"I still have something, first left." The thin says that "next time we come out to eat, I invite guests."

"Okay, slowly." Tong Jiimo was very politely congading the thin.

After the thin departure departure, Tong Jiu Mo was tangentious.

"Thank, Mo Jue." Tong Jiu Mo said.

Tong Jiu Milou just left, but he was stretched out of his shoulders by Mo Jue, "I used me, I want to go?"

"What do you want?" Tong Jiubo looked at him.

"Since it is my woman, I will follow me." Mo Qi tied her shoulder, whisper, and look deeply.

"I ... I just said, when you are in the situation, you also know ..." Tong Jiu Milou At this time, Baise said.

"Husband is recognized, you still want to reply, wife?" Mo Que is smashed with darkness.

"You ... you are robbing!" Tong Jihuang suddenly scared.

Who knows that he is a disaster, it actually stresses a big trouble!

Not far from the two little Mengbao in the flowerbed, watching Mommy is being chased by people, thinking that I have to bubble, I looked at each other.

I have been chasing it for so long, I haven't appeared yet!

When they were thrown, the stranger was debuted!

"Ash, just a thin uncle said that our gods used to be terrorists?" Tongle is curiously asked, "Do you know?"

"Know it." Stir away.

"Do you know? Do you actually know? Why don't you tell me?" Tongle was shocked, and his wife was obliquely.

"You didn't ask." The stranger said faintly.

"I don't ask, can you say?" Tongle is frowned.

"The terrorists are not a glorious thing, and they still ruined the earth in the past year." Fortunately, Mommy saved the earth, Mommy will have children in the hospital, knew Mommy After the drop, I rushed to the hospital and I also ended the life of terrorists. "

"You are ..., he is because he can't find Mommy's falling. The big hair is so big. When you are in 'Mommy, I fell in love with Mommy?" Tong Lele predicted asked.

"It is estimated that it is the taste of the birth of the birth, love the taste of Mommy?" Momi's eyebrows, "After all Mommy is the first woman who takes away the first time!"

"Lying in the trough! Be sure to let the mummy to restore the fact!" Tongle said excitedly.

"You are stupid! Child is not suitable for pictures, you also see? If you are not afraid of Mommy mixed with you?" Mr. said, "You have to see yourself, don't pull me, don't pull it together ! "

Mixed double, it is a terrible thing!

Mommy has a fat wife's habit ...

"You are stupid! If the truth is not restored! How to let the mumma give us a few babies come out for us to share it!" Tong Lele has been able to fantasize the future life, anyway, the baby does not understand I can't talk, if he and the Agi committed the wrong, push the mistake to the baby, so that Mommy will not be.

"Will you think too much? Take the personality of the mummy and Mommy, don't you let us do our baby?" The stranger is very worried about this life, "and we want to do something wrong Brother sister, only let the mummy feel that we don't understand that there is no brother sister, but it is more fierce! "

"Tell! Is the second child three children so terrible?" Tong Lele heard a white face.

"More terrible." Said the stranger.

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