The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 115, want me to go to the bubble?

"What is you." Mo Qi's eyebrows and asked.

" ." Tong Jiumo said.

"..." Momi Qi's eyebrows.

"I tell you, I have no money to buy such a large pigeon egg diamond ring."

I like this ocean heart diamond ring, but this is a man, she can't.

I looked at Mo Qi to continue to raise her eyebrows, my face was doubtful.

Tong Jiu Milou is a brain, "You don't want to make money, will you think about me?"

I remembered that the Mo Jue, who had just said, is giving his son to find a favorite.

And the Qustang's thing I have done to her is indeed a man pursue a woman's behavior.

"Cough ..." Mo Jue is pulled.

"Mo Qi, you said, people who marry me are blind, you can't really want to be a blind!" Tong Jiucao remembered their dialogue in the President of the Food Building.

"The play is really much." Mo Qi's voice is cold.

"What do you give me a diamond ring? Do you know that you don't know if you are inexplicably giving me a diamond ring, like it is ..." Tong Jihua found appropriate words, I thought about it, "Just like it Nerve disease is the same! "

And they are not familiar.

Just have several cooperation relationships.

If this is a true ocean heart, how can he easily give people?

Does he really have a neuropathy plus fool?

If this is the case, let her son will pick up the task of the Qi Queu!

Mo Qi done his face and did not pick a child.

Leave it from her side.

"Hey! Mo Jue!"

Children's Jiu Mid took the diamond ring down and followed the footsteps of the Mo.

However, she can't catch up with his pair of long legs.

When I chased the parking lot, I took the bus on the car and took her son away.

"Hey! My son! My son!" Tong Jiu Milou patted a stranger's car, "Mo Jue, you gave me the son!"

However, the sound insulation effect of the car is very good.

Mo Jue is here to hear what Jiubo is saying.

Instead, I sat in the lattice, I waved toward Mum.

When the car is open from the parking lot, Tongle is sitting, looking at the stranger of the gloomy face, "Hey, what do you do with your face? You should not be a distressed ocean heart?"

Tongle is very clear that Momi's heart wear the ocean in the hands of Mommy.

He and Mommy have made big hair!

The heart of the ocean.

He saw it in the safe.

"Hey, the diamond ring in your safe is bouting sister?" Tongle is very excited, asked a mouth.

"Safe?" Mo Jue opened the car, heard the son's words, looked at the rearview of the mirror. "Do you open my safe?"

"Inadvertently opened, you know, the five-year-old child is solemn, see can't open the door, I will unlock the password like the agent in the TV." Tongle music said with his finger. " Hey, I didn't expect Baby, there is still unlocking skills! "

"If you haven't agreed, you will be unlocked, it is theft." Mo Qi's educated his son, "not for example."

"Hey, you are mine, I am also mine, how can I call theft? And I just saw it, and I didn't take it." Tong Lele was not unfolded by Mo Jue.

"Also,, !"

Tongle is standing up, holding a stranger's car chair, looking at Mo Jue, "If you don't, I go to bubble?"

PS: I have a cold, the writing is a bit hard, while writing to sleep, ask for a ticket, ask for a collection ~

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