The lord is red again

Chapter 98 Lion Badge

Linde's road to promotion begins now, starting from drinking the first potion of the "Lost Soul Knight".

In addition, Linde will also read "Luo Ning's Handwritten Poems" and "Praise to the Sun" to prepare for the next time.

He believed that the knowledge from the sun and the moon might be able to help him again, for the sake of being considered an "old aristocrat of the Zhenghuang Banner".

Time passes.

The undead people have been getting good news frequently. They have pushed the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road close to the crater. Except for the occasional need to come back to deal with items and experience, the number of undead people staying at the Star Dragon Post has been decreasing. Most of the undead people have chosen to stay at the Star Dragon Post. Stop at Longya Mountain Road.

The population collection work of Old Cherry is also very good, and everything is developing in an orderly manner.

At noon, the sun above our heads was still not disappointing, not bright enough, not hot enough, and even when the wind blew, people worried that the sun would shake twice and suddenly go out.

Town of Prey.

Noisy voices gathered, and the crowd gathered together in twos and threes to discuss.

When the news of Prei Town's opening to the outside world spread, many people chose to hide. They would rather beg for food in the fields than believe in the sudden kindness.

Kindness will be eaten by others, and people who believe in kindness will also be eaten without spitting out their bones.

"You're in luck" the speech had already begun above.

In the crowd, a man huddled in a robe lowered his head slightly and covered his head more tightly with a hood to prevent himself from attracting too much attention.

Fortunately, the people here are a bit stupid. Everyone is busy worrying about themselves and their eyes never stop at others.

Compared with the chatter above, the man wanted to know what exactly happened here. The previous town of Prey was not so... friendly.

I remember that at that time, it was difficult to move around in Prei Town without gold medal tickets. This time he came to visit and accumulated a lot of gold medal tickets.

But who knew, only after arriving here did I know that Prey Town had changed hands and all the gold stamp tickets were invalid. It was too late to turn around and leave. No matter who was in this area, they had to enter Prey Town.

Choose to join actively, or choose to join actively after being beaten.

"Friendly? Tsk" He secretly laughed at himself for being so wicked. The man turned his head and looked at the people around him.

They were sallow and skinny, and had not been able to obtain enough food for a long time. They were unable to resist the soldiers who came to hunt for them in Prey Town, so they had no choice but to be captured.

"With so many people gathered, are they planning to sacrifice?"

Those lunatics who believed in the Lord of Epilepsy were as difficult to treat as cancer no matter where they were. The first thing he thought of was the Madman of Epilepsy.

But the posture didn't look like it, because he didn't see the altar or the blood-red flames.

There was just a chattering old man.

He's still giving a speech!

"Next, everyone must register their own information, everyone!" The people above were still shouting, hoarse: "You just need to remember that people with skills are more likely to have enough to eat. Of course, people with a lot of stupidity can also Can!"

No one asked what would happen if they didn't even have the strength. They were just hungry and dizzy, which didn't mean they were starving.

The men followed the procession, which advanced slowly.

He watched the crowd in front of him being driven forward like pigs, and then he stopped at the long tables set up in front, was questioned, and then arranged to go to different teams, regardless of age, whether they were from a family or not. People were all forcibly separated.

The father and daughter in front were separated, and the girl cried loudly. When the father saw this, he wanted to run back and hug his daughter, but he was beaten with a solid short stick wrapped in leather, telling them that queuing was more important than anything else.

The man watched all this with a blank expression.

"Everyone who breaks the oath deserves everything!" He murmured in his heart.

Finally it was him, and he cooperated and took the initiative to move forward, so as not to be upset by the tentative wooden stick swaying in front of him.

"What's your name?" There was a person sitting behind the desk, holding a pen.

This scene interested him greatly.


There are still people using it, and I saw it here.

"Han" the man answered.

The man quickly wrote down "Han" and continued to ask, including his age, what he was good at, etc.

"Hunting? Of course, my eldest...eldest brother is a well-known archery master. I mean before the end of the world, so my archery skills are pretty good."

"Good at it? Let's make iron."

"The area around here is quite familiar."

The more Han answered, the more he felt something was wrong. It was not that the questions they asked were weird, but that they were inconsistent with the current situation. Do you want to find a job for yourself by asking these questions?

"Hold it, this is your identity." The other party handed over a piece of paper with a line of numbers "122" written on it, which probably meant that Han was the 122nd person.

The other party waved his hand, and then Han was driven away by the soldiers waiting eagerly.

Han knew very well that he was not slowing down, it was just that the other party wanted to wave the stick at him to show his power.

The teams were divided into several categories. Han glanced at them and didn't know which team he should join until he came closer to them with a rustling wooden stick.

It looks like he found an opportunity to swing the stick.

"This way, this!"

Han glanced at the stick. If he broke out now, he could snatch the opponent's stick away in an instant, and he could break the opponent's neck within three breaths.

But it is not easy to escape from this place. Both the crossbow and the chainmail can make him unable to move forward or backward.

"Yes" he lowered his head, and his peripheral vision also swept the satisfied expression on the other person's face.

What a sad privileged villain.

Han walked into a team.

Soon he knew what was waiting for him.

There is really a new job, blacksmithing.

There are not many real blacksmiths here. After receiving the job requirements, Han began to prepare seriously, not giving the covetous little sticks a chance to attack.

It is not ordinary blacksmithing, but making a special badge. There are drawings sent over, and the drawings are very detailed.

On the badge is a lion with its mouth open.

"What is this?"

Han thought he should have seen it wrong. He quietly took out a badge from his arms and quietly compared it. His fingers gently stroked the dragon on the badge. His thick calloused fingers could feel the rough feedback on the badge.

It is very similar to the lion badge on the drawing, but the difference is that his badge has a dragon.

This is an honorary badge that is only given to nobles with titles. Wearing the badge allows you to move freely in the Golden City, and you can even perform simple greetings when you meet nobles.

Compared with the convenience that is almost useless, the honor that the badge itself carries is the most precious.

Recalling carefully, Han seemed to have seen the lion flag before, and he even remembered that a certain famous noble seemed to be related to the lion.

However, he only heard of it and didn't know it. Maybe this badge has a certain relationship with the other party?

"A noble figure appeared in this area?" Han's body was slightly hot, and his heart was beating fast. This was undoubtedly great news.

But he quickly calmed down.

"I should go back, no, I can't go back now. Maybe it's a false joy. I shouldn't let Lord Lance and Lord Bard down."

Han took a deep breath. He decided to be patient and finish making the badge. Maybe there is a chance to get information related to the badge.

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