The lord is red again

Chapter 95 I am the BOSS

Someone was scared, but that person was not Lind.

Feelings such as guilt and fear would increase one's position in the other person's heart.

She could keep her fingers clean in the doomsday and spend her days leisurely eating dried fruits, definitely not just because of her figure or beautiful face.

The result was different from what Lian imagined.

Someone was shy... No, something must have gone wrong! This is definitely the worst situation!

Lian looked at Mi Ke who was a little embarrassed, and then looked at Lind who looked at Mi Ke with a funny face, and suddenly a trace of bitterness surged in her heart. It was obviously her who came first, whether it was caring about the lord first when he was injured, or being tired and sore in the wrist... It was her who came first!

She admitted that she wanted to control Lind, but it seemed that her mentality changed because of an unexpected enemy's intervention, and she became the one who was worried, afraid and angry.

Linde glanced at Lian, not paying much attention to her, but said solemnly: "Miss Miko, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Yes!" Miko nodded: "But, there are some potion materials missing."

She had spent a lot of materials on making her own upper wizard potion before. Her inventory was enough to make some ordinary potions, and even ordinary great knight potions. The only thing she lacked was a lot of materials for the upper great knight potion.

"This is easy. It just so happens that the undead are going to Longya Mountain Road. They should set off tonight."

The undead will like this task. Opening up wasteland late at night is their favorite.

Miko nodded, and when she walked to the door and passed by Lian, their eyes met.

Then their eyes separated, and both felt that they had the upper hand in the eye contact.

"Lian, is there something?"

"Yes, sir," Lian walked in and closed the door.

Miko standing at the door: "..."

The rabbit teeth gently pressed the lower lip, leaving a pair of straight front teeth bite marks on the pouty lips.

"Don't cook the potion, let me cook the medicine to nourish your body first!"

But then she smiled, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the door, and looked at Lian behind the door with a pair of "sympathetic" eyes.

In the room.

Linde was still thinking about the exchange with Miko just now.

It may be difficult for others to be promoted to the Curse Soulless Knight by actively bypassing. The potion is a summary of the experience of predecessors. The biggest problem of changing the potion formula without authorization is that the potion turns into pus and corrodes the body.

But Linde, who has absolute control over the power in his body, has a very high tolerance rate. This is also the answer he got after communicating with Miko.

Knowing that he can really perfectly control the power in his body, Miko wanted to cut Linde open with a moonlight knife to check whether the old nobles are really so magical.

Just like when he helped Reed and Leo successfully survive the danger, when Lind mentioned this, Miko's eyes were full of envy.

"It is normal for the old nobles to go crazy, the old nobles are stronger, and the old nobles have the power in their blood..." Lind thought about what Miko said, and the more he recalled, the more he felt that something was wrong.

This doesn't sound like a positive character, but more like a powerful organization that was forced to turn evil, then obstructed the protagonist, and was finally defeated and sighed "This is no longer my era."

"My lord?" Lian saw that Lind was in a state of thinking again, and couldn't help asking.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Lind looked at Lian, and he repeated it again, his mind still immersed in the previous topic.

If it was really an urgent matter, Lian would not come here. The nine soldiers under his command were absolutely trusted and would definitely rush over at the first time.

Lian walked to Lind's side, took a look at the small butt mark on the bedding, turned around and smoothed her skirt, and sat on it with her butt sticking out.

The big peach crushed the small dent.

Linde suddenly reached out and hugged Lian's waist, and held her on his lap as she exclaimed.

She lowered her head and took a deep breath on Lian's neck and hair.

"My Lord~" she called softly.

"How is the blacksmith shop?" Linde said, "I want you to make something."

Lian's expression became serious when she heard Linde mention serious things.

It doesn't matter what posture you use to chat, as long as the content of the chat is serious.

"We still need some blacksmiths. It's no problem for the undead to do some ordinary armor and weapon maintenance." Lian said, "Like the enchantment you mentioned before, ordinary blacksmith apprentices can't do it. Also, do you really want to teach those undead?"

The blacksmiths in the Novice Village must have mastered the means of "enchantment", but it's a pity that the blacksmiths in Prey Town were killed by the undead themselves. Fortunately, the skills of enchantment are all in Lian's mind.

She is not a weak woman. Maybe she has already assumed countless times what would happen if she was caught alone, and then came up with an answer.

As long as she has valuable knowledge in her head, no one will hurt her easily.

Now she can sit on Linde's lap and communicate with him thanks to the blacksmith knowledge she forced herself to learn early on, otherwise, as a woman, she would have been abandoned long ago.

"No," Linde shook his head: "I can't teach for the time being."

He can be the nanny of the undead and organize a super-large role-playing for the undead's game experience, but he must not let the undead learn to do everything by themselves.

Appropriate role-playing is fine, but the supply and demand relationship must not be messed up.

"I'll pay attention"

Linde is thinking about where to get a blacksmith back. If he can find other novice villages, maybe he can bring a real blacksmith over.

"Are you still busy tonight?" Lian asked softly, hinting at something.

"Not tonight" Linde shook his head: "Not for the recent period of time."

He wanted to be promoted to the upper Lost Soul Knight, and he would choose to abide by the precautions that Miko said, whether they were true or false.

You can twist it, you can lick it, but you can't soak it.

Compared with the improvement of strength, nothing else matters.

Lian looked at Linde with resentment, and then raised her hands: "How about this?"

Linde reached out and pressed her hands, the meaning was self-evident.

When leaving Linde's room, Lian's face was full of resentment.

She knew what the rabbit tooth must have done without thinking.

Watching Lian leave, Linde looked at the box on the ground, and then took out the letter from his fiancée Tione.

"The old nobles will become crazy"

If Miss Miko is right, the strength of the old nobles is almost innate.

Even if undead people appear and new nobles are born, the old nobles are born with stronger power. As long as they are exposed to magic potions, the old nobles will definitely be stronger under the same circumstances.

In a game, what kind of character was once powerful and then fell, causing the crusade of new forces, and still remained pedantic when the gods disappeared, tragic but crazy.

After a little thought, Lind already had the answer in his mind, and there was only this possibility.

"So I am the BOSS."

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