The lord is red again

Chapter 65 Gold Seal Handwritten Poems and Magic Potions (5K)

Who? Old Cherry? !

Rock stared at the terrified Old Cherry.

This ignorant, scheming profiteer who thought that he and his brother didn't know, what right did he have to be the mayor!

"I..." Old Cherry's throat was dry.

"I do!" His voice was hoarse, but his eyebrows were about to float.

Why refuse.

Even if he must obey Lind in the future, it's okay to be the mayor.

"Very good" Lind was very satisfied: "Then Mayor Old Cherry, go and gather the residents who haven't arrived yet, and tell them the good news."

Lind threw a few tasks to the undead on the side, and the undead immediately acted as bodyguards happily. With the fierce killing style before, the undead were really good at bluffing.

"The Imperial Army asked me to bring you a message!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, he shouldn't have thought that this group of people could be serious.



Roning gently turned his wrist to relieve the soreness of his arm caused by hanging his arm for a long time.

At this stage, it was impossible for him to raise his arms. It was okay to say that he had no power to resist for the time being.

"That bastard!" Seeing his former mayor's hall burned down by the fire, Ronin's smile disappeared again after adjusting with great difficulty.

He looked at the undead beside him.

Too many things happened in the past one or two days. His useless brother suddenly brought a mad wolf who followed the new nobles. Didn't that idiot know that his two brothers were also part of the old nobles?

There are indeed ways to remove the labels that fall on you, but why would the new nobles bother to remove their own labels? All they want is the town of Prey. The most likely possibility is that the new nobles took over Prey Town, and then killed his two brothers to save trouble and effort.

His younger brother became the mayor of Prey Town, and then his younger brother was forced into a dead end by the other party.

Then, the mad wolf died and he was released.

The drama and twists and turns made Ronin want to invite those bards who are good at writing to sing this outrageous experience.

The soldiers beside him were not wanderers, nor did they look like soldiers of the old nobles. Ronin even sensed a kind of clear stupidity in them.

This kind of people are the most troublesome, because being too "pure" will make them stubborn. Just look at their attitude and they will definitely obey the orders of the old noble who occupied Prey Town.

In fact, when Ronin heard that a group of people only carried ladders and forcibly broke through the walls of Prey Town in a suicidal way, he thought that these people were crazy.

Is the chivalry of the old nobles really that important!

He didn't think he could instigate a group of dead men who were not afraid of death, so Ronin kept his mouth shut throughout the whole process. If it was a mad wolf, he might use some conditions to exchange for the other party's rebellion.

For example, hand over his own potion formula, hand over his own copied poetry, or even a gold seal.

But for these people, he felt that he could save some saliva, because they had proved their loyalty with death and would never betray for the sake of interests.

The person leading the way in front stopped, and Ronin looked forward.

The quadruplets blocked the road.

Short black hair, strong, carrying a big sword.

Rough breath and cruel bloody stench hit him.

There are people who look so similar.

He turned his eyes to the side.

There are people who look so beautiful.

And this group of people look very similar. Suddenly, so many twins appeared.

Roning finally looked at the two figures who were chatting.

One was the merchant Old Cheri from Prey Town, and the other was a blond man wearing mail and a cloak. His handsome face and the nobleness that was hard to hide made Roning sure at a glance that the other party was the old noble.

Old Cheri was a little afraid of Roning, shrinking his neck and retreating to the side, but Roning ignored him.

"Roning, see you again" Linde noticed Roning and came over to say hello with a smile.

Roning forced a smile, what do you mean by "again", do we know each other?

"A few years ago," Lind took the initiative to remind him, "When the world hadn't become so bad, I came from Goliath and went to Star Dragon Outpost. During that time, I also came to Prey Town and went to the church several times."

"Sir!" Roning immediately lowered his head.

In fact, he didn't remember who the other party was. When he mentioned Star Dragon Outpost, he would only think that the other party was a soldier of the kingdom stationed on the border. The Kingdom of Rand is located in the heart of this continent. There are at least 8,000 soldiers stationed at the outpost. They are not big shots at all. But if it was from Goliath, it means that the other party's identity is not simple... But why would a noble blood noble, a blood of gold, come to a remote place.

Only Goliath could make Roning's mind move. If he could come from the Golden City, he must have some status.

It would definitely not be wrong to call him Sir.

"I was loyal to His Royal Highness the Great Prince," Lind mentioned casually.

Roning suddenly understood.

The fight for the throne failed, so he came out to hide.

He could even think that if the magic ring had not suddenly collapsed, the young man in front of him would have returned to Goliath by virtue of the nobility in his blood.

Although he didn't care about the so-called noble blood in his heart, he was still very respectful on the surface.

"I am honored to see you again, sir!" Ronin's attitude was very good, even if he racked his brains, he couldn't remember when he had seen you.

This is socializing.

"I am also glad that you are okay! After hearing that you were imprisoned by a crazy barbarian, I was furious and immediately brought people to kill you."

The corner of Luo Ning's mouth twitched, these words were too false.

The undead man on the side even laughed out loud.

"Hahaha!" Linde laughed and patted Luo Ning on the shoulder: "The attitude is mutual. I thought you were used to this kind of conciliatory chatting, so you don't know me at all, right?"

Luo Ning looked at Linde and couldn't figure out what he was thinking, whether he was an old aristocrat who was upright and too lazy to think carefully, or an old aristocrat who was good at disguising himself.

The undead people on the side listened with great interest, especially when they saw Lind teasing Luo Ning, they also joined in the fun, making Luo Ning's face look very ugly.

Can't these soldiers be properly managed? I don’t understand any respect or inferiority at all!

Even though they didn't follow the rules, Luo Ning had to. He had to be well-behaved.

"I have irreconcilable conflicts with those barbarians who call themselves the 'New Nobles'" Linde said. He didn't care whether Luo Ning believed it or not, but he definitely believed it himself.

"The old gods have died, but the spirit of chivalry still allows us to maintain the lowest bottom line. Those barbarians think it's okay to eat man-eating wanderers, which means they deserve to die!" Linde said: "Even if they no longer face the sun and moon Pray, we should also abide by our bottom line as human beings!”

This is the truth from his heart.

He can accept starving to death, and he can also hunt other people to survive, but he absolutely cannot accept dried corpses as food reserves, and he even studies the taste.

"My war with them was just a coincidence," Linde said, "It has nothing to do with you."

Luo Ning nodded. It was similar to what he thought. Linde had no reason to help him, and the other party had no reason to attack Prey Town. They had to fight long ago.

As for the fact that Lind accidentally seized Prey Town when he killed the new noble... He had better pretend not to know anything. There is no way he can let Linde evacuate from here. Just pretend that he has never been the mayor of Prey Town. .

"No matter how you help me regain my freedom, I have something I want to give you." Luo Ning lowered his head and spoke as a gift.

Linde smiled and did not refuse.

Didn't he let Luo Ning out just for the things Luo Ning had hidden? Otherwise, with his character, he would definitely kill Luo Ning first, and never leave any crisis overnight.

People in the apocalypse basically have the same logic in doing things.

With Luo Ning leading the way, Linde entered the secret room of the mansion with him.

Looking at the opened hidden cellar door, Linde sighed in his heart: Time is still too tight. If the undead are given a few more hours, they will definitely discover the cellar.

The torch shook the shadows of the two men and pressed them against the wall.

Luo Ning rummaged around and took out three things and handed them to Linde.

A piece of parchment.

A manuscript.

There is also a palm-sized seal, emitting a bright green light.

Another "blessed weapon".

Linde looked at the bottom of the seal and thought of the golden seal ticket, so he looked at Luo Ning with questioning eyes.

Luo Ning nodded: "Yes, this is a seal with the power of the magic ring. I call it the golden seal."

"What's the effect?"

“You can leave a unique mark.”

"So you use it to make currency, gold seal stamps?" Linde looked at the seal. He felt that Luo Ning was a bit wasteful.

A seal with an anti-counterfeiting mark, why is it the same "green" weapon as the Broken Sword of the Scavenger Princess?

It seems that some need to be studied.

He focused on the second item, the manuscript.

Flicking through it at random, it turned out to be a collection of handwritten poems, a bit like his "Praise to the Sun".

"I once believed in Uni," said Luo Ning, "but I couldn't win Uni's favor."

"Yuni is always picky" Linde nodded in approval.

Among the three old gods, Zasa, the god of death, has no followers, and Yuni, the moon witch, has harsh conditions. Only Leo, the lion, the witness of the sun, is religious and has the strongest influence, with churches taking root everywhere.

He just didn't expect that Luo Ning actually had the heart of a master.

If he had chosen Leo Lion, he might have been stronger than him long ago, and he wouldn't be as embarrassed as he is now. Forcibly walking on Uni's route but not getting better or worse... Luo Ning's current strength should be that of a half-step great knight?

"So I made a copy. After spending enough money," Luo Ning sighed: "It's not that easy to figure out Uni's mind. Even if I listen day and night, it's still difficult to gain anything. I just look forward to the relationship between Him and the moon. I glanced around, trying to get the truth from it, but it was difficult... Maybe you will be the disciple chosen by Uni. "

"Haha" Linde burst out laughing: "Are you kidding, or are you just trying to get me to shout, 'Yuni is here'? We all know that they have disappeared a long time ago, and even if I want to hear them, I can't hear them. "

"The potion allows you to hear His voice," Ronin continued, pointing to the last harvest.

The smile on Linde's face narrowed, why do you think this person is so smart? I was too embarrassed to just kill someone after taking the benefits.

The last thing, a piece of parchment.

There is a recipe for a magic potion recorded on it.

"Is this? Uni's potion?" Linde looked at the potion formula. Although he couldn't understand it, he knew someone who could.

"Maybe... yes." Luo Ning did not nod directly, but there was also a look of enjoyment on his face: "After I drank it, I heard Yuni's voice whispering. It was intoxicating and accompanied me to have good dreams."

Look at your ignorant look! You must have never heard of ASMR. Not only does it sound comfortable, but it also looks big.

Enjoy both visual and auditory enjoyment.

The Knight Potion of the Sun Witness and the Mage Potion of the Moon Witch, Linde should be able to master two promotion paths.

There is also the two-headed man's way. I don't know if it is a variant. Although I haven't studied it yet, it can be regarded as 2.5 types.

The harvest is really greater than imagined.

"It's a nice thank you gift." Linde nodded: "Where are you going next?"

This was Luo Ning's money to buy his life. Lin De could collect it with peace of mind. Even if Luo Ning didn't give it to him, he could still find it.

Of course, he couldn't take Luo Ning in either. Only Prey Town would be obedient without Ronin, otherwise who would own this place? Letting Luoning leave was Linde's last act of kindness.

"Go to a distant cousin of mine." Luo Ning's answer was vague. He didn't really want to reveal his plans to Linde.

"Wish you a safe journey."

Now that the most important thing is solved, next... a pretty face flashed in Lind's mind.

Miss Miko!

The magic potion formula and the ownership of Prey Town are not as important as her!

That's a pharmacist, she is the most precious...

Linde and Luo Ning left the cellar together, and there was already a lot of excitement outside.

He can wait for Old Cherry to report to him the details.

Everyone was gathered into the small square, one after another squatting with their heads in their hands.

There are also undead people who have spontaneously found work for themselves. Unfortunately, most of the undead people are dead. It takes a lot of time to run from the Star Dragon Post. There are definitely not enough manpower at the moment.

The soldiers in Prey Town felt a little numb when they saw Linde and Luoning coming out together.

How many mayors have to be changed in one day?

Before we even had time to get to know each other, our boss changed.

Most people still hope that Luo Ning can continue to be the mayor. Although he is seriously exploiting, he will also provide protection.

The new adult is too murderous and scary.

"Can I take my brother away?" Luo Ning looked at his brother Rock, then turned to Lind and asked.

"He is not my prisoner." Linde said that Luo Ning can do whatever he wants.

The two brothers supported each other and left.

The city gate opened, and the silhouettes of the two brothers gave hope to the squatting residents, who stretched their necks and looked at the gate longingly.

But at the same time they were hopeful and fearful. The two brothers Luo Ning were not afraid of disasters and wanderers outside, but they were just ordinary people. If they went out, they were looking for death.

What will happen if you stay? You won't be skinned and blood drawn.

An undead man approached Linde and said, "Lord."


The undead man pointed at the two brothers leaving at the gate, then wiped his neck: "Nei Zute?!"

"Keep your word and let them go."

I have to say that this group of undead people really like to add their own drama, and in a true sense, they all steal the drama.

Linde glanced around at the residents squatting with their heads in their hands. The number was less than a hundred, but it was already quite a lot.

These are all human beings, and they don't look like immortals.

He walked towards Old Cherry and said while the other party was bending down and waiting respectfully: "Let everyone register and record detailed information, including name, age, where they come from, what they do for a living, what skills they are good at, etc."

"Yes!" Old Cherry nodded, he just needed to say yes now.

"And" Lind asked: "Miss Miko, has she left Prey Town?"

Old Cherry looked at Linde with wide eyes.

I didn’t expect you to be such a lord!

The last time the two met was late at night, but the rabbit tooth witch left a very deep impression on Lind.

Whether it’s the cute face, the little bunny teeth, the silver hair, or the pockets that look like a hamster.

She didn't change much when we met again, except that her facial features looked clearer under the cold sunshine.

Linde could feel the faint breath on her body. I didn't expect that Miss Miko was also a strong person of "Grand Knight Level", but I was too ordinary to notice it last time.

"Miss Miko, I take the liberty of inviting you here, but please don't blame me."

As he spoke, Linde glanced at the undead people surrounding him in the distance.

Fortunately, most of the dead people returned to their resurrection point, otherwise this place would have been surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. The situation is not very good now, each of them looks like he has never seen a woman before.

"Lord Linde? I don't know what you want to do with me?" Mi Ke looked up at Linde, feeling a little unhappy. Why is this man so tall?

It's very tiring to look up at someone's neck.

"Maybe Miss Miko, you will be interested in potion making?" Lind said: "I would like to hire you to be the pharmacist of Star Dragon Outpost."

"Materials, gold seal tickets, magic potion..." Miss Miko clasped her fingers. She didn't think that poor Linde could take out what she wanted half a month ago.

Even if it can be taken out, the most it can do is refine a potion? It's not enough time to waste, now she just wants to find a new home.

"It's not a problem!" Linde said: "Whether it's Calamity's heart, magic medicine herbs, mutated plants, or any part of Calamity's body, it's not a problem."

The undead can do it themselves and enjoy it.

Mi Ke sniffed, feeling annoyed, this person didn't tell the truth!

Bao Buqi only had one or two potion ingredients in his hand, and he was just bragging that it was not a problem.

“How many are you going to make?”

"At least... sixty servings!"

"How many!!"

Linde seemed to see long rabbit ears standing on her head.

"Sixty portions! And it's just a preliminary estimate, there will be more in the future."

Miko's brain storm has already begun: I deduct one material for each potion, sixty portions are sixty portions, and there are also losses, which means that at least seventy or eighty portions of materials can be earned, even if it is returned later... it's no problem!

Her eyes became brighter and brighter, and her eyes gradually changed when she looked at Linde.

Sure enough, tall people are very reliable, much more reliable than the stingy and cunning short fat man like Ronin. I wasted so much time trying to get some benefits from Ronin.

"In addition, I also hope that Miss Miko can provide other potions," Linde continued, "and help research other potion formulas."

"Do you have other potion formulas?"

Miko looked at Linde and sighed in her heart, this man is so pleasing to the eye!

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