The lord is red again

Chapter 437 It turns out that you are the NPC who guides us

The night was dark, and the sloppy moonlight poured down from the top of his head but did not light up the environment. Linde sat on the throne of the beast altar, with only the beast girl Solaris, the ring sister Tione and the "protagonist" William who had not appeared for a long time.

As the big killer of the beast altar, the beast Ur has been very angry with the undead recently. To prevent him from wanting to tear the messenger to pieces, Linde had to choose to lock him up.

The development of things was so strange that even when Solaris stood beside William next to Linde, she reacted, wait a minute, as the high priest, why am I not qualified to stand by the throne?


Why did Linde become the leader of the beast sacrifice site.

Thinking about the other party's desire to awaken the previous beast master by collecting echoes and get the other party's power gift, Solaris felt that this human was too sinister. She had unknowingly become the other party's subordinate, and even blessed the undead every day and enjoyed it.

Recalling the collected responses, Solaris felt that it didn't seem to be a big loss.

The environment inside the beast sacrifice site was very poor, and the forces that were lingering on the ruins were gradually forgotten. Even if Linde hadn't emphasized to stop the large-scale construction, the high walls of the beast sacrifice site that represented the humiliation of the past might have been demolished long ago.

Solaris didn't mind the undead rebuilding a better "stone beast castle", but Linde was unwilling to waste manpower.

There are such useful beastmen, let them build it. The role of the undead is to rush to the front line and give heads, but don't waste energy on trivial matters.

Linde was wearing armor and quietly waiting for someone to come.

The message from the Corruption King surprised him. The one who tried to communicate with him was not the Corruption King or a beast warrior under his command, but the human noble who was hunted by Black Blood and his men before.

'Princess' Magdalena Watcher.

The other party solemnly invited Linde to the territory to talk as a human, and Linde refused without thinking.

It's not that he was afraid that the King of Corruption would secretly detain him, nor was it that he was afraid of being targeted by some conspiracy, and it was not... well, he was just afraid of death.

It's courageous to go head-to-head with an enemy who is one level stronger than you.

It's stupid to go head-to-head with an enemy who is two levels stronger than you.

And the King of Corruption also has three BOSS-level beasts that are suspected to be 6 rings strong, which is even more unnecessary.

The other party couldn't figure out why a group of people who were not afraid of death would not dare to go to the Red Swamp. Similarly, the other party's behavior of rushing over immediately made Linde a little unsure. Did he really need his human power, or was there some other reason?

Although Linde acted sure of victory in front of the undead, he was actually a little panicked. He didn't have any advantage of foresight. Sometimes he could only dig up forums or peek at live broadcasts when he wanted to know some news. He seemed to be in a daze, but he was actually very busy every day.

The same is true for strength. As the strongest man in the expeditionary force, General Lind can no longer afford a serious duel, otherwise he would not have set his sights on the beast master.

The location of the Tianxing Magic School is still uncertain, and the distance from the Wilderness Gray Ruins to the Beast's Nest is already surprisingly large. Measuring it with feet is absolutely a very stupid act. It has no effect except to accelerate the loss of undead people. The correct solution is to get the coordinates across space.

The active contact of the humans in the magic land has both advantages and disadvantages.

The other party came in a hurry, without extravagance, and extremely quiet. If he had not received the other party's advance notice, Lind would most likely not have noticed the other party's arrival.

She was a woman with a very beautiful appearance. Lind could only describe her as beautiful. She did not have the queen temperament of Rania, the cuteness of Miko, or the three-no of Tionie who seemed to be indifferent to everything but was actually full of strong curiosity, and there was no shrewdness and occasional cuteness of Dorothy, and even no hair of Solaris.

In short, an Internet celebrity face.

After approaching, she did not speak, but immediately fixed her eyes on Tione, for a very long time.

Linde frowned slightly, Tione came with a "mobile dowry", this person is not honest.

The other party also noticed the inappropriateness of his sight, raised his hand and swept across his face, the magic light flashed, and showed his true face.

This time her appearance is indeed memorable, but the round little bun face does not match her temperament at this time.

Her face is a bit like Ponyo, and has nothing to do with beauty.

It seems that she deliberately used magic to cover up her identity.

In the wilderness ash ruins and deserts where the undead are rampant, humans have gradually changed from food to the type that cannot be easily provoked, so the other party dares to face the outside world in the image of humans.

"I am Magdalena, the watcher from the Fog Rain City." She said seriously, but her eyes couldn't help but want to sweep over Tione.

Linde also introduced himself: "You can call me King Linde. I led my most elite soldiers from other continents to the Demon Land."

He glanced at William, who was like a wooden man, and suddenly missed Reed and the others who used to follow him. At this time, he could say nothing, while they could say their titles in a very impressive way, and they could say as long as they wanted!

William:? ?

He felt Linde's gaze, but he didn't understand. He was thinking hard with his head.

"King Linde?" Magdalena's chubby face was confused. The title subconsciously reminded her of the standard title of the Beast King. Maybe his full name was King Linde.

"The Beast King of the Beast Sacrifice." Linde added, no matter what the other party thinks, his identity must be revealed first.

He can cooperate with any beast king, but just join.

Magdalena opened her mouth.

There was communication between them, but things seemed different than she had imagined.

Whether it was a human who suddenly said that he was the king of beasts or Tione standing next to Lind, her initial thoughts were disrupted.

"Miss Magdalena, why do you want to meet me?"

"Because you are human beings." Magdalena said matter-of-factly.

"Humans, rare?" Linde's heart moved. What he wanted was information about humans. Although he learned from other people that Tianxing Magic School teaches everyone without distinction, and does not limit race, but they are also humans, and they still have more in common. topical.

At least my face should be able to play some role.

If it really doesn't work, you can let William show off his beauty. Magdalena is mediocre in appearance, but as a 'princess', it is more than enough for him to have an illegitimate child.

William, who was caught by Linde's gaze again, immediately understood and quietly placed his right hand on the sword.

He has been hanging out with the undead recently... that is, he was tricked by the undead into going out to collect echoes or doing other tasks. He always listened to the stories told by the undead, and one of them seemed to him to be very consistent with the aristocratic plot. The story was so exciting that William clapped his hands repeatedly when he heard it, and it was called "Falling a cup as a sign."

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, I’ll chop her if you drop the cup!

Why? Lord Linde doesn’t have a cup at hand.

Linde noticed that William was looking at him frequently, blinking and trying to send some signal, and decisively chose to ignore him.

In the past, I only thought that the other party was a passionate protagonist, but I didn't expect that he also had the attributes of a silly dog.

"Rarely." Magdalena nodded.

Although there was only a brief exchange, Magdalena was certain that Lind had no knowledge of this land, so what he said was from other continents was most likely from other material planes.

But will "immortal people" appear in other material planes? Why haven't I heard of it before?

Samantha, the 'immortal knight' among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Proof of the Sun, does possess the characteristics of immortality, but she cannot be as undead as the rumored beast sacrificial site.

And when she came, she also saw a lot of humans, some dressed normally, and some wearing armor with a strong abyss atmosphere, and all of them were talking and laughing.

Could it be that the influence of the Demon King has become weaker in other material planes.

Just as Magdalena was imagining countless possibilities in her mind, Linde said: "So you came to see us, what do you want?"

She nodded and thought deeply after saying a word, which made Linde completely show off such a big battle to the blind man.

Fortunately he didn't let the undead come in to broadcast.

"Cooperate, but before that I want to ask, have you been eroded by the abyss?" Even though Magdalena herself felt that the question was a bit straightforward, Tione, who stood motionless beside her, seemed to give her enough confidence. , it seems that where Tione stands, it is impossible for these people in front of her to succumb to the abyss.

"The continent I am on was eroded by a large crack in the abyss, but we successfully defeated the opponent and eliminated one of its forces." Lind thought for a while and said, "The second one will be eliminated soon."

The process of the Black Marsh Kingdom has entered the middle stage, and the Kingdom of Secapus will naturally become the next target. Even if Lind does not intervene, with Lind's current prestige, those undead will continue to approach and join him.

When the undead form a large scale and are crushed by explosive troops, there is absolutely no enemy that cannot be killed.

"Destroy the abyss?" The answer exceeded Magdalena's expectation. Are humans in other low-level material planes already so ferocious?

"What is the power of the abyss in you?"

Linde's answer this time was simpler: "The spoils of war."

Beast Girl was also frightened when she heard this answer for the first time. The Abyss was famous for its evil powers such as madness and corroding the mind. The Lionheart King reached cooperation with the Abyss, but he never dared to use the power of the Abyss further.

Compare the abyss to a trophy?

In her impression, humans in other material planes are not very powerful, but they are also humans with extremely strong resilience.

She is willing to first get the opportunity to move freely, set up a base in the Demon Land to welcome humans, and then send people to the Demon Land to select qualified strong men to welcome the coming Demon Land to participate in the sealing war.

Not to mention the stars falling 30 years later, the sealing battle right before her eyes was enough to make her anxious.

But Linde took the lead before she took action, and everything seemed like a surprise.

At least until now, it's all been a surprise.

"So, please let us go back to the original question, Miss Magdalena, why did you come to us and think that we have the possibility of cooperation?"

"In order to solve the Abyss from its source!" Her eyes were very firm. "Even if you eliminate all the Abyss cracks on the continent, you will only kill some insignificant minions of the Abyss Demon Lord. Only by sealing the Demon Lord again can we let the Abyss Demon Lord be destroyed." Everything calms down."

Linde suddenly asked: "I want to know, if we hadn't appeared, would you have gone looking for humans?"

He noticed that Magdalena looked at Tione again, and then heard her say: "That was my previous plan. I hope to build a place in the Demon Land where humans can live, and then go to various material planes to search for human strongmen."

That's you!

Lind made a judgment almost instantly.

If he didn't come to the Demon Land directly, the biggest possibility was that Magdalena built a place for humans in the Demon Land, and then became a new map guide NPC to accept undead.

It may be a major version update 2.0, or 3.0.

However, everything is different now!

He has the identity of the guide for humans to the new map. He can't guarantee that all the undead on the three continents will be obedient, but the undead on the Xilu continent should be fine.

Linde smiled happily: "I think we are natural collaborators."

If the undead come to the magic land, they must be loyal to the "princess" and be inferior to others, but Linde is different. He will definitely not allow a princess with a beast king behind him to be his immediate boss, and he has no intention of handing over the undead early. He can get the status of a collaborator. Although the beast king behind the other party may not agree, Linde does not intend to fight a protracted war.

He will run away after getting intelligence and power, and more potion knowledge is his goal here.

"We need your power very much." Magdalena also breathed a sigh of relief, although the result was different from what she imagined. In her cognition, humans in the low-level material plane should first swear allegiance to herself, become a part of Wuyu City, and then fight for Wuyu City.

But she is now desperate and has no options.

"Before discussing the detailed cooperation, I would like to ask Miss Magdalena, do you know the Tianxing Magic School?"

"Of course I know." She nodded.

"Where is the location?"

"It's at the other end of the Demon Land, in the East, and the scholars there were the first to be corrupted by the disaster. The crazy knowledge they vented has made them completely out of control. It's a life forbidden zone that is more terrifying than the so-called 'Sunless City'."

"Is there a way to quickly cross this distance? For example, underground tunnel worms?"

"Are you sure you want to send someone there?" Magdalena asked, and she also knew how Lind and others came to this continent.

Quite a simple way.

"Of course!" Lind nodded. As long as he gave the location and method, he could send someone to rush over tonight.

He couldn't beat them, but it wasn't so much of a problem to let the undead steal things.

The undead opened up new maps and new ways of playing, and he gained knowledge. The price was just that the undead died frequently, and everyone won.

"Underground tunnel worms may have been able to do so before, but now they can't cross the Fog Rain City. Only dragons could cross that sky, but since the magic ring began to break, dragons have fled the magic land."

"Can dragons cross the continent?"

"All strong people with strength above 6 rings can do so." Magdalena was surprised that Linde didn't even know common sense, and how did he defeat those abyss advancers.

"Why can underground tunnel worms do so?" Linde asked casually.

"Because adult underground tunnel worms are also 6 rings strong, they can use their bodies to build channels between different material planes." Magdalena explained again.

Seeing Linde nod, she continued to add: "However, if you want to cultivate underground tunnel worms to adulthood, you need an unimaginable amount of energy. No one has ever done this, so underground tunnel worms have always acted as larvae."

Larvae? Can they swallow more than 3,000 people in one breath without burping? !

Linde suppressed his thoughts, which was too much dog food. He suddenly felt that the underground tunnel worm he caught was a little hot.

"Then one last question," Lind asked, "Why are you staring at her?"

He pointed at Tionne.

Tionne also responded very promptly, pointing at herself and asking, "Why?"

"Because she has the qualifications to be a seal."

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