The lord is red again

Chapter 84 This time, she wants to stay

Miko held the pestle in her hand, pounding the medicine intermittently.

Sweat beads slid from her forehead to the bridge of her nose, and a drop of sweat quickly gathered at the tip of her small nose.

Tick-tock, the sweat beads fell on the table.

Counting heartbeats to pound the medicine, calculating breathing to grind, even strict to the point that the required spell tone after each step must be followed.

"Potion science is very profound and rigorous, how can it be done casually according to your inner thoughts."

She stopped the work in her hands and couldn't help muttering.

Last time when they talked about potion brewing, Linde actually used the so-called "idealism" to judge, which made her feel uncomfortable for a long time.

All the work she did was to listen to Uni. It would be ridiculous if the induction power used a formula, and the steps of potion making were not set in stone. The trial and error of the predecessors finally exchanged for this formula that was extremely close to success, just like narrowing the range of choices and saving a lot of time.

Of course, if you are favored by the magic ring, you may not need to take the potion at all. You can just grab a high-level heart of disaster and swallow it, and you can still be promoted.

Stop the work in your hands and carefully put the potion in the glass bottle.

Open the box that stores the potion materials and put the bottle away.


The box was closed, and the sound was very abrupt in the room.

She muttered again, and her thoughts suddenly drifted away.

Last time she saw Lian carrying a basket and pushing the door into Linde's room. Although he didn't stay for a long time, it didn't mean that he didn't do anything. Maybe Linde was just fast.

She took such a big benefit from Linde. For his health, cooking a potion that a man needs should be considered a reward.

There was a strange wet feeling in the palm of her hand.

Miko rubbed her sweaty palms on the table, and then muttered: "How disgusting!"

Recently, she sometimes dreams of lions catching little rabbits, which makes her feel that Yuni's power is a little dull, and all this is due to Lind!

The potion for promotion is almost ready, but it lacks the most critical steps. I believe it won't be too far away.

Thinking about it, Miko herself is surprised. She has traveled here and gained a lot of benefits along the way, but it can't compare to the short few days after meeting Lind.

Of course, the most amazing thing is him. If he were the lord, he would definitely choose to suppress the power of his subordinates.

Only by ensuring that he is absolutely powerful can he ensure the concentration of power.

If the people under his command have the power to overthrow him at any time, I am afraid that the lord will be unable to sleep and eat.

Or is this the pedantry of the old nobles? Do you really think that emotions can surpass interests? Judging from her experience of wandering in these years, nothing can resist interests. If there is, it is just not enough.

While laughing at the other person's innocence, Mi Ke suddenly found that she seemed to prefer to stay with such people. Everyone was laughing at upright people, but everyone would choose to be with upright people rather than cunning people.

"But there is no aristocratic temperament at all!" She felt as if her palm was licked by a lion again.

Goose bumps are definitely the most vicious curse in the world. They come with embarrassment, making people feel miserable and their toes cramp.

"Miss Mi Ke!" A rude voice came through the wall outside: "Open the door, you have the ability to open a potion shop, why don't you have the ability to open the door~"

Only those undead people with abnormal brains can talk like this.

I really don't know where these people get the spirit every day. If it were her who could die and come back to life infinitely, Mi Ke felt that she would collapse instead of happily exploring new ways of death every day.

Before, Mi Ke still regarded this group of people as normal people, but one day she saw someone climb to the highest point of the Star Dragon Post, suddenly spread his arms and jumped down, and she knew that she shouldn't use normal people's thinking to restrain them.

Maybe this is the price of immortality.

Miko left the room and raised her hand to fan the air.

The sudden breath of fresh air made her feel like she was back to the human world, and the emotions of being harassed by the lion in her heart were quickly suppressed.

Opening the door of the potion shop, two ferocious heads poked out.

The undead who chose to drink the potion of the two-headed man were very stupid in Miko's opinion, but the power of the Star Dragon Sentry had indeed reached an unprecedented peak.

To be frank, if there were these two-headed people before, they would never be so embarrassed when facing the upper black knight. Maybe, no, they would definitely win easily.

"The lord ordered that all shops will be closed during the preparation period!"

During the preparation period, all shops were closed, and at the same time, the blacksmith shop and the potion shop opened a limited-time promotion.

One pre-war preparation can almost clear the gold coins and points of the undead.

Miko was puzzled by Lind's constant attempts to clear out the undead's property. After the currency function of Rand Gold was gradually replaced by faction points, Lind racked his brains to squeeze out the undead's points.

No matter from which angle, the undead who have collectively been promoted to the Great Knight class have some savings in their hands, and then they are the leading force in developing the economy, which is more suitable for Star Dragon Outpost.

Even in Miko's view, points are a very backward thing. You can only get points by making people loyal to you. Points cannot be traded, and they will be automatically cleared if you choose to leave.

Not only that, things in the points store will not be sold for a few points, and you need to reach a certain level of evaluation, and even purchase restrictions.

It was full of the feudal atmosphere of the old nobility. It was a pity that the undead who were so detached accepted it happily.

"I'm not here to buy anything." The undead pointed behind him: "The lord sent a singer."


What a strange name, but she was used to the undead people saying some strange words.

Miko looked at three people who were short, medium and tall, one man and two women, and the man was a dwarf.

She had some impression of the dwarf. If the other party was from Prey Town, then it should be the one she had accidentally glimpsed.

An important point in taking the upper potion is the guidance of the sound. If someone sings a poem in your ear, it will undoubtedly increase the chance of success. She even heard that someone can boil the singing into a potion. If you drink it when trying to get promoted, you can hear the soft singing in your ears.

"The efficiency is quite high," Rabbit Teeth poked out slightly.

Unexpectedly, just because it was mentioned before that taking the potion while listening to the singing might increase the success rate, Linde immediately found three people with good voice conditions for her.

"You will learn a few poems next." After finally lowering her lips that were almost exposing her gums and covering her rabbit teeth, Mi Ke instructed the three people: "You must sing with your heart, and it is best to interpret that emotion. I will keep the most suitable person."

The most suitable one will stay, but what about the unsuitable one?

The three people, short, medium and tall, looked at each other and knew that they had to work hard to perform.

Mi Ke reached out to the two-headed undead, and the other party immediately handed over the task scroll.

The magic gathered at Mi Ke's fingertips, leaving a mark that belonged to her, which also meant that the other party's task was completed.

"Is there 10 points?" Mi Ke finally glanced at the task reward. No wonder the undead would accept the escort mission even when it was the preparation period.

Everyone in the Star Dragon Outpost knew that there would be a fierce battle next.

And Mi Ke also had a fierce battle. Instead of waiting here, she hoped to be promoted to a high-level wizard as soon as possible, and maybe she could catch up with that fierce battle.

In the past, when passing through other territories, if she encountered trouble, she would think of leaving at the first time.

This time, she wanted to stay.

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