The lord is red again

Chapter 419 My Undead is Too Innocent

Ravi left with a heavy heart. He thought Lind was a very upright lord, and he was very strict with his internal requirements.

Under the glory of the beast master, everyone was used to the law of the jungle. Although they would not be selfish, the strong always had privileges.

Ravi was definitely weaker than Lind's legion, but Lind could execute the thief without hesitation. It was no wonder that their profession was "knights" that they had heard of but never seen.

An admirable team, and they also treated themselves with fine wine. It was just a loss of some money and food, which was nothing.

The undead were very restless.

After "eavesdropping" on what Lind and Ravi were talking about just now, they knew that Ravi was hunting the soul-pecking bird with the goal of obtaining the title of sword master.

Why would a soul-pecking bird of not too high level become a "sword master" after being killed?

The new map seems to have a brand new way of playing. My curiosity was tickled because "sword master" sounded like it was very powerful.

If they hadn't discovered that only by following Lind could they follow the main line steadily, maybe someone would have followed Ravi to fight monsters now.

The main reason is that they are reluctant to give up the reputation and experience points that they have worked so hard to get in the Kingdom of Rand. Everyone present is an apprentice knight, and they are only one step away from becoming a real noble knight. Now they give up the identity that they have worked so hard to get for a side quest. Only a fool would do that.

In fact, the undead have already discovered that Lind is a growth-type NPC, and his camp is also a growth-type.

For other novice villages, the level of NPCs will be fixed after they appear, and they have never heard of upgrading.

The most normal development direction is that the village chief of the novice village only stays in the novice village, and the city lord stays in the main city. After the main line of the Great Rift is opened, a "protagonist" of the current server will jump out to lead the undead to attack the Great Rift.

Whenever the plot develops to a certain extent and the map needs to be changed, new NPCs will appear. Although some people have noticed that these NPCs do not jump out of thin air, there will be foreshadowing in the front, but the favorability needs to be refreshed.

Linde is different. His equipment is always the most advanced. In the best-developed novice areas, there are only a few undead with abyss suits, and they cannot be wholesaled.

Lottery, points mall, battle points, etc., are only available in the Kingdom of Rand and Linde. The official preference is unreasonable.

"Sir, don't we go to help Ravi?" Some undead couldn't help asking.

"We have more important tasks."

Linde looked at the undead. When will these people understand that they can only be beaten when facing enemies flying in the sky.

When you first arrive in a strange place, you should be cautious.

Linde is not sure if he can cover it. Although he knows from Ravi that the strong who can release 5 rings of destructive power is also one of the best in the so-called Stone Beast Castle, he feels that he should be more calm here.

In the internal beta and public beta versions, the old nobles are considered version BOSS, but Linde really can't be sure what version the map of the magic land belongs to.

But what he can be sure of is that before level 41, the undead should not have a chance to come to the magic land.

Now the undead are only level 21-30, which is the upper level.

Ravi, who is at the "bottom" and can't afford beer, is a hero, and dares to hunt the soul-pecking bird alone. His real combat power should be between 2nd and 3rd rings, or maybe even higher.

Undead are naturally weaker than people in this world. To reach the 3rd ring level, they must be at least level 41, and they must also have a set of graduation equipment.

"I know! We have to establish the first real base for the expedition, seize land, and expand the territory of the Land Kingdom!" An undead had a brainwave.

Who is braver than me? !

Lind himself didn't even think about seizing territory in the magic land. Legendary-level people are everywhere here, and there are even "dominants".

The idea of ​​​​conquering cities and territories needs to be changed!

"We want to save the magic world, right, sir?" someone else asked.

Of course not. I never thought about saving the magic world. Do you think I am the Three Gods who can rub a new magic ring and hang it in the sky?

"What you said is not right. I think the most important thing now is to interact with the NPCs around. The main task must be on them. Linde's task as a NPC in the Novice Village has been completed!"

This time, Linde saw who was talking and was very angry.

Very good, he must be given a hard time. Next time, when he kills a chicken to scare the monkey in front of the NPC of the Magic Land, he will be killed first!

The great general will not bear grudges, and what bad intentions can the NPC have.

Linde cleared his throat and said, "It is difficult for humans to move in this land, but I learned from Ravi that there is a place where we may communicate. Go to the vicinity of the Stone Beast Castle and find a suitable place to establish a new station."

It is not convenient for 3,000 people to move, and to ensure that the undead are always on his side, Linde must ensure that the "main line" is always on his body.

The deeper the interest is bound, the lower the possibility of the undead betraying himself and running with others.

If you don't want to wear a green hat, you have to invest more feelings and interests.

"Finally the mission has arrived!"

"Move! Move!"

"Are there any teams that want to join us? Are there any mages who can resist? Forget about warriors."

"Damn, are you discriminating against warriors?"

The undead were noisy. With a new stronghold fortress, it means that the mall will be opened, and maybe new skills and equipment will be updated.

The 3,000 people selected all have common characteristics, they are willing to work hard, like new equipment, fight new monsters, and explore new maps.

Except for a few casual undead who were specially cared for by Lind, such as letting them broadcast live to promote themselves and help them to brush their faces so that they would not forget them if they did not appear in front of the undead for too long, and those who were particularly lucky, the others were all hardworking and hardworking.

It was not painful to sleep 16 hours a day. Except for eating and excreting, they did not get up at all and worked hard in bed.

The exploration of new maps cannot be separated from them.

After the task was released, Lind did not continue to focus on the undead. They were originally captured as minesweepers.

One thing made Lind very satisfied. Many people chose to broadcast live. He was like opening hundreds or thousands of clairvoyants to observe.

The undead's exploration progress was very fast. They scattered and soon found several local gathering places.

It's just that they are all red names.

"Now it can be confirmed that after the undead came to the magic land, there were enemies everywhere."

It fits the "game setting". There are novice villages in low-level maps, and all high-level maps are full of enemies. However, Lind prefers another statement that the "official" hand has not been able to reach out.

Looking at the undead who actively approached those beastmen and beastmen, Lind thought that he had protected them too well, making them mistakenly believe that red-name monsters were objects that could be negotiated.

My undead are too simple.

It is indeed possible to turn red names into friendly ones. The premise is that Lind defeated those red-name monsters and then forced them to be friendly to the undead.

Fists are the premise for good communication.

It is not ruled out that there are NPCs as friendly and communicative as Ravi, but Ravi also said that humans are precious ingredients.

"Wait, what are they going to do?"

While the "simple" undead tried to perform tricks, Lind finally took down the underground tunnel worm.

The worm has the ability to travel through space, which is an instinct, but it is impossible for it to follow Lind and hide underground under his command.

But the good news is that this thing seems to like eating the heart of disaster. After eating it, its body is slowly becoming hideous, its scales are getting thicker, and its size is getting bigger.

As long as it has no effect on the travel and will not betray him, Lind did not take it seriously, just as if he had replaced the skin of the underground tunnel worm with a desert worm.

Under the desert, the huge worm swam, accumulating strength and waiting for Lind's next "ride".

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