"Have you girlfriends? I invite you to eat." Mo Jue looked at the expression on Sophie, asked the Tong Jiubo.

Tong Jiu Mo was afraid that Mo Qi was talking. When Sophie came, he said to Mo Qi, "You hurry, I will ask you to eat again."

"Tomorrow." Mo Qi is hot and iron.

"Okay, no problem!" Tong Jiu Mo agreed.

Mo Jue laughed, really left, when Sophie's followed, but his eyes were indifferent, the eyebrows did not sweep Sophie.

And the sea is cold eyes, let Sophie are in the ice, and she is cold.

Tong Jihuang walked over, seeing Sophie's face, said, "Fifi, you are nothing?"

"I am fine." Sophie came down and shook his head.

"I will go to see Ale, I don't know what this little scorpion is doing now, call me to go downstairs, saying that I have fallen." Tong Jiimo said.

"I haven't found Ale?" Sophie asked.

"No." Tong Jiu Mo screwed his eyebrows.

"Then let's take a look at Ale bar, if you bleed, you should send the hospital to break the injury." Sophie said.

"Well." Tong Jihao said, pick up the phone to Tongle music.

Sophie looked at the figure of Children's Jiun turned and left the phone. She was stunned, and then he looked at the direction of the Mo Jue, she thought, chasing it.

"Mr. Mr.!" Sophie shouted at Mo Qi.

Mo Qi Si Shu, footage, "Is there something?"

Sophie walked over, respectfully bowed, and then took a breath and said, "Mr. Mo, what is your relationship with Momo?"

"Miss Su thinks?" Moshi Qi Jue handsome eyebrows.

Sophie did, "Mr. Mori," Mr. Mori, is nothing to do with Momo, and Momo did not hurt her later. "

Tong Jiu Mo will not harm people, and have always lived in life.

He was treated as the Qustang, a sound girl, will be crazy as the Qi Qi Qi.

Tong Jihuang was therefore a mental abnormality for a while, and she couldn't bear to see the crime of Jiubo, the child's nine mobs.

If you come again, Tong Jiubo will not hold.

"I will not hurt her, but I still have to marry her." Mo Jue said faintly.

Sophie, shocked, watching his breath, "What do you say? Do you want to marry Momo?"

"What is the expression of Miss Su?" Mo Qi is not satisfied with Sophie's expression.

"Mr. Mr. Mr., are you serious or play?" Sophie wily frowned.

"Miss Su, you care about the children's nine Mo Mo, is it honey? Who doesn't want your own sisters to marry a good man, but you have to block it?"

Mo Qi Yu is unpleasant.

This Sophie is concerned about Tong Jiumo, let him suspect that Sophie's feelings of Tong Jiumo.


Tong Jihuang's voice came from behind, "Ale said that children played out, no need to find him."

Sophie heard the voice of Tong Jiumo, slowly came, just left, but he was called by Mori, "Standing."

"Mr. Mr. Mr., is there anything?" Sophie is under.

"If you dare to say a word before the child's ninem, your everything will be big." Mo Qi warned the tone.

Mo Jue is finished, just get on the bus.

Su Fei is in the same place, and she is looking for her in Tong Jihua, she slowed down.

"Fifi, you and Mo Jue people know?" Tong Jiumo looked at Sophie, and asked a sentence.

Sophie has eased, "Momo, Ale and Mo Jue have seen it?"

PS: Tickets ~ Few can write a chapter in the early morning, ask a ticket to collect it ~ There is also a message Ha ~

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