The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 147, you still recorded a video?

"Well." Tong Jihai nodded.

"This is your homework, I love you so much, just let you write it." Tongle music opened this child, took a pen, "said, I listen."

Tong Jiu Mo said, "My Mom and Dad is in love with history?"

After Tongle was written, suddenly didn't fall below, looked up, looked at the children's nine, "Continue, how to stop?"

"It's finished." Tong Jiumo took the cherry on the side and said.

"So fast? Talent four words?" Tongle's eyes are wide.

"I have not talked about love, how do you say?" Tong Jiubo reached his hand to some children's forehead, "Tomorrow, I will go."

"I will be written like this ..." Tongle was crying and said.

"That stay, I will pass by you late." Tong Jiumo said.

"It's not my stay, it is Mommy you ..." Tongle is holding down the chin and said to the pen in his hand.

"What? I have a book? It is not my reading ..." Tong Jiu Mofi frowned, "What to do school?"

"International Primary School." Tong Lele replied to the question of Jiubo.

"And still invested by Mo Jue, the big shareholder." Tong Lele did not forget to add a sentence.

"His education is involved?" Tong Jiubo asked.

"What industry does not involve? So handsome so much so much money, you are not a heart?" Tong Lele looked at the Toyo Mid.

"What is your heart?" Tong Jiou got a head of a little happy.

"Is it? Mommy is forced the wall and kisses people, you still don't worry?"

Jiu Milou just got up, he heard Tongle music, asked, "How do you know?"

"I witnessed the scene, and ... I recorded a video ..." Tongle is happy, touch my mobile phone, as baby.

"You still recorded a video?" Tong Jiu Mo frowned.

"Yeah, is Mommy to see? Send you a copy?" Tongle plead.

"I do so, I want to be angry with Xiaochen." Tong Jiumei said.

"Pressing your hot character, you can directly explore the brothers and smashes, why do you want to fight Friends?" Tong Lele asked very curious.

"I ..." Tong Jihuang heard the words, and it didn't say something between it.

Also instantly calm down, let's think, I feel that I have a strong behavior of the Qi Mo, the behavior is too crazy.

How can she not think about Momi?

"Mommy, is it? I haven't said it!" Tongle music said with a little proudly.

"I have! I am just a time to find injured, you will do this." Tong Jiu Mohong face, and said.

"Mummy, obviously you were addicted by Momi! So when you are born by the palace, take this opportunity to kiss the seventh day?" Tongle is poked in Tong Jiumo.

"Hu said!" Tong Jiu Milou said.

"Which is non-said, I see, I am in the time of Mommy Spring." Tongle said with a smile.

"Small rabbit scorpion, do you want to be!" Tong Jiu Milou reached out, he wants to be happy.

"Mommy, you can't move, you have to be baby, how do you like a Mori Qi!" Tongle carefully guarded his little PP and said distressed.

"How do you know that I am like the Qi Qi?" Asked Tong Jiubo.

"Agi said, he said that he went home to go home and chaotic him." Tongle was able to turn around the group of Jiubo, and bowed to the children's nine.

PS: Tickets

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