"Master they are in a stranger, rarely come to the castle." The capping house said.

"It's because the baby is not possible, so they don't like to come to see the baby?" Tong Lele asked.

The seal is ranked quickly, "No, no, no, the lord who specializes in the young master, just the young master strictly, the young master doesn't like to be a point point, interfering with the educational son, so they don't want them to come too frequent."

"I don't worry about it in this castle in this castle. Do you have a self-change? You know that when I go to school, I don't dare to talk to my classmates. Do you not dare to look at their eyes? If you don't have Tongle, I don't play with him, I have no children! "

Tong Lele is very sad, he is very distressed in the current situation of the life of the Agi.

In addition to a cold and boring, there is no fun.

His Mommy is different. It will go out every day to go out, force him to play with other children ...

It is said that the child should have a child's innocent model.

There is also a number of parent-child activities to sign up.

His childhood color is stronger, and the childhood of Agi is quiet, there is no wave, and the day is monotonous.

He followed Mommy, cheerful and lively, and when the first time, when the yin, when he was brought back to the castle, he didn't like the atmosphere of the castle.

Mo Qi Lu Jue is dedicated!

This doesn't make it, don't do it.

Just a few days, he is going to be crazy.

It's really difficult for Ash, not moving, and it is five years old by Mo Jue, and there is still a resentment.

If you change him, I wanted to escape the way.

However, the family has money in the family, he will consider it, and cut the freedom for the money ...

"Little Master, you went to Europe, what happened? Why have you changed it after you come back ..." The seal house is suddenly coming, and there is a little young master who is a little. Some are a little surprised.

"Is it a bit less normal?" Tongle music is white and the housekeeper, "I am not forced by your young master. Grandpa, you said that I have a lovely explosive baby, I was detained like this," How is it pitiful? "

The seal is reached out to stroke the child's head, whispered, "Little Master, wroned you."

"Hey, I'm used to it, I am a good grievance, I am just thinking, I am the same, if I really chase the children's nine, my sister, but my grandfather ... , Do you say that I want to stop the sister? "

Tongle is caught in pensive.

"Little Master, this is not very good! It is hard to open to chase women, but, a man is too long, it is very killing for the body! You don't want you to do things?"

"He can't live in the body! It's like proud, don't say a woman, the man is estimated to be with him." Tong Lele did not say it.

Tongle said, got up, "Baby wants to go back to the room to sleep."

When Tongle was coming out of the work, I saw a tall stary of the movie standing at the desk. He was surprised that he can put into an egg's mouth.

"Hey, will you come back?" Tong Lele sucked God, Charming complied, "Wow! The man in the date is not the same! Spring is full, self-with filter is generally handsome!"

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