The lord is red again

Chapter 67: The Upper Black Knight

The Black Knight

Outside Prey Town.

Rock lowered his head, ashamed of his brother who saved him before he left: "What should we do now? Without Prey Town, there is nothing left."

Brother Ronin panted heavily. It was difficult for him to march quickly with his fat body. His fat body slowed down the speed, but they had to find a place to stay before the sun set.

He looked back several times on the road and was a little surprised that there would be such a fool who kept his promise.

At this time, Ronin heard his brother's voice, and he was even more angry: "Go around the foothills of the Red Dragon Mountain, then go south, go to Goliath or other places, and find the old nobles. If we still want to survive."

"Not the new nobles?" Rock raised his head in confusion.

Even if the new nobles at the foothills of the Red Dragon Mountain did not have a good impression of his brothers because of the loss of Prey Town, everyone knew that the new nobles were the masters of the new world.

How much benefit would it have to go to the old nobles who were rotting and growing fungi like rotten wood?

"We have the label of the old nobility!" Ronin wanted to rub a fireball and press it on his brother's head. Maybe a stone or even a pile of feces on his neck would be more useful than his head.

"Even if we don't have noble blood, we once swore allegiance to the old nobility!"

Rock opened his mouth and retorted: "We can also swear allegiance to the new nobility."

"They don't lack people to be loyal, but they lack the heads of the old nobility as decorations." Ronin said the essence of the matter.

Ronin, who was able to survive in this world, not only quickly integrated into the rhythm of the doomsday, but also maintained the political sensitivity before the doomsday.

"Either have absolute power or rely on absolute power." Ronin turned his head and looked behind him again. From his position, he could no longer see the town of Prey.

In his original plan, he hid in a remote corner of the kingdom and dominated the world. If he could research a more advanced potion with the help of the rabbit-toothed witch, he might not be able to complete the process of turning from "old" to "new".

As long as he becomes a high-ranking knight, all problems can be solved.

It's a pity that he has a stupid brother.

The two brothers deliberately avoided the direction of the Star Dragon Outpost and took the small road.

The whistling sound of the wind suddenly became urgent.

The loud bangs sounded like hammers hitting the ground rhythmically.

Roning immediately realized that something was wrong. His body's survival instinct was faster than his brain's reaction speed. He fell to the ground and rolled into a ball and turned on the ground, avoiding the "hammer" that was hitting him.

"Puff!" Something hot was sprinkled on his face.

Roning, who was lying on the ground, finally raised his head and saw that his brother Rock, who had just walked side by side with him, was split from the waist, leaving only the lower half of his body.

Blood gushed out like a spring.

"Rock!" Roning had no time to be sad. He jumped forward on the ground with his belly bulging like a jumping frog, and his body quickly rose on the spot and moved a distance forward.

A black shadow attacked, and the long-handled weapon chopped at the position where Roning had just been lying.

This time Roning finally saw the other person's appearance clearly.


It looks like a horse, but it is too big to be a horse. It looks like a creature called "elephant" that appears in the southwest desert.

It is covered with long black hair.

It has no horse neck, but a huge beast mouth with bared fangs and no eyes.

The upper body of a human grows above the hind legs of the "horse". It is called a centaur, but its human body is not in the front limbs but in the hind limbs, which looks too weird.

It holds a long spear in both hands.

The spear tip is still dripping with blood from his brother.

It looks like a knight riding on the butt of a beast, with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and full of weirdness.

Ronin prayed to Uni in his heart, and the magic power gathered in his palm.

The black knight did not move, grinning as Ronin prepared magic.

Until the fireball that was enough to melt steel, distort space, and drip with turbidity was successfully condensed in his palm, the black knight finally took action and rushed towards Ronin with the sound of a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

Fireball thrown.


The fanged mouth in front of the black knight, the hot fireball that could melt steel, was easily bitten and shattered by that mouth! The flames burst, but did not bring much damage.

The upper knight!

The black knight turned into a gust of wind, and with a spear, Ronin suddenly felt that his head was freed from the restraints of his bloated body and flew towards the sky... higher and higher.

"I heard it!" Ronin was surprised: "It's Yuni..."

Until his death, Ronin's face was full of surprise.

"Pop!" The head hit the ground, and a large piece of red pulp fell out.

The huge horse hoof chased and stepped on Ronin's head, easily crushing the head, causing the plasma to explode completely radially.

Soon the hoofbeats became more and more distant. To the black knight, it seemed like a trivial matter.

Ple Town was still very wealthy. Especially when Lind saw the mutant packhorse, he could hardly hide the smile on his face. Horses were the real wealth.

All the things of the blacksmith in Pre Town must be taken with him. Of course, the most important thing was the blacksmith's wife Lian.

Miss Miko, the rabbit-toothed witch, and her huge package occupied a carriage.

There were no undead accompanying them on this return trip. Linde did not issue an escort mission because the undead were immersed in exploring Prey Town.

Picking up trash and searching boxes.

Old Cherry called this group of people "Undead Knights". He believed that the undead were Linde's loyal subordinates and showed great respect.

Linde did not think of letting Old Cherry master the method of commanding undead players to work. The only place where the system could issue tasks was at the Star Dragon Outpost.

"My lord, please drink some water."

Lian came to Linde with a water bag.

It was getting dark, and they had just walked halfway and took a break.

Lian found the opportunity and came to Linde.

Linde glanced at the water bag, thanked him, unplugged it and poured water into his mouth.

The water was cold, but Linde's body temperature did not need to worry at all.

Moreover, there was a refreshing fragrance and sweetness.

Linde looked at the water bag in his hand with some doubts, and then he sniffed lightly and smelled the sweet smell on the kettle.

The source of the taste was Lian.

She pinched a black dried fruit and put it into her mouth.

"This is a sour plum." Lian noticed Lind's gaze, so she pinched another dried fruit with two white fingers and put it in front of Lind.

He already knew the source of the sweet and sour taste.

This woman is very good!

Miss Miko on the side looked at the two of them as if she was watching a play.

When Lind turned to look at her, she immediately smiled, her cheeks were raised high, her little rabbit teeth looked very cute, and her crescent eyes seemed to say that she was innocent and saw nothing.

"Can this sour plum be planted?" Lind took the dried fruit from Lian's hand and looked at it in front of his eyes.

Lian replied: "It seems to be the fruit of a mutant plant, with a thick and sour skin, but it will become sour and sweet after being pickled with honey."

Are you really the wife of the blacksmith and not the mistress of the God of Blacksmiths? !

Pickling with honey is really a luxury!

Linde has no sugar to eat now, let alone wasting sweetness to make this kind of dried fruit.

The dead blacksmith was too good to his wife.

"Hmm" Linde's thoughts drifted away slowly. The more things that can be cultivated and planted, the better. He has a group of hardworking serfs who would rather spend money to plant the land.

"Sir?" Lian found herself being left aside, and her mouth twitched slightly: "Sir?"

She wanted to seize the initiative in front of the rabbit-toothed girl, but her charm was actually surpassed by a black dried fruit! She couldn't accept it.

"Let's go after resting for a while" Linde didn't care about Lian's reaction: "There will be a lot of trouble after dark. Going back early can avoid trouble."

"Yes~" Lian reluctantly sat in the carriage behind Linde. Fortunately, Linde didn't refuse this time, but he fell into thinking and obviously didn't intend to pay attention to herself.

Seeing that there was no show to watch, the Rabbit Tooth Witch on the side protected her package from beginning to end. Nothing could make her leave even a step.

You can't lose your treasure even if you want to have fun!

Going forward along the path, under the western sun, the mountains that grew randomly like fangs in the distance began to show their hideousness.

The Star Dragon Sentry, lying on the horizon like a beetle, also appeared in the eyes of the two women.

The flying smoke was like a cloud-making machine, pinching a group of black clouds to fly into the sky, and also covering the already dark sky even darker.

The smell was pungent, and the sky was full of plant ash, and the air was seriously polluted.

"Is this the Star Dragon Sentry?" Miss Micko looked at the building in front of her, a little surprised.

It was different from the military camp sentry she imagined, and it didn't seem like a remote place. She couldn't even think of a suitable adjective, but she felt that it was very weird.

A group of people were building some large equipment, such as catapults, crossbow beds, and he even saw a group of people smelting iron!

These technologies are all confidential. Even if you don't take credits to a certain level in the Tianxing Magic School, you will never be allowed to read related knowledge.

Why can people here calmly use so many low-level things to replicate.

Pieces of iron ingots were thrown aside, impacting Miss Miko's spirit.

She even had a feeling that the way this group of people refined the iron ingots was more efficient.

However, it seemed that there were a lot of impurities in the iron ingots.

There was another group of people next to them who used another method to remove impurities, with a clear division of labor.

It seemed that there was some formula, and she kept muttering in her mouth.

Miss Miko was just a little curious. She was not an alchemist, but an orthodox potion witch, and she had her own specialty.

"This is the Star Dragon Outpost" Lind nodded: "You will get used to life here."

The undead really change every day. I didn't expect that they really accelerated their industrialization. It's a pity that even if they really made bullets, the power would probably be difficult to threaten a real great knight class, let alone injuring the upper great knight.

Just as Lind led the two women into the Star Dragon Outpost, the undead had already noticed the situation here and quietly came over to observe.

Two young and beautiful female NPCs will definitely cause a huge sensation, especially Miss Miko, who looks so good that she suits the taste of otakus.

"There are new NPCs again!"

"It's normal to refresh a group of NPCs after conquering that Prey Town."

"Finally a good-looking NPC has come. I declare that she is my wife now!"

"Put on your pants first!"

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