The lord is red again

Chapter 456 Consumption

It was a pleasant surprise to encounter the Mechanicus and capture them directly. Lind originally thought that if the other party did not surrender, he would directly dismantle the parts and throw them all to Dome when he returned to the Land Kingdom. With so many new things, Dome and others will definitely be able to see results after studying for a year or two.

Unexpectedly, Nur was a very "rational" person. He surrendered immediately when he knew he could not win.

I don't know if other Mechanicus believers are the same.

If so, he might have to recruit more people, but they are just not loyal. It is enough for the iron lumps to be tools.

Putting aside the idea of ​​exploring the Mechanicus, he looked at the underground heroes.

The ghosts, who were sometimes crazy and sometimes rational, were once one of the targets that Lind tried to get the undead to contact. Ghosts have endless lifespans, and by the same token, they also have endless knowledge.

"Are they responsible for guarding the sacrificial site of Secapis?" Lind asked.

Noor noticed that Linde's eyes fell on him, so he bowed slightly and replied, "No, sir."

He entered the role very quickly, which made Linde wonder again. What kind of role did the Mechanicus play in the past? Why did they look so skilled in servility? Is it a religious feature?

"The ghosts wander here, but they worship the priests and the strong." Noor continued to answer.

Linde turned his head and looked at the quiet ghosts.

"Can we communicate? If you need help..."

"What do you want to communicate?" One of the ghosts walked towards Linde.

There was a golden light on his body, as if he had walked out of the golden flame. His level was at least legendary. If he followed the local customs, his strength would be at least 4 rings.

Linde could feel the powerful force rushing towards his body like a turbulent current.

When the Giant God appeared just now, the fire of knowledge swept across the sky, and the sky was churning under the pressure of the storm. The ghosts stood aside obediently, but now when it came to facing him, they looked down at him.

Is it that he is not fierce enough?

"We have nothing to talk to you about." The ghost leader said, but his eyes turned to Tionne.

"Hmm?" He waved to Tionne.

The uninformed fiancée came over and stood beside Lind.

"You ask." Lind said.

Tionne said, "Why are you staying here?"

"We lived 800 years ago. A huge city called 'Molten Gold' was built here. We once encountered a war and were invited to participate in the melee that could determine the survival of multiple races, but we were afraid of the enemy. In that terrible magic war, we chose to turn sides. The defeated 'Molten Gold' cursed us, making us suffer here as ghosts and never rest in peace."

Unexpectedly, Lind took the initiative to talk but was rejected. When Tionne came over, the other party was like pouring beans, crackling and telling all the dark history.

"Is it because my charm is not enough to trigger the plot?" Linde suddenly wanted to take two dice to try whether he was born with low charm. Otherwise, the NPCs he met along the way did not make many friends with him directly. Instead, most of them were beaten first and then conquered.

"Are you also required to respond to the call of the heirs of molten gold if they step into this place in the future?"

This is the Lord of the Rings script, he is familiar with it.

It was also because Tion asked in front that the ghost leader gave Linde a face and was willing to answer him.

"No, we need the gift of a powerful god to free our souls and gain eternal rest."

It was easy to say, but when the giant god appeared just now, he could not meet their needs.

Tion turned his head and looked at Linde, with a questioning look.

She is just emotionless, not a fool.

Such a ghost army with an average strength of 3 rings and immune to swords and axes can just make up for the part that Linde lacks when he lost the undead.

"Death?" Linde asked.

Perhaps only the death god can meet the needs of the ghosts and gain eternal rest.

"If you can contact the God of Death!"

"We can make a promise." Linde thought and said, "In 100 years, I will help you find the wizard of the way of the God of Death, and let them help you get eternal rest."

100 years is not a long time for ghosts, but for Linde, with the help of the undead, it is enough to change the world.

"If you make a contract with a ghost, you will be cursed!" The ghost leader looked at Linde.

"Really? Then come."

The number is 300, with an average strength of 3 rings, which is 300 William.

The leader's strength of 4 rings is not worth mentioning.

It's too wasteful not to have such a force.

Now Linde is wearing a vest and does things without any consideration. He does what is suitable and convenient for him.

This is the first time Linde has signed a contract with a ghost. When he dealt with ghosts before, whether it was the ghost witch Selina or the ghosts in the ghost valley, they could not do this.

Soon he heard a wailing coming from his mind, almost inaudible, like a sound coming from the ice 800 years ago, and then a second wailing joined in. The curse invaded Lind's body, lingered in his heart, and tried to penetrate deep into his soul.

One of the two voices came from the ghost in front of him, and the other was related to the curse of the Molten Gold City. Lind signed a contract with the ghosts as if he had to bear the impact of the curse.

The voices intertwined quickly, gradually fading from the golden light, like a brand, and finally fell on Lind's heart, followed by his heartbeat, and put into the third heartbeat.

That was the curse brand, rooted deep in Lind's heartbeat.

The heartbeat suddenly began to lose control, beating wildly, and Lind's blood began to flow uncontrollably, but soon the second heartbeat appeared, and the curse power from the abyss was aroused.

But then the first heartbeat came online strongly, easily suppressing the second and third heartbeats.

The wailing in his mind finally disappeared, and Lind's mood calmed down.

He looked at the ghosts in front of him: "We now have 100 years to cooperate."

"At your service!"

300 ghosts half-knelt down, spewing supernatural ghostly golden flames from their mouths, burning the dim sky even more turbid, and then one by one turned into golden mist and disappeared.

It seemed that the horror just now, the ghosts, etc., were just colorful paper flying during the festival.

"They are all hiding in the alien space." Tione said.

Linde could not sense the existence of those ghosts, but since they had signed a contract related to the curse, they believed that the other party would not arbitrarily break the oath.

"Let's go."

Their destination was Stone Beast Castle.

Walking on the road, Linde also learned about the situation of the Mechanicus. The current Mechanicus has completely fallen apart, and the knowledgeable Mechanicus believers have long been divided into more than a dozen schools, and the relationship between the schools is complicated.

But the members of the Mechanicus are very scarce, resulting in not many real conflicts. Only those who are close to each other interact more, and those with poor relationships never interact with each other.

Nur stayed in the magic land. He and his companions who had been demolished by Lind wanted to gain more knowledge.

Lind was not interested in the knowledge that Nur said. He found that the Plover School where Nur was seemed to like searching for treasures and liked to find secrets based on some ancient legends or broken treasure maps.

Most of the time, they came up empty-handed, but occasionally they could find it successfully, just like this time.

Those boring or interesting gossips are also "treasure maps", and they are qualified undead mission NPCs.

Lind took out the map. He didn't expect that he would be strong and powerful not long after he left.

Although the ghosts chose to sign a contract by cursing themselves because of Tionne's charm, Tionne was his fiancée, and hers was his.

If he could capture her, wouldn't it be more attractive?

"There is a city ahead, which seems to be a mixture of various races." Lind looked at the "White Bear City" marked on the map.

White Bear City, a neutral multi-ethnic city-state, has not very tall buildings, but a large floating population, estimated to be 30,000 to 50,000 people every day, and a large number of caravans.

This place once occupied the middle passage from Lionheart Castle to Stone Beast Castle, and could be regarded as a rest stop in the middle, but later as it became more and more popular, White Bear City became a city-state. Caravans carrying goods passing by inevitably did business, and as long as there was money to be made, a group of people would definitely gather quickly.

At this time, Linde was shopping. He made a lot of money from the undead. Each person could scrape out thousands or even tens of thousands of animal teeth. In addition to the money Linde spent to subsidize the development of the undead reception novice village, he still had more than 50 million animal teeth.

When released, it was a huge animal tooth mountain.

With money in hand, Lind did not blink when spending. The armor on him was very ordinary. Although Noor could also help make armor for the Mechanicus, Lind was not interested in those gear equipment. He only needed high enough defense. Other fancy functions were not important.

Then there were weapons. Not only Lind needed it, but William also needed to replace his weapons. Both of them were big wasteers of weapons.

"This is a weapon left by a beast king." The weapon vendor who sold weapons had his own shop. He was introducing weapons to Lind at this time. It was a big sword made entirely of bones. It didn't look sharp, but there was a weak electric current wrapped around it.

Seeing that Lind seemed very interested, the weapon vendor suddenly grabbed the knife and showed it on the spot. Lightning and thunder flashed as he waved it.

"How much?" Lind thought this weapon was very interesting. The big sword should be made of the thigh bone of some beast that could release thunder. It was rough but beautiful, with a wild beauty.


Linde took the sword and tried to swing it twice, but found that the weapon only released arcs less than the power of the first ring when swinging. If you use this thing in normal combat, you will definitely suffer a great loss.

"It's just a toy." Linde shook his head and put the sword down, "Is there anything better?"

Half an hour later.

"Take care!" The weapon dealer waved goodbye to Linde enthusiastically.

The weapons were almost swept away, and the weapon dealer made at least 50,000 beast teeth, which was really a huge profit.

"Do you need this kind of thing?" From Linde's black cloak, the beast master stuck his head out and expressed strong dissatisfaction with Linde's large purchase just now.

This kind of weapon that can only exert the power level of the first ring at most is useless even if it is a three-sword style. It is purely a beautiful waste.

"I'll take it back and transform it." Linde had just received the curse of the ghost, and was just thinking about picking a few attributes that might be suitable. Maybe he could strengthen the curse and make the weapon look different.

"Do you think I don't want to buy better ones? Many good things are priceless, and can only rely on fate."

The next part is the highlight. Linde wants to buy himself a good set of armor. The armor he wore before was all good-looking but useless. It often happened that he was bare-chested or even bare-buttocks when fighting.

"I didn't expect there would be magic scrolls?" Linde looked at the seller of magic scrolls and thought of the scroll hanging on the waist of the giant god before.

It's a pity that they were not destined to be together before, so he could only write it down in a small notebook first. When the undead come back in the future, let them help him renew his relationship with the magic scroll.

He looked at the scroll and found that the things recorded on it were also very interesting. It turned out to be some offensive means of the beasts' dominant path, such as claws, roars, tail swings, etc.

There was no way to spend all the money in his hand, so Linde bought it all directly.

"I'm so rich, I don't know if anyone is willing to rob me." He would be sorry if he didn't come.

Suddenly something attracted Linde's attention.

It was a black bug, like a fat maggot, motionless, and like a long black stone.

"What is this?"

"A very strange bug." The seller was a golden-skinned subhuman, covered in gold powder, and spoke with nobility.

But his strength was not very good, only 2 rings.

Linde knew about the diversity of multiple races, so he didn't care about his attitude.

"Why is it strange?"

"One of my pets accidentally mated with it, and then gave birth to several ugly dog ​​bugs."

"Dog bugs? Can you show me?" Linde was a little interested.

Even the beast master hiding in the cloak was curious. It seemed that it had never seen such a strange creature without reproductive isolation.

"I have killed it, but I also slipped some images." The seller took out a scroll, tapped it with his finger, and a pattern appeared quickly.

Linde looked jealous.

Finally, he saw the "advanced" magic land. The beast sacrifice site he had come into contact with before was probably considered "in the mountains", and the Lionheart King and the King of Corruption should only be considered as the urban-rural junction.

It's time to continue to update my novice village technology.

Before, my "magic" could only draw simple stick figures, not as clear as photos now, and the things inside seemed alive and twisting.

The pattern was finally fully revealed. There was a streamlined black dog, but the dog's neck was very long, winding forward, a bit like a giraffe.

And there were no eyes, only a conical head, and the mouth was partially split, revealing jagged teeth.

When Linde reached out his hand, the dog worm actually bared its teeth at his fingers.

But after Linde retracted his hand, the dog worm immediately returned to its previous state. It seemed to be just a magic.

"This doesn't look like a native creature in the magic world." Linde said.

It's no wonder Linde thought so. It doesn't look like a good thing no matter how you look at it.

"Yes, things from foreign lands." said the seller.

There are not many creatures without reproductive isolation, but their bloodlines are very advanced, such as dragons.

I don't know if this thing can be considered a biological invasion.

Linde bought insects.

He bought interesting things because he had too much money to spend.

He replaced the equipment for himself, William and Tionne, and bought a lot of other things, but it only cost more than 400,000 yuan, which was a drop in the bucket for the money Linde had now.

Going forward,

"White Bear Chamber of Commerce?"

Linde had heard before that there seemed to be space equipment in it, real space equipment.

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