The lord is red again

Chapter 414 Rand Kingdom S1 Ladder Tournament

Linde walked through the corridor, passed the garden in front of the king's roof, climbed up the stone steps and pushed open the door.

On the empty king's roof, on the golden throne, Rania was reviewing the information sent from various regions.

The sudden front-line battle of the Black Swamp Kingdom took up a lot of her energy. Even if there were undead fighting in the front, attacking the Thousand Faces City seemed to be a trivial matter, but the subsequent resettlement issues and legal promotion still gave her a headache and she lost a lot of hair.

The completely chaotic finances and the endless chores made people anxious.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Rania looked up at the person who came.

Compared with her own busyness, Linde was really relaxed. His leisurely posture made people itch.

Rania suspected that Linde was unwilling to become the king of the Rand Kingdom at that time and chose to continue to be loyal to her. He must have thought that there would be such a day.

For an epic-level strongman, or even a legendary strongman, the power of the country is really dispensable.

As for loyalty? How could a knight who is truly loyal to himself and wants to protect the queen carry the queen's legs on his shoulders!

Linde really thinks so. The undead are his precious resources, or enemies that may erupt at any time. Among the NPC natives, the only thing ordinary people can do is to stay alive.

In the early days, he still had the mind to take care of ordinary people, but now even the great knights can't keep up with the evolution of the game version, and Linde really can't distract himself to take care of them.

He has too many things to study, gods, potion formulas, stars, abyss, magic land, etc. Ordinary people are no longer at the same level as himself, and taking care of too much will instead involve his energy.

It can be said that Rania's existence has saved him a lot of energy.

"Have you finished your work?" Rania asked.

Linde nodded. As a knight, his etiquette is no problem, except that he will let the queen become a knight at night.

"It will be held in a few days, and I will need your help then." He was not polite.

After careful consideration, Linde decided to take some excellent and loyal undead to the Demon Land. Even if the undead could not play a big role, their fearless attributes could also serve as scouts.

For the undead, going directly to the "border" was equivalent to skipping countless game versions and entering a brand new map. There was no reason to refuse.

It was not difficult to select these people. First look at their combat effectiveness, then look at their usual performance, that is, their battle experience points.

The most important point is that they must be able to work hard!

He wanted a super tool man.

This time, Rania did not persuade Linde to stay, just as she could not leave with Linde. She needed to stay on this land and stay for her country.

Similarly, Linde had to move forward on a road where he himself was not sure of the destination.

He left a lot of tails in the Land Kingdom, but it was not a big problem. As long as he took the underground tunnel worm, he could come back at any time.

Instead of wasting time waiting here, it is better to seize the time to improve. If he really needs to come back, he can come back at that time.

What Linde needs to do is to get epic and legendary potions before the major version of the game is updated.

"What are you going to do about the Great Rift in the Black Swamp Kingdom?" Rania was still a little worried.

Although Linde only took William and Tione with him this time, the absence of him is equivalent to the loss of an important combat force. The Great Rift in the Black Swamp Kingdom may have some mistakes.

"The current Rand Kingdom has far surpassed the past, and the Black Swamp Kingdom also has more than 10,000 undead."

With doubled troops and more than 20,000 level 30 undead, the combat power is not just as simple as doubling.

Linde has given many people the Ring Snake Emblem, and the resistance medicine production of the deliberately cultivated abscess exiles has been greatly increased. Facing the abyss, there is no longer the biggest threat.

However, the abyss equipment should be tight, and Linde can't do anything about it. In the future, if the undead want to get the abyss set, they can only brush the abyss monsters themselves and then take it from them. Maybe the price of the abyss set will skyrocket in the future.

"If there is really danger, I will come back!" Linde made his promise.

Perhaps this is what Raniya needs.

Unlike those who desire absolute power, Raniya knows very well that they have been deeply bound together since they met.

According to rumors from the outside world, Linde is not called "Duke" or "General" in private, but "God of the Present World".

The relationship between the two of them is not that of a lord and a vassal, but more like a new divine power and imperial power.

Raniya asked, "What about those greenskins?"

The city of Riven was suddenly attacked by greenskins, and the news reached Goliath.

The greenskins who believe in "Sea God" are indeed a problem, but the greenskins are a bit weak, which is why Linde has never taken the greenskins seriously.

The toad lies on the instep, it doesn't bite people but disgusts people, so it should be dealt with.

"Let the Red Knight take people to the Great Frozen Land." Linde said indifferently.

Just stop the greenskins in the frozen tundra. There's no need to pay too much attention to them. These creatures are as tenacious as cockroaches and cannot be killed completely. They will always pop up in various places. It will be a success if you can drive them away without seeing them or worrying about them.

The two chatted briefly about the future development, and Rania did not hesitate to talk about her troubles, especially the national financial problems, which gave her a headache.

"I have a candidate to recommend, you can let her become the kingdom's finance minister."


"Dorothy Griffin."


William looked at Dorothy with a look of astonishment, and the other party was out of control because of a letter from the Kingdom of Rand.

Dorothy, who always wanted to maintain the absolute private ownership and autonomy of the territory, was very resistant to the queen and the duke.

But the wheel of history rolled forward, and no one could stop the development of the times.

"Why?" Dorothy couldn't understand.

She was actually appointed as the national finance minister by the queen, including formulating relevant laws, adjusting taxes, etc., not to mention the power of the sky, but it was almost the same.

And when she knew that it was Lind who proposed it, she couldn't understand it even more.

"It seems that the duke has discovered your advantages, Dorothy." William was happy for his sister. With the kingdom in power, the Griffin Territory was backward in all aspects, whether it was wealth, resources, or military force.

If the territory did not allow for random relocation and immigration, I'm afraid the Griffin Territory would have been deserted.

Even so, there are always people who quietly escape from the Griffin Territory and go to the richer and better-living Northern Kingdom.

"I'm not..."

Dorothy was indeed a little tempted. Her desire for power was no less than that of men, and managing finances was her best.

"You should go!" William continued.

"Don't talk about me, I should think about it again," Dorothy looked at William, "What about you, my brother, do you really want to follow him to the Demon Land?"

Looking at William's expression, Dorothy sighed: "Okay, I understand."

"Everyone should have their own life, you can't tie everyone to yourself." William said softly.

"Yes, I know that's the case."

Dorothy became the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Rand and was ready to make drastic reforms, but before that she had to investigate first.

She found that Lind was a mess in governance, and the various expenses for the undead were very unreasonable, but he treated ordinary people too favorably.

The real problem was discovered when Dorothy was doing statistics, and she found that there was something wrong with the grain transactions and transaction prices.

After careful investigation, Dorothy found that some undead people would take advantage of this loophole and trade with ordinary people through several transfers, allowing them to buy more at a cheaper price.

Then the undead would use the grain they bought to hire ordinary people to work for them at a "high salary".

Things like "points", "military merits" and "battle points" are not within Dorothy's jurisdiction, but just this part is enough for her to take the initiative to find trouble with Lind.

What a big mess she has left for herself.

Even though she has used teleportation and stepped forward, she suddenly came to the Snake Catcher Fortress from the Golden City. Looking at the huge arena that soared into the sky, she couldn't help but sigh at the horror of magic.

But after Dorothy took a breath, everything was thrown behind her mind. Dorothy found Lind who was talking in the arena with a fierce momentum.

"This is the trouble you threw to me?!!" Dorothy will not be scared by Lind's identity.

What kind of living god, the reassuring golden lion, are useless.

"What?" Lind waved his hand and asked people to go down first, "What's wrong?"

He turned around and looked at Dorothy.

Dorothy told him about the situation when she took over.

"Did I raise the price too much?"

Lind looked through the information Dorothy had sorted out, and was very satisfied with her efficiency. Just these jobs, dozens of his former civil servants could not sort them out clearly.

"It's not too high." Lind pointed to the bill, "It's only increased by 6 times."

He thought he had done well enough.

"6 times, not high enough?" Dorothy mistakenly thought there was something wrong with her ears.

In more than a year, inflation has increased by 6 times, and the country is going to be finished!

"Do you know how fast the undead are improving? If I don't lower their selling prices and raise their buying prices, do you believe that in a month, they can buy most of Goliath?"

Compared to other games, players only need a few hundred to buy things in the early stage, and in the later stage, inflation is so high that buying anything at random costs tens of millions. Linde can suppress inflation by 6 times, which is already very capable.

With the improvement of strength, rare resources are easier to obtain, but the prices of ordinary resources and labor remain unchanged. As long as the undead are willing, the national order will collapse in an instant.

This is why Linde prefers the point system rather than currency. Points can prevent the undead from having any financial transactions with NPCs, and the undead cannot use points to trade with each other, giving Linde control comparable to the "official" and more stability.

But when the undead start to brush materials, such as the Heart of Disaster, which was once very precious magic materials, Linde will also face the situation of being "stuck" by the undead brushing points.

"This is only a temporary solution, and it will still collapse." Dorothy shook her head.

"What do you want to do?" Lind looked down at the information. There was a huge investment in the opening and renovation of the arena.

"I can do whatever I want?" Dorothy asked back, "That's tens of thousands of undead people. Are you sure?"

In this regard, Linde only told her one sentence: "Go to Raniya and issue new regulations. Don't worry about what the undead people think, they will abide by it."

With doubts, Dorothy left temporarily.

After returning to the palace, Dorothy wrote in the prescribed format [Rand Kingdom Update Announcement: 1. Adjustment of tax rate...]

To Dorothy's surprise, her reforms did not cause dissatisfaction among the undead as Lind said.

She had never thought about it before. It turns out that when a new tax policy is enacted, it does not matter whether the residents of the territory are willing or not. As long as it is enacted, they will abide by it. This is how it feels.

These are 10,000 to 20,000 high-ranking knights/high-ranking wizards, and the Rand Kingdom's current combat power cannot resist them.

The slightest disturbance, gathered together, is enough to scare the ruler.

But it is such a group of terrifying strong people who only complained a few words when faced with tax adjustments, and some people worked harder because of it instead of opposing taxes.

If it is placed in the Griffin territory, there will definitely be small nobles and businessmen rushing directly to the Griffin Castle to protest.

Are the undead so easy to talk to?

Or do they respect Linde immensely?

Compared to the former speculation, Dorothy preferred to think that it was Lind's existence that made the undead people willing to abide by order.

"Maybe he really is a living god who can make a group of crazy undead people willing to respect him."

"Welcome everyone to watch this issue of "France Weekly", I am Hong Bupa!"

"I am Lu Guoguo!"

"I have recently become obsessed with the beauty of the 'centipede girl'."

"Thank you, that's my wife! Ahem, let's get straight to the point. I believe all the immortals have noticed that we have a temporary update for this episode. We were supposed to update the story of the character magazine 'Centipede Girl', but this time a certain The update of this region forced us to turn our attention back to our old friend Linde Allmann.”

"The respected 'living god' Lord Linde Alman opened the arena. Although PVP has always been possible between the undead, the competition was illegal. Now, the Snake Catcher's Fortress in the Rand Kingdom is legal. And also started the ladder competition.”

"If you think it's just like this, you are totally wrong. In the S1 season, there will be team competitions and individual competitions, and after final calculation, various rewards will be given according to the rankings on the ladder rankings. The specific content You can wait until the end of the show to see the detailed announcement, what we want to say next is another more important thing!”

"That's right, fellow immortals, no matter whether you are adventuring in the Silu Continent, Enstad Continent, or Serilin Continent, you must have heard of a place more or less, the Demonic Land. , the full name is 'the place where the magic ring shines at the junction of the mortal world and the divine realm'! In this update of the Rand Kingdom area, it is clearly stated that Lind Alman will go to the magic land and will recruit a group of undead people to go with him. ”

"Before the update, a group of people can enter higher-level maps in advance! I want to go too!"

"The previous guess of our weekly editor seems to be completely wrong, haha. He also said that Linde is an early-stage NPC that will definitely be eliminated. I didn't expect that he would be a growth-type NPC, and he is also among the NPCs in all countries in all continents. The first NPC to enter a new higher-level map! ”

"In addition, we have frontline reporters from Rand Kingdom ready. If you are interested in the Rand Kingdom S1 game, you can follow us. There will be live broadcasts and exciting battle clips."

"Finally, here is the update announcement from Rand Kingdom."

[Rand Kingdom Update Announcement:

1 The Snake Catcher Fortress Arena is open: From now on, undead people can register in the arena, compete in ladder matches, and win various rewards;

2. Selection of the expeditionary force to the Demonic Land: General Linde Alman will go to the "place where the magic ring shines at the junction of the mortal world and the divine realm". He will select powerful warriors. The recruitment quota has not been determined. Application conditions: 1. Required Pay 500 points to purchase the status of the Lion Private Army, 2. Reach the Knight Squire (10001-50000 experience points) and above, 3. Be among the top 3000 in the ladder competition]

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