The lord is red again

Chapter 42 Blood Lamb

"Ignore the parry, or is my posture bar full?"

The New Year's greeting sword technique that was blocked by the sword continued to fall and chopped on the shoulder of Zui Ai Bai Si.

Before he felt any pain, Zui Ai Bai Si turned off the pain.

He came to play games, not to be played by games.

It was hard, he couldn't bear it!

He was kicked in the chest again, and his body fell to the ground without control.

The disadvantages of turning off the pain were also reflected. There was no way to give feedback based on instinct, because there was no touch, so there was a feeling of floating all the time.

How much effort was used, what angle, there was no feedback at all.

The parry failed, it must not be a problem with my parry posture, so there was only one other possibility.

This is an elite monster!

Zui Ai Bai Si quickly found the "reason", a domineering elite monster!

Looking at the few people who rushed up to surround him, and the swords in their hands, Zui Ai Bai Si chose to squat with his head in his hands.

From his series of reactions, several people didn't even dare to continue attacking.

It was really too cooperative.

So cute.

"Which faction are you from?" Old Mand asked, with his sword resting on his neck.

Judging from the equipment on Zui Ai Bai Si, he should be from a settlement with decent strength, but not a very large faction, because his armor was a little too rusty.

Life-saving things must be well maintained, and they would never be worn casually like him.

Ugly and ferocious appearance.

In other words, he took too much mutant food? No, the mutation should not be to this extent. This is already a hybrid of the disaster and mutant humans.

I have never heard of the two being able to mate and give birth. Even if they can really give birth, the disaster has only appeared for two or three years after the doomsday. How can it grow so big?

Ugly, and ugly for no reason.

"Pre Town" Facing the question, Zui Ai Bai Si cooperated very well.

He didn't know where Pre Town was, but since they mentioned Pre Town just now, it would be best if he came from there.

As for Star Dragon Outpost... players will never take the initiative to be traitors, especially not to betray the Novice Village.

Especially there are a lot of other players in the Star Dragon Outpost.

It's just a game. Players can choose not to do good things, but they must have a bottom line, otherwise they will feel disgusted while playing. This disgust does not come from the moral bottom line of "keeping promises". Players can have no bottom line.

The root of this disgust is the "superior" mentality. Players look down on NPCs and think that NPCs are fake people and data. If they are betrayed by NPCs' false threats, it will be really disgusting.

Old Mand's eyes lit up slightly after hearing about Pre Town.

"Take him back!"

The favorite white silk, whose hands were tied and weapons were confiscated, did not struggle or resist. He followed the others very obediently and left.

On the way, he wanted to chat and inquire about the situation, but Old Mand and his friends were unwilling to communicate with him at all, and taught him how to shut up.

When the favorite white silk was brought to the gathering place, he was overjoyed.

Instead, the man who was holding him down was confused. What are you happy about?

"Is this a gathering place for a group of wanderers? It shouldn't be the two-headed wanderer team mentioned in the previous plot. I didn't see any enemies with two heads."

The group is composed entirely of men, with about 20 people, tall, short, fat and thin.

The equipment on their bodies is very ordinary, and the weapons are even more varied.

Tying a knife on a long wooden stick to pretend to be a spear is considered the "standard weapon" of this group of people.

But everyone has a fierce aura and red light in their eyes.

There is something wrong with this group of people.

The bubbling soup pot emits a fragrance that makes the favorite white silk scalp numb. He really can't think of anything in the world that can be so delicious.

Until he saw a fat man throw a bloody piece of meat that looks like a lamb into the soup pot.

The fragrance hit his forehead all of a sudden.

Sniffing, the favorite white silk suddenly felt greedy.

He realized later that he had closed all his senses and should not be able to smell the smell. Why did he feel it was so fragrant?

The desire for fragrance comes from the body's instinct, from the spirit, not the belly.

"Go in!"

"Bang!" Zui Ai Bai Si was locked in a cage. There were several timid figures in the cage next to her. They curled up and whimpered because of Zui Ai Bai Si's arrival.

He roughly understood his own situation and the situation of several figures in the cage next to him.

"Don't be afraid," Zui Ai Bai Si comforted the little guys next to him.

Although he knew that this was a game, he couldn't help but feel sympathy when he saw the poor little ones.

As long as he was a normal person, it was hard not to hate the bastards outside, and it was hard not to pity the poor little ones in front of him.

"Don't worry, I will save you out!" Zui Ai Bai Si reached out to the cage next to him and waved, trying to express his kindness.

The poor little ones didn't dare to approach and shrank back.

Zui Ai Bai Si didn't take it seriously, and he quickly posted a message.

[new! Star Dragon Sentry went southwest and found a nest of enemies, about 20 in number, with an average level of 5, and there were elite monsters! ]

Then the post content: [Grab the sofa, come quickly! ]

I am not alone!

It’s exciting!

After posting the post, the favorite white silk once again cast his eyes on the few short figures in the cage next door.

“Woo woo”

As if they felt his kindness, the little guys squeezed out from the dark corner and let their bodies appear in the sight of Zui Ai Bai Si.

The moment she saw their appearance clearly, Zui Ai Bai Si's eyes widened, and she felt a tightness in her chest and some difficulty breathing.

The little guy, isn't it the blood lamb that was thrown into the pot just now?

The size of a human baby, but the bones are distorted, the face is full of pain, and the body is covered with blood.

Every time he walks, his body is shaking.

"Don't be afraid" Zui Ai Bai Si still stretched out his hand, trying to comfort him.

The little guys came over and tried to get closer, as if they were going to touch his hand with their heads.

That humble temptation made Zui Ai Bai Si feel sour in her heart.

Although they look very ugly, Zui Ai Bai Si did feel that her heart was healed for a moment, these poor little guys...

"Fuck!" Zui Ai Bai Si couldn't help but swear.

The pitiful little guys just now suddenly changed their faces, pounced on his arms and gnawed and bit them madly, turning into jackals. One arm was torn to the bone in an instant.

"Grass, grass, grass!"

He stretched out his left hand to grab a bloody little monster, and threw it to the ground like a sandbag.

Although these little guys have sharp teeth and look fierce, they are actually very fragile. Their necks were deformed when they were smashed to the ground, and they died immediately.

He finally pulled his hand back, and looking at the little monsters moving slowly on the ground, Zui Ai Bai Si's scalp continued to numb.

The background setting of this game is too cult.

He hasn't figured out whether the bloody little monsters are human beings, but people who eat such monsters must be abnormal.

The other little monsters rolled to the ground, whimpering and wailing, as if they were not the ones who were bloodthirsty just now.


He is still too young.

Zui Ai Bai Si was resentful and prepared to chop these little bastards after going out, and then divert attention.

Take a look at the post, good, someone has responded.

More and more people responded.

You must help me get revenge, brothers.

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