The lord is red again

Chapter 458: Is there still ecology?

Black Shield held a huge sword that was completely out of shape for him, and looked at the "Mountain King" who was staggering in front of him, with deep worry in his eyes.

The opponent's speed was not fast, but the size of the giant beast was so large that the disaster caused by just walking slowly forward was like a natural disaster.

"Can we still hold on?" Someone beside him asked unconfidently.

The huge beast covered the sky and blocked the sun. Although it did not understand magic, it had an extremely tough body, and its wisdom was not too low. Just walking towards the Waste Stone Mountain Range made people's legs weak, as if a mountain that broke the sky was pressing towards them, and they instinctively wanted to escape.

What's the use of their swords even if they pierced into the body of the "Mountain King"? It is estimated that they can't even pierce the stones on the surface of the opponent's body, and can't hurt the flesh and blood.

Black Shield raised his giant sword, his whole body tense, ready to go: "We must fight, our home is behind us, raise the sword, victory is on our side."

The others watched Black Shield take the initiative to attack the Mountain King, their eyes also burned with fighting spirit, and rushed forward with weapons.

Now it is time to retreat.

A demi-human holding a hook rushed forward, but unexpectedly, the Mountain King just moved forward and created a terrifying storm comparable to a typhoon. The strong wind blew away the hook he threw out, and the demi-human was also blown away.

Ordinary 1st and 2nd rings can't even get close, and the action is a natural disaster.

Black Shield can burst out the strength of 4th ring, and the giant sword split the strong wind and rushed to the arm of the Mountain King. He bit his fangs and looked up. At the end of the road that can be called "reaching the sky", there is the head of the Mountain King.

He ran on the Mountain King with his feet, and it was better to say that he was climbing a dangerous peak than killing.

More and more people rushed up one after another, desperately rushing towards the head of the mountain king, trying to find the wounds left in the previous battle there and repel the mountain king.

But suddenly a roar was heard, and dozens of giant snakes with wings drilled out from the cracks in the mountain king's rocks.

Black Shield raised his sword and chopped, entangled with the giant snakes in the roar. Only those who are willing to sacrifice themselves can show such fierce power. The first sword knocked out a giant snake, but the giant snake was very smart and immediately entangled Black Shield's giant sword. He had no choice but to throw away the giant sword and swing his arms to rush towards the giant snake, swinging his elbows.

The giant snake struggled in pain, and its tail slammed wildly. Because Black Shield locked and held the snake's head, he actually swung it into a long whip, sweeping away the giant snake that tried to approach, and formed an empty circle around it in a short time.

But although Black Shield was brave and could deal with these giant snakes parasitic on the mountain king, others could not. They were trapped in the sea of ​​snakes and had difficulty moving. Several people were strangled to death by giant snakes.

Black Shield pressed the snake's head and punched it twice, but the bodies of these things were too hard, and he couldn't kill them in a short time with just three or two punches, but his sword was taken away again.

The death of others also made Black Shield anxious.

The snake could not be killed, but was entangled. No matter how strong Black Shield was, he could only be dragged and couldn't break free.

At this moment, a whirlwind of fire suddenly swept in the sky, and the heads of two big snakes were cut off, and the broken ends were charred.

A figure carrying a sword fell from the whirlwind of fire that hit Zhe Xuan'er. The other party squatted on the ground, with a white wolf head full of murderous aura.

Black Shield was surprised that a master came to help.

Moreover, the armor worn by the other party was very exquisite, and the mana flowed during the action, which was not cheap.

The next moment, the White Wolf Swordsman suddenly stuck out his tongue and smiled: "Hahaha Sir, I'm stronger!"

William, who had been holding back for a long time, finally had the opportunity to show his skills. He shouted while slashing the snake with his sword. He was covered in flames and chopped and chopped. The giant snake seemed to be caught in a beacon rolling knife tube. If it got stuck, it would be dead.

Linde looked at William who had turned into a Husky and couldn't help but flicked the head of the beast master: "What did you do?"

He knew that Dorothy was not easy to deal with. If she knew that he turned her brother into a stupid dog, she would definitely take off her glasses and stare at him to death.

(3_3) Stare——!

The beast master who came out of Linde's arms also looked at William strangely and said: "He may have been like this before. I can only make him grow hair on his face, but I can't make him really turn into a wolf."

The beast master couldn't help but complain in his heart: And he doesn't look like a wolf, he looks like a stupid dog.

Linde looked up and he seemed to be standing at the foot of a huge mountain. The mountain was still moving.

"Sir Black Knight!" Scar reminded.

Since the white dog swordsman can kill people everywhere, the rumored black knight must be stronger.

"Don't worry, let me take a look first."

The mountain king was very heavy and could not cause any damage to Lind, so he ran on the mountain king.

"There are ores, and there are such ones. The price in White Bear City is not cheap. Nur can also use it when making mechanical armor." Lind was very surprised.

He called Nur, and Nur's eyes lit up when he saw the ore: "Sir, they are all good things! The ore with fire element can make you a set of lava amplification armor, which can be named Elemental Wind Type 10."

Lind ignored the fact that the other party was keen on naming but was bad at naming, and said: "The mountain king is very big, this is a moving mine, you mine first."


He swam quickly.

"This is, animal tooth mine?"

The tusks are made of excavated ores, which contain energy. They are used as trading currency regardless of size, only the amount of energy. Because of the uniqueness of the ore, the energy in the tusk ore evaporates very slowly and has low loss.

"Are there any potions?"

Some fiery red potions bloom behind some lava reefs. Although they are not precious, it is amazing that they grow here.

Linde truly saw what a moving treasure mountain is.

As he was walking upward, a black shadow suddenly jumped out, and claws filled with energy light grabbed Linde's head. Linde tilted his head to avoid it, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually using a feint attack. Its real intention was his abdomen. He raised his knees and hit the armor, and the pain came.

But Linde didn't retreat a step. Instead, he raised his hand and punched the other party in the face. The other party was knocked away by his punch and easily drilled into the lava on the surface of the mountain king. Although Linde always thought of himself as an agile elemental warrior, his physical strength can actually resist more than the blood bull type BOSS.

"Another new species." Linde looked at the thing that crawled out. It was a monkey-like monster, hairless, but covered with a layer of fiery red scales. When it crawled up, its mind was still a little unclear, and it was shaking its head to regain its spirit.

Linde did not touch the Lionheart Greatsword and the Broken Sword, but used "Mien's Invisible Blade" to release "Mien's Soul Blade".

The invisible sword was already in his hand.

After taking a punch from him, Linde thought the opponent would fight in a roundabout way, but he did not expect that the monkey would pounce again, and the claws swept over. Linde stepped back slightly to distance himself, avoiding the punch, and then rushed forward quickly to attack. The invisible blade in his hand was sent out, and the sword successfully pierced the opponent's abdomen. The scales like steel plates immediately had a big hole, and blood flowed out like magma, splashing Linde all over.

The monkey roared, but Lind smiled and didn't care. He had already injured the prey. When the other side scratched him with another claw, Lind showed his skills as an agile warrior. He soared into the sky with his toes and claws, and above the monkey, both of them grabbed the sharp soul blade and chopped it down.

A bloody button, split it in half without any mercy.

The monkey in the distance saw this scene and turned around and ran away immediately.

"The mountain has evolved its own ecosystem." Lind dispersed the soul blade.

The battle was still going on on the surface of the mountain king, and the roar and fighting echoed.

The strangeness on his body also attracted the attention of the mountain king. He shook his body frantically, and rock bombs wrapped in high temperature rolled down fiercely.

The creatures parasitic on the mountain king took the opportunity to announce their existence in a high-profile manner, and cooperated with the rock bombs to hunt people in the Gravel Mountains.

Lind could see that the seriously injured soldiers were still fighting desperately, but their idea of ​​stopping the mountain king from moving forward was simply a fantasy. They couldn't even deal with the parasites on the surface, let alone kill such a giant beast.

A rock bomb hit Lind, and he raised his hand and drew his sword to split it in half, without taking a single step back.

Farther away, Tione received the order from her fiancé and stood still obediently, but something still approached her, so she fought back skillfully...growing mushrooms.

Maybe it was this loud noise that attracted the attention of the mountain king. From a distance, many people could see the mushroom cloud growing on the back of the mountain king.

The higher you go, the fewer people there are, not only on your side, but also the things parasitic on the mountain king.

Lind stood at the tip of the mountain king's nose with a sword. In fact, this place is big enough, so big that it is empty.

The two eyes slowly rotated in the eyes that looked like a crack in the abyss. When the dry eyeballs rotated, Linde even felt that sand was rubbed out during the rotation.

With the body of an ant, facing a giant beast comparable to a mountain, Linde felt a little heart-wrenching. He didn't want to say that he stood here for any selfish reasons at this moment. He was just like the undead, and he had a strong interest in defeating such a giant beast. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why he pursued strength.

Black Shield was panting and half-kneeling in the battlefield. Those big snakes were finally killed cleanly, and the enemies who passed through his hands would definitely be bloody.

This bloody road was not only contributed by himself, but also by the White Wolf Swordsman, who was already scarred.

The other party was a powerful warrior, and Black Shield also wanted to persuade him that there was no need to sacrifice his life for this battle. After all, dying to defeat the Mountain King was the duty of himself and others, and it was also his pride, but it was not something that the enthusiastic and powerful White Wolf Swordsman in front of him had to bear.

But the White Wolf Swordsman took out a bottle of precious magic potion, bit off the stopper and poured it directly into his mouth. After drinking it, he threw it away and then took out another bottle, another bottle, and another bottle... I saw him drink more than a dozen different colors and shapes of magic potions in one breath!

Then, the White Wolf Swordsman burst out with more powerful power than before.

A loud bang suddenly came.

Black Shield turned his head and saw that the woman in a long robe was holding a golden sword and poking it gently. The thing that pounced on her immediately exploded, and the air wave of the explosion rose into the air and turned into a mushroom cloud.

Before he could marvel at the other party's strength, something else pounced on it immediately, but the ending that awaited them was the same, one mushroom cloud after another was planted, and it was fried to pieces.

Thick smoke billowed, and the hurricane generated by the movement of the Mountain King blew away the smoke, revealing a figure standing quietly, with his hands crossed on his lower abdomen, with a forced smile on his face.

The corpse was almost invisible. Under the "purification" of the mushroom cloud, there was little left.

Then Black Shield discovered that the robots who followed the mysterious and powerful mushroom cloud woman actually started mining on the spot. He didn't know whether to praise them for their generosity or persuade them to stop.

At this time, he should seize the time to chase. If these people were his subordinates, Black Shield would definitely arrange them to rush up. The opportunity to repel the mountain king was right in front of him, but these people were not, and the existence of the mushroom cloud woman also made Black Shield dare not have any small thoughts.

The gap between the two sides was huge. He could only take advantage of this inexplicable victory to rest, and then find a way to rush forward and stop the mountain king.

But Black Shield suddenly heard someone shouting: "What is that?"


"Look up, above!" The speaker was also his companion, who survived the sudden mushroom reinforcements just now and was curled up and hiding at this time.

Black Shield immediately stood up and raised his sight from the broken mountain road on the surface of the mountain king to the direction of the sky. That was the huge head of the mountain king.

"Is that a person?" Black Shield was shocked to find that there seemed to be a figure floating in front of the mountain king.

"The light and flames will not go out!" Black Shield said to himself, "Who is that person!"

The distance was too far, and Black Shield could only see that it was a figure as big as an ant, but the next behavior of the ant made Black Shield terrified. The other party raised his hands high, and a blue sword appeared in his hands, and the sword was getting bigger and bigger with the passage of time. At this time, it looked like an ant carrying a wooden stick.

He didn't dare to imagine the other party's strength, maybe 5 rings, 6 rings, or even 7 rings.

But no matter what, Black Shield hoped that the other party could drive the mountain king away. If he could defeat the other party... He also felt that it was impossible. He didn't dare to say that he could kill a giant beast of this level standing still for him to kill.

And the little black ant actually chopped down the huge blue sword.

The blade was as sharp as the sun. It swept out from the hands of the mysterious black ant and hit the head of the mountain king with an astonishing length. Its sharpness easily cut through the rock shell formed by the lava on the surface of the mountain king for many years, and a deep pit appeared on the head, as if most of the head was sunken in.

The deafening roar was just the beginning. After tearing the rock shell, the scales and flames of the mountain king rushed into the sky, and countless broken rocks wrapped in flames turned into a storm that could be called a disaster.

Fortunately, this place is still far from their residence, otherwise they would be collectively wiped out with just this collision.

Even so, there are countless 1st and 2nd rings that wandered under the mountain king and could not come up. They were melted by the heat wave and buried here.

The whole mountain king began to shake violently, and the mountain road under the feet of Black Shield suddenly cracked a big crack. Rocks everywhere began to collapse and fall, almost completely burying people.

But now Black Shield's attention is only on that man. He actually made the mountain king hurt with just one sword.

"Black Knight." A voice came from Black Shield's ear.

He turned around and found that it was his own man, Scar.

Scar smiled proudly: "I found a strong man!"

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