game.

"I really don't want to tell this story in the cold winter. The sunny afternoon will weaken the terrible atmosphere a lot. Now we can only be in the dilapidated church, without fire and warmth... They blocked us outside, but we still wanted to warn them." The old man of the ancestors said.

Hearing this, Doraemon lit the bonfire without looking at his crotch.

"This story happened at the beginning of the world, long, long ago, when the three gods were not born yet."

At this time, many people poured into her live broadcast room.

"We have been passing down stories by word of mouth, but there are always some deviations in the stories. After listening to my story, if you meet other people who also know the story, you can communicate with them and compare, and then remember the story. , let it be passed down, including that part of the ancestors.”

He took a sip of the wine. In an era when hygiene was not up to standard, fermented wine would be safer than water and a good medicine to avoid diseases.

The cold taste made the old man of the ancestors shiver.

"At the beginning of the world's chaos, only the flame of life existed. There was no magic at that time, only flame, and light and darkness were born from it."

Tinkerbell asked without looking at her crotch, "Justice comes from light, evil comes from darkness?"

"Of course not. What you said is just your own will. A knife is only a weapon when it is used to kill people. It can also be used to cut meat. People born in the darkness do not necessarily belong to the darkness. People born in the light People can also go to darkness," said the old man. "They are just light and darkness, they exist like that."

"But you are partly right. Some people were enlightened by power. They forged the magic ring, ended chaos, and chose light."

"Three gods." Tinkerbell said without looking at her crotch.

"Maybe." The old man from the ancestors nodded lightly.

"...People yearn for light, but people's hearts are always invaded and attracted by darkness, just like an abyss, but whether it is light or darkness, what I want to say is that none of this matters from the beginning. This world and this land are In a gladiatorial arena, human beings, disasters, everything is thrown into it. We humans have been chosen to be on the side of light from the beginning, so when darkness strikes again, we must resist. "


"Light and darkness, eagles and snakes, snakes and honey badgers, everything that confronts us, we must resist until we die."

"Our ancestors once fought for this land, so we come here to get back the rights we should have. The dark forces are back again. The Rand people will understand that the ancestors are an indispensable part."

"Lord Linde is on the front line of the fortress. He has been resisting the abyss. You can't wait for him." She said.

"Perhaps you can convey our thoughts to him, tell him the warnings of the ancestors, and then tell him the requirements of the ancestors."


Tinkerbell looked away from her crotch and said to herself, this task is not easy to accept, and it is difficult for ordinary undead people to speak in front of Linde.

She could only nod and said, "I'll try my best."

When she left, she still felt dizzy, but the experience of hearing an epic story made her eager to find Linde to complete the mission, until her fans sent her a video link .

Someone really has gone to Linde to "hand in the task".

In the video, Linde finished listening to what the immortal said.

"Ancestors? I will not deny the existence of any race. Maybe what he said is true, but he said some things wrong before that. Word of mouth will also bias the story. The three gods are not lucky enough to believe in the light. ”

Everyone knows that rumors are the least trustworthy, and even a small matter can be misrepresented.

The recorded history is just a little girl who can be dressed up by others.

The stories passed down from ancient times to the present, and even the stories of our ancestors that have not been recorded in writing, are very likely to be made up.

"Although the magic ring is broken, it has never disappeared," Lind pointed to the top of his head, where it was clear, "If you can see the moon clearly."

The undead people were confused at first, then looked up at the sky, used telescopes and other things, and finally discovered a horrifying situation.

The moon is broken.

So the magic circle is the moon?

I caught a cold, fell asleep for a day, and became exhausted.

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